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Keeping the Faith (Faith Series)
by Vanessa Miller

    Publication Date: Oct 10, 2011
    List Price: $9.99
    Format: Paperback, 192 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781493544288
    Imprint: CreateSpace
    Publisher: On-Demand Publishing LLC
    Parent Company:, Inc.

    Read a Description of Keeping the Faith (Faith Series)

    Book Description: What if God doesn’t answer in the way you want? What if trouble comes when you least expect it? These questions and many others have been answered by the authors of the Keeping The Faith anthology. Whether you re dealing with an unexpected illness, the loss of a parent, the drug addiction of a spouse, abuse, infertility or spiritual weakness Keeping The Faith will inspire, uplift and give each reader the ability to trust God no matter the situation. Reading the amazing stories in this anthology will strengthen the reader’s resolve and give them the ability to keep the faith!

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