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Click for more detail about The Stork Market: America’s Multi-Billion Dollar Unregulated Adoption Industry by Mirah Riben The Stork Market: America’s Multi-Billion Dollar Unregulated Adoption Industry

by Mirah Riben
Advocate Publications (Mar 01, 2007)
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Expose of the privatization of the adoption industry; the indistinguishable line between gray and black market; the scams and rip-offs; exploitation in both domestic and international infant adoption markets where the children are the commodity and prices are set based on quality (i.e. age, race, health)while 143,000 children linger in foster care. Extensively researched and documented inside report of the lack of regulations that allow anyone to call themselves an adoption "professional" and arrange adoptions. Questions whether the money can be removed from adoption and return it to a service which puts the best interest of children first instead of simply allowing anyone who pay - including pedophiles - to "adopt" a child. Goes further than Riben’s first book - "shedding light on…The Dark Side of Adoption" (1988) and reveals for the first time Riben’s involvement in the notorious Stenberg murder case in NYC.

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