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Posts posted by tipsyturv

  1. 7 minutes ago, aka Contrarian said:

    Hummm. "mixed" is not the word that comes to my mind when looking at that picture.  Nor would I call Kelly Rowland "dark-skinned". Descendents of slaves are all mixed and they come in many shades ranging from high yellow to deep brown. Facial features and hair texture are also traits that figure into the equation. None of this, however, matters to white folks who have an affinity for the word "nigger".


    Typically, "Afro-Americans" tend to use their own skin color as the criteria when categorizing others of their race.  This is a very subjective measuring stick and varies from person to person. So it's all about opinion.

    Dating back to the time in the mid 1960s, thanks to Malcolm X, the term "negro" was replaced by the title "black" which  previously carried a stigma. This was when the concept of blackness being "a state of mind" was introduced.  

    I'm not sure what the current mind set is...


    Question: would you consider the person "dark skinned Black person" as they describe themselves?


    also, great post overall - thnx!

  2. 18 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    Person of color or non-white would accomplish the same thing with no confusion.😎

    I thought I was going crazy or maybe wrong about how I feel. Looking at their pic...would you consider this person a "dark skinned Black person" ?


    Maybe I'm tripping.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Troy said:

    @tipsyturv of course there is no way, in many case, to be able tell one’s ethnicity from the way they look. 

    But you asked us to guess using my limited and biased American lens he is a spook just like the rest of us 😉

    hey handsome! :D


    i guess a more appropriate question would be...what would you guess his racial makeup/mixture to be?


    as you mentioned ethnicity could be anything but we can surely see race. thanks for correcting me. what would your guess be?

  4. 3 hours ago, Troy said:

    @tipsyturv what is “black” to you?

    You’ve mixed nationalities with color. There are black Mongolians and black Brazilians. What are the other two grand parents? 

    I’m any event, I doubt this guy knows anything about bid whist or jack and Jill. Still she/he/they shouldn’t feel too comfortable at a trump rally.


     @Pioneer1 no, I never said I was mixed, and do not consider myself mixed. However, as you wrote, like most Americans, do have white ancestry that I can point to. I also have native American ancestry that I can point to in the same line.

    thanks for ur input! i actually said "mongolian" to simplify things a bit because this person's ancestry is actually more rare and complicated. their grandparent is Black + Kalmyk. Kalmyks are a Mongolic ethnic group that live in Russia (Kalmykia) , who are descendants of Mongolian migrants . Most people dont know what a "Kalmyk" is , as there are only about 3000 Kalmyks in America - making this person's ethnic makeup a bit more rare/unique. That's why I tried to save myself some typing by just saying "Mongolian" LOL!!! Also, I did specificlaly say "Native Brazilian". As in, Indigenous. to answer ur other question.... As I mentioned earlier in this thread to clarify things, this person's other two grandparents are African-American.


    heres a pic of an ethnic Kalmyk for ur reference. very interesting people - as you see ...Asian phenotype/race but dressed like a Russian lol



  5. On 2/17/2024 at 1:32 AM, Delano said:

    Depends on what criteria you are using. Whether it be cultural, aesthetics, body type , facial structure. It some matrix of the above.


    If you are more likely to get shot by the cops are are followed around a store I say you appear Black

    I once had a ghetto woman tell me I didn't seem Black more like a cool Italian 

    I once had a ghetto woman tell me I didn't seem Black more like a cool Italian 

    Yet street cats were cool with me because we could conversate.


    It's the old blacker than thou. I just prefer to deal with people not categories. Although there are exceptions. I avoid a$$h0l¢$

    this is the person in question @Delano @Troy @Pioneer1 @ProfD

    One grandparent who is Black and Mongolian, and another grandparent who is Black and Native Brazilian


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