Famous African American Authors


Famous African American Authors

Famous African American AuthorsSometimes you just want a book to kick back with and unwind during a vacation. It’s time for your mind to relax, not be exercised. Fun is what you are looking for in a good read during these times. There are many famous African American authors who produce just this kind of enjoyable getaway literature. Other times what you are looking for is a book that will stimulate your mind and provoke conversation with friends in a book club. There are other African American fiction authors who create just this kind of novel.

We invite you to explore the world of black authors. Don’t stay only within the safety of known names. Try new, unproven writers - who knows, you might discover a future Pulitzer Prize winner! The Black voice in literature is distinctive and captivating. Explore the many choices and we’re sure you will add several new names to your list of favorite authors.

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Distinctive African American Fiction Authors

As the lives of Black people have changed over the decades so has the literature they produced. African American fiction authors tended to focus understandably on the issue of slavery prior to the Civil War. This issue so infused every moment of Black people’s lives that it was impossible to envision anything without slavery at its core. While the single minded focus of this era can be uncomfortable for many European people today it created a number of slave narratives that are still studied by young people in high schools and colleges. Later works explored racism and prejudice, and tended to have strong religious undertones.

Today’s famous African American authors often explore the more subtle differences present in the lives of people of color today. Works by Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, and Maya Angelou promote understanding for the black experience in all segments of American life.

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Last Updated: Monday, September 18, 2017