Celebrating the Strength of Black Women, Our Elders, Black History, and Black Art

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Black women are beautiful, intelligent, and capable — but mostly they embrace strong. An informative guide to healing, Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen by esteemed clinical psychologist, Dr. Inger Burnett-Zeigler is life-changing, showing Black women how to prioritize the self and find everyday joys in self-worth, as well as discover the fullness and beauty within both her strength and vulnerability. More ?


Black History: An Inclusive Account of American History, is co-authored by former school superintendent Dr, Walter Milton, Jr. and former NBA Washington Wizards Chaplain, Dr. Joel Freeman. The Black History 365 curriculum is much different from other curricula on the market because it not only provides students the core subject matter, but also it teaches them how to handle the tough issues associated with race by understanding and utilizing skills to demonstrate cultural competency and humility (the ability to understand someone else’s experience without bias). As the nation grapples with current tensions around systemic racism, this curriculum seeks to be a solution in our public school system.

In the spirit of cooperative economics, this textbook can not be purchased on Amazon’s site. It is exclusively available from the publisher, a majority Black-owned company. More ?


American culture is fixated on youth, often marginalizing the most important members of our society — our elders. “Lift Every Voice” from Oprah Daily, tells the life stories of successful people, from our oldest generation, in series of wonderful articles.

This series is particularly important to me because it includes an article about publishing icon Marie Dutton Brown. Marie is the “mother” of too many publishing professionals and writers to relate here, but know that Troy Johnson is one of her many children. AALBC could not be where it is today without her counsel and support. Marie’s impact on the Black book world is profound.

The “Lift Every Voice” series of articles are great. Please read and share them.


Pigment International is a multi-media arts platform that evangelizes for Black art, curation, and innovation. Based in Chicago, the organization uses arts journalism to advance the Black contemporary aesthetic in the visual arts; we honor the history and relevance of historical Black Art; and they serve as a connector for emerging creators, collectors, curators, investors, and other stakeholders. They create customized programming that sparks dialogue and inspires our constituents. They are also the publishers of Pigment Magazine and founders of Black Fine Art Month.

The Premier Issue of Pigment Magazine is a 53 page coffee table worthy publication which highlight artists, collectors, curators and others vested in the Black Fine Art Movement. This is sure to be a collector’s item; get the Premier issue today.


Author, Wendy Jones shares her journey on the on going promotion of her book with the #ReadingBlack community on AALBC.

“Every book is different, but I thought it might be helpful to you, my fellow writers and independent publishers, to come on this journey with me.

I feel as if I am perpetually falling behind schedule in doing what’s needed to get The Culinary Art Portfolio of Josephine E. Jones into the hands of readers who will be uplifted by it.”


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AALBC videos have been viewed more than 1.2 million times without promotion, just organic reach. I cover aspects of the Black book world that is often not covered by mainstream media. The best way to help me celebrate our authors, businesses, and events is to watch our videos and subscribe to AALBC’s YouTube Channel.


Dear Reader,

As always, you are why I’ve been able to make AALBC the premier online platform for books by, or about, Black people. Your paid subscription, book purchases, suggestions, engagement on the site, commenting, social sharing, and advertisements helps support AALBC’s mission to celebrate Black books and authors.

Also, if you are in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, in August, look out for my new pop-up bookstore, The Black Wall Street Book Store (blackwallstreetbookstore.com). I will showcase local authors and books related to the Tulsa Race Massacre.

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson
Founder & Webmaster, AALBC.com


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? AALBC.com eNewsletter — June 29, 2021 - Issue #328