Your Plantation Prom is Not Okay, a Must-Read

platation prome

A sharp-witted, timely novel that explores cancel culture, anger, and grief, and challenges the romanticization of America’s racist past with humor and heart.

Why McWilliams wrote Your Plantation Prom is Not Okay:
Periodically, a celebrity of some kind gets married on a plantation. It hits the news, people express outrage, an apology is or is not made…and then somehow we all forget about it and the cycle starts over again. From the perspective of a novelist, that’s both fascinating and horrifying. Grown adults continue to disrespect historical sites and worse, some schools in the South still host proms at old plantations, perpetuating that culture. When someone pretends that a plantation is about love and good old-fashioned family values, it keeps us on very different wavelengths. For me, as an often white-presenting person, I’ve been running smack into that other wavelength my whole life. No matter our race, we all need to grieve the legacy of slavery to move forward. Buy the Book ?

About Kelly McWilliams:
Kelly McWilliams is a mixed-race writer. She is the author of Agnes at the End of the World, Mirror Girls, and Your Plantation Prom is Not Okay. She’s written for TIME, Publisher’s Weekly, and Bustle, among other outlets. She lives in Seattle with her family.


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