Book Cover Image of Memoirs of an Accidental Hustler by J.M. Benjamin

Memoirs of an Accidental Hustler
by J.M. Benjamin

    Publication Date: Feb 28, 2017
    List Price: $14.95
    Format: Paperback, 288 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781622864737
    Imprint: Urban Books
    Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corp.
    Parent Company: Kensington Publishing Corp.

    Paperback Description:
    A Brownstone in the Bed-Sty area of Brooklyn New York, traded in for a housing projects in a small town where his grandmother resided in Plainfield New Jersey, Kamil takes you on a journey of how he was exposed to another world and a different breed of people than he was used to in the city that became his home. Bonded by the absences of their fathers, he and his brother befriend a group of boys from the neighborhood and form an un-breakable bond, vowing not to travel down the same road as their dads, making a pact to stay in school and out of the streets. Kamil also takes you through his personal experience with the opposite sex, as a childhood crush develops into something much more. As this story un-folds, walk with Kamil as he transitions from childhood to teen into young adulthood and struggles with the very things his mother walked away from and tried so hard to prevent he and his brother from embracing. What starts out as a game and a means of survival Ultimately ends up serious and addictive. This is the memoir of an Accidental Hustler

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