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Story Collections



My second story collection, Looking West and West, is a collection of 18 stories followed by 18 poems; in the work, 18 story is to the most lifefull in their heart fore 18 poem to those mature in body or will; it is the second in my story collection series, the first being Sunset Children Stories. In Sunset Children Stories two part exist: fables and tales.

A preview is available for the ebook on the official kobo page. Check it out and at some time, leave your review on the official kobo page. Any question or thought, you can respond in this blog.

If you want to hear an excerpt from Sunset Children Stories, use the following audio stream

Below is an excerpt from another book, The Janidogo


If you want to check out my writing style, or just enjoy a free book, please utilize the following
Sunset Children Stories: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/sunset-children-stories  
Looking West and West: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/looking-west-and-west  
Janidogo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-janidogo  
The Gospel of Joseph: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/gospel-of-joseph  
The Nyotenda FREE : https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-nyotenda   Includes a comic. The following link is an excerpt LINK

prime new logo 02.jpg


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I will share the plea from a Librarian My students need your help! I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed. So I've created a classroom project request at DonorsChoose.org, an award-winning charity.
I'm asking for donations of any size to help my kids.If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your donation will brighten my students' school year, and you'll get photos and thank yous from our class.
Here's my classroom request:


My students and I greatly appreciate your support.
Ms. Murray

Edited by richardmurray
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Rain from Maya Glick is a film kickstarted successfully, akin to Whoppie Goldberg's Moms Mably documentary
I know Black Panther is having a hollywood financially backed film in the works? Can Iron First, Cleopatra Jones, or a Milestone comic [rest in peace dwayne mcduffie] get a similar kickstarted film made? Maybe Nollywood even?
What character will you like a movie to, gardless genre[romance, fantasy, crime]?

Edited by richardmurray
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Tropical Tunic Collection from Fly Tie
I quote Fly Tie : Admittedly, it hasn't been easy--or maybe the better word is convenient-- to pursue design/sewing activities in the last year given all that comes with having a baby as well as living in a space that doesn't necessarily lend itself to doing much of anything other than relaxing, playing, and preparing/eating good food.
 Last month though, I was inspired by some of the beautiful views that we witness on a day-to-day basis living right on the ocean on the west side of this island.(read the remainder in the article, if you want to buy go to the Etsy)
Article Link
Etsy shop link


Edited by richardmurray
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Fashion with identity of designer Mônica Anjos, seated above
Her work is worn on the musician Fabiana Cozza http://www.fabianacozza.com.br/
Monica Anjos information
Shop Name: Loja Mônica Anjos
Shop Address: Travessa Bartholomeu de Gusmão, 52 – Praia da Paciência –  Rio Vermelho – Salvador, Bahia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/estilistamonicaanjos

The model in her work is Aline Andrade(if you know her online presence please inform). For views from the designer, go to the article link
Article link
Aline Andrade


Edited by richardmurray
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Jornal Afronta - a new newspaper catering to the Black community in Minais Gerais Brasil- created from Etiene Martins
I paraphrase the article: “Releasing Jornal Afronta is for me the realization of a dream. Many ask me, but why a black newspaper for blacks? And I answer, why does no one ask this question when they sees a newspaper made by whites for whites? Since we blacks are in ‘fashion’, as they say, we should gain prominence on the covers of newspapers and magazines, but it is for our deeds and achievements and not as criminals, imprisoned, killed or on the run,” Etienne emphasizes. ... The Black Women’s March, held in downtown Belo Horizonte on May 13, with 500 women from 65 Minas Gerais cities, is the cover story of the first issue of Jornal Afronta. Coverage of the event by the Minas Gerais press disappointed Etienne Martins; She said: “Some newspapers covered it and took lots of pictures, but the next day, when I picked up the O Tempo newspaper to check it out, there was a line on the cover about the subject, but the photo chosen was of two white women. For me it was the last straw and I found that it was necessary to launch a Minas newspaper to give appropriate visibility to black people,” Read more including an interview involving Jornal Afronta Publisher Etiene Martins.
Article Link
Afronta( http://www.afronta.org/ ) The organization helping to organize Jornal Afronta Note: they operate as the liason to Jornal Afronta through their contact   facebook  twitter
Raca Brasil - Note: It is owned from Universo Online , UOL is owned from Grupo Folha, primarily owned from the Frias family. Sequentially, Raca Brasil is not a Black owned magazine.
Release Party to Jornal Afronta


