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Love. Hope. Faith: Anthology (Volume 1)
by Vanessa Miller

    Publication Date: Feb 18, 2015
    List Price: $12.95
    Format: Paperback, 166 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781508505334
    Imprint: CreateSpace
    Publisher: On-Demand Publishing LLC
    Parent Company:, Inc.

    Read a Description of Love. Hope. Faith: Anthology (Volume 1)

    Book Description: Stories of Love, Hope and Faith line the pages of this spiritually uplifting anthology produced by bestselling author, Vanessa Miller. Love. Hope. Faith. will take you on a journey toward your happy place. The contributing writers of this anthology pour out their hearts to deliver soul-stirring, Godly stories of triumph. The Love. Hope. Faith. anthology will touch your heart as it allows you to believe again.

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