Noteworthy Books by Katrina Adams, Véronique Tadjo, Janus Adams, and More

Own the Arena AALBC

The U.S. Open has been described as a 14-day Superbowl and for 5 years Katrina Adams was running the show. As the first black woman and youngest person to hold the position of President and CEO of the US Tennis Association, Adams knows a thing or ten about overcoming challenges and achieving greatness, and she’s ready to show you how. Rich with a variety of professional and personal, real-life scenarios, Own the Arena presents invaluable information on meeting life’s challenges. More ?


In the Company of Men by Véronique Tadjo

This novel of connected vignettes is made richer with interwoven material, ranging from song lyrics and scientific facts to poetry and folk tales.

Tadjo brings together a chorus of voices that give shape to the causes and consequences of the Ebola crisis. Beginning with two village boys who venture from their village to hunt in a nearby forest, where they shoot down bats with glee, and cook their prey over an open fire. Within a month, they are dead. The reader hears from a man who communicates with his fiancée through poetry when she is separated from him at a hospital; the sagacious Baobab tree, who warns of the dangers of climate change; and even Ebola itself, a sardonic centuries-old scourge. More ?


Mouths of Rain: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Thought by Briona Simone Jones

A groundbreaking collection tracing the history of intellectual thought by Black Lesbian writers, in the tradition of The New Press’s perennial seller Words of Fire.

Taking its title from a poem by Audre Lorde, Mouths of Rain uses “Black Lesbian” as a capacious signifier, which includes writing by Black women who have shared intimate and loving relationships with other women, Black women who have written about Black Lesbians, and Black women who theorize about and see the word lesbian as a political descriptor that disrupts and critiques capitalism, heterosexism, and heteropatriarchy. Mouths of Rain addresses pervasive issues such as misogynoir and anti-blackness while also attending to love, romance, “coming out,” and the erotic. More ?


Sister Days: 365 Inspired Moments in African American Women’s History by Janus Adams

A limited number of autographed, 1st edition, 22-year-old, hardcover copies are available.

Throughout history, African American women have tapped hidden sources of strength and inspiration to conquer impossible odds. They have persevered through dangerous times. They have nurtured families, loved knowledge, and pursued dreams as various and different as the women who dreamed them. Along the way, they have forged new identities, fought for human rights, and made history. Janus Adams offers us a daily invitation to share in this life-affirming legacy. More ?


Black Pearl by Gibran Tariq

When Princess Washington, all of a sudden, decides that the church is cheating her out of a social life, she takes it upon herself to see just how green the grass is on the other side of the church’s door. Without delay, Princess chooses a path to the street life where she is pleasantly surprised by the wide variety of sinful temptations. The allure of the streets beckons much too brightly for the young choir-girl who experiments with sex and drugs until she realizes that the road she is on is not a path to self-fulfillment—-but a Highway to Hell! More ?


Preorder Limitation of Life by d. E. Rogers and Save 31%

Everything comes at a cost.

When Brodie’s sister dies, her death kills his future…

Certain she was murdered for her research and work on building a time machine, he must use her device to go back in time and save her life. But nothing is ever so simple. Betrayed by those he thinks he can trust and with alternate timelines piling up, Brodie quickly discovers that every trip back changes something. More ?


In case you missed the recent African American Children’s Book Fair you can still check out and purchase the participating author’s books.


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Troy Johnson
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? eNewsletter — February 23, 2021 - Issue #319