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Sani Nassif

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Posts posted by Sani Nassif

  1. On 10/12/2022 at 7:15 AM, ProfD said:

    @Sani Nassif, as a human being and a musician, I totally subscribe to the belief that love is the ultimate healer for mankind.  We're just not there yet.


    Unfortunately, due to the religion of racism white supremacy, love is not going to keep white folks from controlling Black folks even if means killing us.  So, we have to be able to defend ourselves on multiple levels. 


    Martin Luther King Jr. tried to use weapon of love and white folks still assassinated him.  Under the guise of law enforcement and racist white supremacists, they are still killing our Black brothers and sisters with impunity.


    White folks have colonized the planet due to willingness to kill and superior weaponry. 


    Black folks have been trying to love the h8ll out of white folks for several hundred years now. So far, it's not working.😎

    A lot of points here that I really agree with, but at the same time there are some that I just feel are generalizing, and missing really critical progression that 100% for sure have been made due, and only due to Love.


    Definitely there is still alot of progress to be made, but because of Dr. Kings goal to work to Love & educate racist fools, that had the assumption/stereotype that everyone with darker skin, native American, black etc., are all primitive, violent savages, by PEACEfully protesting and showing racist fools, yup you are wrong, and showing the actual people acting savage, primitive, or violent, where the racist people themselves. THAT love that motivates us to educate is 100% the only thing that brought any progress(and changed voting laws, segregation laws etc., & brought much unity to stop the violence perpetrated by those racist in government). And definitely yes like you said at the end of the post it has not fully worked yet, but to say "it's not working" at all, ignores the fact that it 100% did work & bring progress. Really you are saying there is still work to be done, which I agree with, but only Love will continue to educate and show all racist fools that they are wrong.


    Just think to the alternative, of trying to be hateful/violent or militant like the early Malcom X, who then later abandoned the rhetoric of violence as he grew wiser with time. And clearly saw the same thing Dr. King and Ghandi saw. Which is that violence will only support those that are racists mentality/assumption that all those with dark skin are primitive/violent and thus bring more violence. Malcom also realized the nation of Islam was not really representing Islam, when he went to Mecca, and saw everyone that had different skin colors worshiping God in unity, and then realized that separatism, racism, hate is not Islam, which at the time the nation of Islam was preaching separatism, racism & hate. And lets just think down that same road, Dr. King, Malcom, & Ghandi all thought, when you are dealing with injustice coming from a racist government, that has tanks, and extremely massive military industrial complex, with the MAJORITY of tax dollars being spent on creating weapons, drones, trained military/marines etc., the concept of even the citizens trying to do something violent out of hate, seems even MORE foolish, really we could all be taken out by tanks or drones without even one military person or marine being touched by us. The concept of violence at this point in our history is not just really foolish at this point, it is a complete joke. Even if we create some super advanced weaponry that can just obliterate the government we are at a point in history where war, would literally destroy the planet. Everyone racist would just keep being racist and all the stereotypes would be backed, and we would never really see eachother, be free and Love, we would all be trapped hate and destroy/obliterate eachother. Love is literally our only hope.


    And if many just want to be so caught up in hate, and doesn't unite to fix things in the U.S., and either educate those racist, or at least become politicians to replace those racist in office, then the only alternative is it is up to the loving population that wants to fix things, but faces blocks from everyone that is complacent and afraid to love, to literally separate from the US, gather recourses and start from scratch elsewhere, which honestly the more and more we see this system, that is seeming like the only alternative that might work. And definitely people have been saying it for awhile, but I hope it doesn't come to that, and we in America can bring the change needed, with love, and as many have said before love is patient. I know one day if we make it and continue spreading love, and working together on that, it will spread to this whole planet and for sure America(or maybe it won't be having a label because it might be so far in the future) will become the peaceful place it's meant to be.

  2. On 10/13/2022 at 6:29 AM, Chevdove said:


    Wow! Excellent post.

    However, I do not believe in signing a petition without doing more individual research.

    So, I will keep my eyes open for more information.

    Right now, I don't dismiss petitions at all and believe that this could be a great start, but I also believe something else needs to be done.

    Slavery in prison is definitely evil and it is a hidden agend due to decieving Black people to believe that the 13th Amendement outlaws slavery when it absolutely is written in such a way that it still condones it!

    And, I completely understand the issue about environmental dumping in poor and Black and other non-Europeans concentrated communities. 


    I appreciate the reply, but what other ideas are you thinking of that needs to be done? Please share. Lets work together to fix this, because where else is this being talked about? Definitely I agree we need to as a whole on this planet raise our awareness of who we truly are, and see we are all one race, but at least by written law in the US, the only way to change and fix things is with, petitions and protesting, it is the very first amendment. And literally the only way in America people work together to fix issues. So in all honesty I don't mean to be rude but this is so frustrating to me, because protesting to change laws, is the ONLY solution to do this by law, unless we up and start an entirely new civilization and just abandon America which is possible, but a muuuucccchhhh larger amount of steps we need to do. Instead of at least trying to look into the petitions, signing and working together on this, to get 1. 13th amendment to ABSOLUTELY abolish slavery under every circumstance. And 2. Honor the 14th amendment-equally fund all communities, and STOP environmental racism.


