Online Discussion TODAY: “Black Books in the Age of the Coronavirus” Plus Get a Free Stock

Black-Book -Shoppers

Dear Reader,

I often speak about the “Black Book Ecosystem” and why it is so important to us, as a culture, to maintain our agency when it comes to determining how our stories are told. #readingblack is one effort and these community conversations are another.

Today, March 22, from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Eastern, I to invite you to participate our first community conversation;

Black Books in the Age of the Coronavirus

If you are an author, educator, librarian, publisher, retailer, wholesaler, literacy program leader, or reader interested in supporting books that celebrate people of African descent, we need your voice as part of this important conversation.

The conversation will take place online, in the form of a Zoom video conference, and will be led by;

? Paul Coates (Black Classic Press, Baltimore, MD);
? Kassahun Checole (African World Press, Trenton, NJ);
? James Fugate (Eso Won Books, Los Angeles, CA);
? Shirikiana Germina (Sankofa Video and Books Washington, DC);
? Cheryl and Wade Hudson (Just Us Books, West Orange, NJ); and
? Troy Johnson (, Tampa, FL)
? Paul Coates (Black Classic Press, Baltimore, MD);
? Kassahun Checole (African World Press, Trenton, NJ);
? James Fugate (Eso Won Books, Los Angeles, CA);
? Shirikiana Germina (Sankofa Video and Books Washington, DC);
? Cheryl and Wade Hudson (Just Us Books, West Orange, NJ); and
? Troy Johnson (, Tampa, FL)

This will be the first of several conversations featuring a variety of individuals actively involved, often behind the scenes, in the business of books. You must register, in advance, if you are interested in joining us.


Reader, as stocks prices begin to plunge it may be a good time to enter the stock market. If you have never dabbled in stocks, now may be a great time. As brokers compete for business, individuals can now trade stock as at now cost. One broker Robinhood now offers the opportunity to get a free stock TODAY without spending a single penny:

My daughter sent me a link, like the one above, and I got a free share of FORD the same day. It was trading at $4.28 when I got it and it is now up 7 cents a day later :-) Once you join you can create your own link and get even more free stocks — again for free!

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson