Book Cover Image of When We Were Black by Blakk Jack Samm

When We Were Black
by Blakk Jack Samm

    Publication Date: Jun 25, 2016
    List Price: $20.99
    Format: Paperback, 332 pages
    Classification: Nonfiction
    ISBN13: 9781524614461
    Imprint: AuthorHouse
    Publisher: Author Solutions
    Parent Company: Najafi Companies

    Paperback Description:

    The book is called When We Were Black. I came up with the book, or the book came up to me several years ago. It was during one Christmas holiday spent time with children and grandchildren, while I was relating to my family’s diverse tree, when one of my daughters informed me that her children did not consider themselves a color, speaking of Black. Initially, I was insulted because black was never a color but was a very serious movement during the 1960s and 1970s.

    Well, I had to consider whether I had impressed this point to my own children and spoke to others who were having similar conversations with the younger generation. I felt serious enough about it to write a book diagramming my road to being Black because back then you were a "Negro" or "Colored" on your birth certificate. Being that this was on your birth certificate, the parents continued calling themselves that. It was a big thing, radical, to tell your parents that you were black because, for many, it was revolutionary.

    A revolution is nothing but change, and we were attempting to change the world. I would guess that I am embarking on changing the world now because many do not see the significance between African American and black. There is a significant difference, which the book explains.

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