Book Cover Image of Gift Of Revelation by Robert Fleming

Gift Of Revelation
by Robert Fleming

    Publication Date: Feb 24, 2015
    List Price: $14.95
    Format: Paperback, 288 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781601626936
    Imprint: Urban Christian
    Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corp.
    Parent Company: Kensington Publishing Corp.

    Paperback Description:

    In this third installment of the Gift series, Reverend Clint and Addie
    are finally settling down in Harlem following their Alabama adventure, during which they help black farmers. Addie, a former schoolteacher, loves New York City, with its glittering tourist sites. When she meets Dr. Bentley Gomes, a missionary just back from Africa, she is alarmed to learn of the worsening human rights crisis in Sudan. Addie is intrigued by the need for volunteers to aid those caught in the bloody war in this region. Meanwhile, Reverend Clint encounters African refugees, and their stories of suffering and pain tug at his soul.

    Before Reverend Clint realizes what is going on, Addie volunteers to go to Sudan. The pastor follows her on this unforgettable journey of discovery and revelation, into the dangerous region, where they confront famine, violence, and religious persecution. As Addie plunges into this hell, she wants Reverend Clint to make a lasting commitment to her. She wants something solid but wonders if they’ll make it out alive. Will the Sudan adventure transform their admiration for each other into fully realized love? Or will Sudan, with its violent extremists, corrupt politicians, heroic doctors, and long-suffering refugees, derail them from intimacy and trust?

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