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Romance Writing Life Competition
Calling any Romance Author who has a new work in the books.
Official Link http://www.romancewritingcompetition.com/
Publishing giant Mills & Boon, high-street bookseller WHSmith, online eBook retailer Kobo along with the self-publishing platform Kobo Writing Life have partnered up to the end of offering  the Romance Writing Life competition.
The winning novelist will be awarded the grand prize of a publishing contract with  Mills & Boon, including both print and digital release. The book will be jointly promoted by Kobo, Mills & Boon and WHSmith.
Second and third prize winners will be awarded the brand new Kobo Glo HD.
Authors will submit a synopsis and first chapter of their romance novel, up to a maximum of 5,500 words, which will be reviewed by a judging panel.
The entry deadline is July 31st, 2015
To be eligible for this competition, the author must reside in the UK, Canada, or the United States.
Every author must have an active Kobo Writing Life account to enter the competition. You can register for an account here. https://www.kobo.com/writinglife
The submitted title should be an original, unpublished or self-published, fictional Romance novel, to which the author owns all the rights. We are accepting any and all Romance genres, including but not limited to Historical Romance, New Adult Romance, Contemporary Romance, and Paranormal Romance.
Authors are required to submit a synopsis of no longer than 500 words, and the first chapter of the manuscript of no longer than 5,000 words. Though only the first chapter is required, the winner must be prepared to submit a full manuscript of 70,000 words or more to Mills & Boon on or about September 30, 2015.
 Read full Terms and Conditions here http://www.romancewritingcompetition.com/?page_id=241


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Goldest Karat Publishing is a Black Owned Children Book firm, designed to cater to the Black market exclusively, ala Boutique.
I quote the firm: We are a boutique black-owned publishing company seeking to fill the diversity gap in traditional publishing by providing readers with high quality children's books featuring characters of African descent.
All books are available in the Amazon network.

The owner or main creator is Crystal Swain Bates


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The Festival Latinidades is an annual event of nearly one week that highlights the experience of black women of Latin American and the Caribbean that takes place in Brazil’s capital city Brasília every year. It shines spotlight on talents and versatility of the feminine African Diaspora; scholars, intellectuals debate the position of black women and, now in its eighth edition, it is the largest black women’s festival in Latin America. Every year the event coincides with the July 25th celebration of the Afro-Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Day.  If you know the festival location online, please inform me through a private message.

Janaina Oliveira who attended this year Festival Latinidades

The link below is an interview [in english] to Janaína Oliveira concerning her thought to Black cinema
Article Link
The online channel Tá bom pra você? , showcased in Festival Latinidades


The link below showcase Black Cultural Site online concerning Black Brazilian Culture : Cultne a digital online Black cultural library started or maintained from Don Filo http://www.cultne.com.br/ , Tá bom pra você?  from Kenia Maria or Érico Brás https://www.youtube.com/user/brasbando
Article Link


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IF you are in NYC or know someone in NYC who is willing to donate supplies, please read or share or be active in the following
Community School Supply Fundraiser
Sunday, August 16th 2015
Crotona Park East
1 p.m.

Edited by richardmurray
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I like this program and as a Kobo author, I hope you all relate your local bookstore to this program. To be blunt, most Black owned Bookstore are local. The Kobo program is self serving, to bring positive finance to Kobo, yet it can give a small lift to a local bookstore.
What is the name to one Black owned bookstore in the city you live in ?
article link
associating a local bookstore <not barnes and noble>


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Hi Richard this is an interesting program.  I just shared my list of the remaining Black owned independent stores on the website. I'm not aware of any remaining Black owned bookstore chains.  

No Richard, you would not be going out on a limb to say that all Black owned bookstores are local.  Author, Carl Weber operated several stores in several cities but those are closed as far as I can tell.  Karibu have several using in DC, MD and VA, but those all closed.  There were a couple of other with more than one stores, but again they are either closed or down to one store like Marcus Books in CA.

I don't think the Kobo program will be very helpful, at least not in the Black community.  

Black people overwhelming by books/eBooks through Amazon.  Indeed, I do not think I have sold a single Kobo eBook.  On my Power List website, I link to IndieBound (they sell books online for local bookstores and ebooks for the kobo platform.)

On the new version of AALBC.com website I will present the option to buy via Indiebound at the same level of prominence as buying from Amazon, but I have very little hope people will take advantage of that option.  I have never earned a penny through affiliate commissions from Indiebound.  

When I publish surveys people never say they download Kobo ebooks.

I also think there are indications that dedicated ebook readers have plateaued and may even be in the decline, along with readership eBooks

Amazon's hugh push for Prime members with future bodes poorly for Kobo's position.  Any slack B&N Nook has provided will be sucked up by Amazon.  Even Amazon's opponents are Prime members...


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Thank you to providing the link. I concur wholeheartedly that the Kobo program will not be welcomed in the Black reading community wholesale. As I said to Myspace (in esocial environment), Kobo will be around forever in the same way. The global fiscal capitalistic model combine to modern media demand any firm that reach a certain level can retain a place as long as they are breaking even. Kobo will be around so, even if people trickle in, I am content in Kobo being around; that lead to the only issue Kobo has as a publishing house, the writers in house.

As a writer, I feel writers have to do better. In the end, a publishing house is only as fiscally profitable or as well known balanced to the various author in it. Kobo was started late; it serve a particular market, a non english speaking market; it grew a little, remaining a minnow, and was bought into the Rakuten media empire, which is based in the non english speaking market. Inline, I comprehend the two main problem to Kobo: their general market is against the functional (whether accepted or not) global language, or their market is small. As a Black writer in their house, I have to cognize that in my books; my current project will be more considerate to this. Though, I am lucky to accept what all writer must accept: Poe only made profit from one work, his poem the Raven. No matter the literary quality in any work, the fiscal return need not reflect it. All a writer can do, in any house, is keep writing.

And, so we push on Troy:) us minnows.

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Interview to N.K. Jemisin from GoodReads Excerpt, link to full interview below
Goodreads: In The Fifth Season the world is at the whim of apocalyptic earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides—and the select few who can control them. What inspired such a natural disaster-focused fantasy?

N.K. Jemisin: I had a dream of a woman doing the "badass power walk" with a mountain falling behind her. And at that point I had to come up with an explanation: Why does this woman have a pet mountain? Why does she look like she's about to throw it at someone? And why do I get the sense that she can throw it at someone?

And I've always been fascinated by seismic stuff in general, probably because I have grown up in parts of the country that had no mountains and no earthquakes. And volcanoes are cool as hell. Geysers are cool as hell. The idea that Yellowstone is this ticking time bomb is fascinating. Horrifying but fascinating! And I'm usually fascinated by horrifying things. It's a wonder I'm not a horror writer.

Full Interview to N.K. Jemisin from GoodReads is below


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thanks for sharing information about this author. I was previously unfamiliar with her work.

I recently listened to another author speak about how sci-fiction is dominated by white male sensibilities.  They cited Stars Wars as not being just white male but blond haired, blue eyed white male.  Apparently James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader, was not even listed in the credits.

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My pleasure Troy

I never watched the credits in Star Wars, though I recall James Earl Jones saying, in a Star Wars documentary (I paraphrase) : I played a very small role. As a writer in the fantastic fiction genre, I had or will frame the problem (science fiction phenotypical predominance) another way; I do not see the writing space dominated from white male sensibilities; I see the media space dominated from white male sensibilities; If I add the books in my home or in my knowledge, written from Black writers [published from Black owned publishing firm or not] concerning fables, to the stories from many Black fiction writers [more popular like Octavia Butler,may her spirit fly free, or lesser known like myself] I do not see science fiction absent enough work from the Black fiction writing race; the problem is the translation from their work into other media. Where as Philip K Dick had many stories from him made into movies or television shows[especially after his fiscally penniless death], no Black writer has a comparative history; that is problematic from a modern audience, phenotypically unbounded, that tend to use reference in one medium to gain interest in another medium (for example: the harry potter series was already popular before the movies yet gained more readers during or after the films). The answer is the big question going forward. One way or another the base to the answer involve Black owned film or television or online streaming services.

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True there are plenty of Black writers in the genre, but if they get no promotion or exposure how do we learn about them? The lack of coverage is that same as if they never wrote the stories in the first place.

Yeah it would be nice to fantasize about "Black owned film or television or online streaming services" making a difference, but I'm not holding my breath. Only the most massive of corporations Amazon, Netflix, seem to be able to pull off both the production and distribution of films.

A Black owned Netflix however would be a great material for a sci-fi story, in an alternate university of course, were that scenario would be remotely plausible.

Now I learned about N.K. Jemisin through you, via Amazon (who owns Goodreads), and this sees to be the direction of things, at least as far as the Black Book ecosystem is concerned; Amazon owns it. 

There may be are other good Black writers interviewed on Goodreads, but I will never know because I don't like using the Goodreads site.


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Word of mouth or word from post is currently the best method; it is not the most reaching action in the current media environment; it is what is available. The Black Artist in the USA on average, historically or modernly, is rarely advertised; in the short term the, white owned ,fiscal corporations you stated are in control or are the primary path to fiscal fruition or knowledge concerning the Black writer; those secondary or lesser path, like AALBC, will exist aside; some like myself will do our best to help. In the long term, to the possibilities you stated, some of us will be able to stop holding our breath or all of us will see the remotely plausible; considering the nature to modern communication combined to regional culture iit may be sooner than either of us ponder.

