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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2017 in Posts

  1. Bill Cosby Trial,If Convicted He Might Get 10, Years News Says. Cosby Is 79 .Over 40. Women .With Sexual .Assault Claims,He Drugged Them...I See On The News Clemson Football Team,Met Hitler Trump. Black .Clemson Players Were Told To Go To. The Whitehouse,Black Players Knowing Trump. Is Racist. Chains Still On Black Men .In Sports College And Pros..They Were Happy. And Proud . If The Black .Clemson,Football Players Were Told To. Wave The Confederate,Flag,They Probably Would Have...
    1 point
  2. @TroyWell, i maintain that the only thing i learned from the media about Farrakhan was that he was very anti-semitic and this did not offend me. The FOI thing was heard in passing from a black guy who heard it from another black guy. Because you and Pioneer continue to blitz me with all the "good things" this man has done, and then turn around and squelch and downplay anything that doesn't reinforce your grandiose claims is something that should be noted when it comes to my tendency to blow you off. ( helping people lower their blood pressure and buy a house and organizing meetings with gangs that apparently produced no results. WOW! BTW, how many major black newspapers are left in this country?) I'm sure Farrakhan has done a lot of good for his converts and followers. I question whether this has had a trickle down effect on the black community-at-large and i concede that this is not necessarily his responsibility. The manipulated murder "rate" in Chicago may be down but the gun violence and crime commission is not, Carjacking and robbing people of their iPhones and credit cards are epidemic and young black teenagers are the perpetrators. Memorial Day 12 black people were shot at a gathering. Not a day goes by when a black person isn't shot and/or killed in the city. Children are frequently innocent victims of crossfire You continue to make the media the scapegoat for everything but the black newspaper columnists in Chicago tell it like it is. Black people are not that naive or misled. They recognize their enemies and what is not in their best interest. They are not bamboozled by the politicians, and there is a growing consensus among them as to who, besides the cops, must share the blame for what's happening, and it is the poor parenting of these juvenile delinquents and FaceBook, which is an enabler for people up to no good. There are a lot of small grassroots organizations and churches trying to take things in their own hands and provide alternatives to wayward boys. The leaders involved with this are who are relevant in these troubled times and, ironically, a Chicago Catholic priest who is white is among them. Was there any question in your mind that i wouldn't agree with Farrakhan's rant on the video you posted? Isn't what he said what i've been giving as my reason for being disenchanted with America, the land of bigots and bullshit? Farrakhah and i are the same age, so it is not surprising that we feel the way we do.
    1 point
  3. @Troy I am not an apologist for Obama just like i wasn't an apologist for Hillary Clinton. They are who they are, but they had some visible credentials that i considered better than their opponents and they also had "documented" accomplishments. I am not that into Farrakhan because i am removed from his influence. i don't know any Black Muslims in particular, or any of the alleged millions whose lives have been turned around by them. Or have I seen any programs that they have put in place that have improved things for the inner city blacks. I do know that Farrakhan admittedly looked the other way when the decision was made to assassinate Malcolm, and he gives long rambling speeches and that he organized a Million Man march that was all style and no substance and he plays classical violin. And i have heard from other blacks that the FOI members intimidate rank-and-file followers who don't get with the program.. What is it you're saying that i got from the media? Yes, everybody has their flaws and no leader is perfect, including the ambitious opportunist Barack Obama who was, indeed, a president who was black man, not a black man who was president. He, like Farrakhan, was glib and charismatic and had a large devoted following of black people. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were also charismatic eloquent leaders who inspired huge, faithful followings. Then, there's the smooth articulate hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, .. And, of course, Black Panther firebrand .Fred Hampton. Yet, in the year 2017, the black underclasses are regressing, their own worst enemies, the ongoing victims of a system that remains broken. Soooooo, in my quest to be a truth-seeker and a realist, i just look at the big picture and am no longer inspired to get excited about any famous black leader. (And living in the close proximity of Chicago and the daily toll of blacks killing each other, really reinforces my nihilism.) Farrakhan's rant in that video resonated with me because i agree with what he said, as anybody who respects the truth would, and this is why i'm detached from this country, unlike other blacks who doggedly continue to hope that they will win the love of America and are grateful for being allowed to live and make money and own property here. As has been said, America is a great country, not a good one. Farrakhan could be labeled a black leader, "resting on his laurels". Now you and Pioneer pull yourselves together and quit enabling my iconoclasm.
    1 point
  4. @Pioneer1What point are you trying to make by posting pictures of 2 physically ugly men? Since what i implied and what you claim is also your point, this point being that perception of attractivemess is a subtle subjective determination that is in the eye of the beholder, then why even broach the silly subject? Who needs your flawed ambiguous observation that only women and gay men are qualified to judge attractiveness in straight males. If, as you also imply, physical attraction is universal, anybody can judge someone else's attractiveness no matter what their sex or sexual orientation is. A straight man could very well understand what a woman would see in a man that wasn't physically attractive but had a good personality and money, or in a man who had standard good looks like a movie star who was very photogenic. And in spite of your "revulsion", there are some men who might find Gabourey attractive.
    1 point
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