Book Cover Image of The Stone Thrower by Jael Richardson

The Stone Thrower
by Jael Richardson

    Publication Date: May 10, 2016
    List Price: $18.95
    Format: Hardcover, 32 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    Target Age Group: Picture Book
    ISBN13: 9781554987528
    Imprint: Groundwood Books
    Publisher: Anansi Press
    Parent Company: Anansi Press

    Hardcover Description:

    African-American football player Chuck Ealey grew up in a segregated neighborhood of Portsmouth, Ohio. Against all odds, he became an incredible quarterback. But despite his unbeaten record in high school and university, he would never play professional football in the United States.

    Chuck Ealey grew up poor in a racially segregated community, but his mother assured him that he wouldn’t stay in Portsmouth forever. Education was the way out, and a football scholarship was the way to pay for that education. So despite the racist taunts he faced at all the games he played in high school, Chuck maintained a remarkable level of dedication and determination. And when discrimination followed him to university and beyond, Chuck Ealey remained undefeated.

    This inspirational story is told by Chuck Ealey’s daughter, author and educator Jael Richardson, with striking and powerful illustrations by award-winning illustrator Matt James.

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