Book Cover Image of The God Particle 2 by Marvis Johnson and SLMN

The God Particle 2
by Marvis Johnson and SLMN

    Publication Date: Jan 26, 2021
    List Price: $14.95
    Format: Paperback, 288 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781733304122
    Imprint: Kingston Imperial
    Publisher: Kingston Imperial
    Parent Company: Kingston Imperial

    Paperback Description:

    “Does fiction get much darker … Deliberate and creepy, "this taps into genuine human traits like fear, greed, and stupidity.”
    —Library Journal on Sunfail

    On the mean streets where dog eats dog there is always one that has sharper claws and bigger teeth, and in New York her name is Egypt. Never an ordinary girl, Egypt learned the hard way that life, even when it is being kind, is a bastard. A survivor, she did what she needed to make it from day-to-day. And it turned out she was good at it. Better than good. Egypt grew into an extraordinary woman, cold, ruthless, a killer at heart, and New York witnessed her metamorphosis from that innocent child to the most feared assassin of the age.

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