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Sure Black books got very little light historically and don;t get much now currently.  The difference today, I think, is that word of mouth is far less effective.  

For example, online word of mouth is corralled into corporate controlled filter bubbles on Facebook or Amazon primarily.  For example, I don't use Goodreads, because links to external sites are generally precluded, which focuses participation on an single site, to the exclusion of all others, creating a classic filter bubble.

In the offline world, with the virtual elimination of Black book platforms including, book stores, less coverage in magazines, newspapers, etc, the conversation about Black book is constricted as well.

Amazon will not, has not made this better.  Sure some individuals can benefit, but collectively we remain underserved.

Sure AALBC.com's will continue to exisit, but we will struggle; mere survival will be our gauge of success.

But we can still hope for a miracle.

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The internet is changing, as I said before, in a post concerning competing to the larger , more well known, black owned websites. The structural aspect to the internet is not going to remain the same; I will not predict exactly the change form; I say in total surety the change will attack the linear model headlong; that model (a stack adding to the top the most recent, farthest from moment in the back) is why Amazon or other larger sites have said control or why the advertisement power from them occur, based on their rank quality; it is a simple system but it is evermore inappropriate as humanity grow more customed to the internet.

Well, survival of the fittest is key. The large will be small one day, they may work themselves out of the ability to survive.

No need for hope; positive change will come, even as grand like a miracle; the reason why? It must.

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Well I agree 100% with you on the fact that the Internet will change.  Now whether that change will be positive is a matter of opinion.  In the short term, I do not think it will be positive for the majority of people.

If recent history is any indicator, a handful of people, who are likely already wealthy, will benefit fantastically, and the vast majority of us will be shorted--in many cases blindly.

But one can always hope.  I'm all-in and can not give up.   

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Interview from Black Girl Nerds showcasing Celfux from Dixi Ann Archer-McBain and Edward J. McBain
Interviewer Joelle Monique
If you’re into Inuyasha, Avatar: Legends of Korra, or Digimon (stick with me folks), Celflux might be for you. Issue two was just released by newcomers Dixi Ann Archer-McBain and Edward J. McBain, who are married.
The creator’s website (http://celflux.com/) explains the book like this: “…a sci-fi, action-adventure, about OKIRA. A young, benevolent, kind-hearted priestess who becomes the involuntary leader of a disjointed group of strangers. They wake up one day in a remote lab without any memory of how they got there, or what happened to them.”

Interview to Dixi Ann Archer-McBain and Edward J. McBain from Jamie Broadnax
Jamie: How long have you been working in the comics industry?
Dixie Ann: We decided to start creating comics in September of 2013. We officially became part of the industry when our first book, Celflux Issue No.1, was published on October 30th, 2015.

IF you are a comic book writer, editor, illustrator, or owner contact Black Girl Nerds to feature you on comic creators you should know series

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The Family of Brook Stephenson invites his friends and colleagues to join them for the New York memorial service:
A Celebration of Life for Writer
Brook Stephenson
Saturday, August 29, 2015
2 PM
Founders Auditorium
Medgar Evers College, CUNY
1650 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
(Between Crown & Montgomery Streets)
3:30 PM
Academic Building, Cafeteria - 2nd Floor
Medgar Evers College, CUNY
1638 Bedford Avenue
(At Crown Street)
Let us know you plan to attend, RSVP via Facebook< https://www.facebook.com/events/1621684974775016/ >.(RSVP not required, but appreciated.)
1 PM - Join the traditional "Second Line" < https://www.facebook.com/events/493978690779689/ > Procession from Fulton St. & Nostrand Ave. to Medgar Evers College, CUNY. Lead by Joshua "Bee" Alafia.
The family requests that you contribute to Brook's "baby", the Rhode Island Writer's Colony.
Checks can be mailed to:
Rhode Island Writer's Colony
64 Bridge Street
Warren, Rhode Island 02885
www.brookstephenson.com < http://www.brookstephenson.com/ >

Read articles from The Amsterdam News < http://amsterdamnews.com/news/2015/aug/20/brook-stephenson-emerging-author-dead-41/ >
Official Obituary at BKReader < http://www.bkreader.com/2015/08/obituary-beloved-brooklyn-writer-brook-stephenson-passes-suddenly/ >

Saturday August 29, 2015 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT

Founders Auditorium
Center for Black Literature
Medgar Evers College, CUNY
1650 Bedford Avenue


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My pleasure Troy. I did not even search to see if he had a profile in AALBC. I hope you post your thoughts to what was said concerning Brother Stephenson or the celebration to his life.

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