Book Cover Image of The Color of My Soul by Melanie S. Hatter

The Color of My Soul
by Melanie S. Hatter

    Publication Date: Nov 15, 2011
    List Price: $16.95
    Format: Paperback, 214 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780931846984
    Imprint: Washington Writers’ Publishing House
    Publisher: Washington Writers’ Publishing House
    Parent Company: Washington Writers’ Publishing House

    Paperback Description:

    Kira Franklin, a black newspaper reporter in Southwest Virginia in 1993, begins to question her own culture when she pursues a story on a local Cherokee community raising money to reclaim ancestral lands. The Harper family is part of a long line of Cherokee tribe leaders, and their knowledge and devotion to retaining their history make Kira long for a sense of place, a sense of self. But the history she knows about her own family - that her father fought and died in Vietnam - gets turned on its head when her mother announces that her father is not only alive and has come back to see her, but that he is white.

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