    This absolutely can not stop in America UNLESS we start to petition it, join together and protest it. But I see time and time again just a lack of unity, everyone keeps telling me eeehh somethings missing so no one unites or does anything, because I see time and time again people just want to complain, but don't see the value behind actually caring, researching, and putting effort to care for everyone that is all us, now and in the future.


    Like Tupac said in Only God Can Judge Me, "And every body grieves, but still nobody sees" We need to stop making a list of grievances/complaints, and actually do something about this. I am absolutely 100% sure these petitions and focusing on amending the 13th to abolish slavery under all circumstances, as well as the 14th; is the only thing that 100% by law will fix the issues of inequality in America. As well as just of course raising our awareness that we are all One people; but this does that BY LAW and gets the government to equally treat all its citizens by law, no more slavery by law, no more unjust disproportionate prison sentences just so racist people can continue to enslave, and no more environmental racism, EVERYTHING equally funded.


    I really wish more then everything everyone would sign and share these petitions, but I don't know what else I can do, or how else I can explain how important they are to us all.

  3. 3 hours ago, ProfD said:

    @Pioneer1, you're not going to believe this and I probably shouldn't type it but here's a secret...Black folks do not enjoy killing as much as white folks do. 


    White folks love to kill sh8t. That's why they stockpile wespons and hunt for sport. They stay in killing shape in the event Black folks ever rise up.


    But, there's one small impediment...Black folks are afraid to kill white folks. 


    Surely, Black folks will kill each other but that's having been conditioned to hate themselves.  It isn't a natural instinct to kill.


    That's why regardless of where Black folks live on the planet, unafraid white folks can roll through and take their sh8t.  Fear is powerful.😎

    Family, I know alot of the time this is looked over or Love is thought of as lame, and not what it truly is, what brings us freedom, happiness, inner and world peace, but why do so many of us in this world keep talking about murdering, killing, fear, why not emphasize more on Love, connecting and uplifting eachother? As promoting Love is the only thing that will bring us freedom and peace, and promoting murder, hate, and killing will only trap us, and we will never be free. Let us understand freedom comes from Love, and if we are hating, we are disconnected in a bubble and not free.


    That actually is 100% what Ye was trying to do here, and I fully believe it was not seen as that, and we keep trying to assume the worst without even analyzing. 


    Also @Pioneer1 no way, what "white folks" have done for 500 years is in NO WAY intelligent that is just so insulting, and I know you don't mean that but really(you prob mean there are just many different weapons, but making weapons to attack and hurt is not "smart," ACTUALLY African culture is much smarter/collective wisdom of THOUSANDS of years because it is focused on Love, DEFINITLY though it could have been even smarter by having more defensive weapons, to protect against foolishness, arresting & educating those acting foolish, that's the smartest thing, so still making weapons to attack is the action of a fool), killing/murder/enslavement is in NO WAY intelligent. First off when you hurt someone else, that first hurts you, because you trap yourself in a box, it's EXACTLY as Nelson Mandela stated, he said he felt bad for the "white folks" in South Africa, because he saw how trapped in a box they are, with all the fear, and hate, and constant killing. That's by definition stupidity and ignorant, as ignorance is someone that is so trapped and caught up in themselves that they are missing what is right infront of them.


    If we don't appreciate eachother, if we don't see eachother for the beautiful flowers, and precious stars that we each are, manifested to all this infinite life forms, WE are the ones missing out. And making defensive weapons definitely to protect each & every one of us, is part in this & seeing how precious we are, but weapons made from hate are absolutely actions of foolishness. The only way out of hate, is to Love, is to educate wrongdoers and help them remember hey, you are missing out, we are here to Love. There are many ways to do this, all we need to do is remember to do that, instead of letting ourselves get trapped in hate. Then we will set this world Free! AWWWW YEAAAAAA No tackiness because LOVE IS AWEEEEESSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMEEEEE :)))))))))))))))))) GOD IS LOVE That is one of the most powerful statements I found in alllllllllll religions, but all religions are talking about Love, one way or another, because without Love, without connecting outside of our self, we are trapped in a box, in a meaningless and empty life, so why not appreciate everyone, instead of letting our bodies firey/hateful energy consume & trap our soul, in meaningless, painful loops? 

  4. On 10/7/2022 at 8:51 AM, ProfD said:

    Yep.  Unfortunately, there are Black folks who believe they have arrived beyond the point of white folks hatred. 


    Kanye is not a dumb guy.  He knows better.  But, I think he's gotten so intoxicated from fame and money that his desire to remain relevant has him out here in these streets playing loose and reckless.  He's gambling with his celebrity.


    As long as Kanye is willing to play the game, white folks will continue to enrich him.  Apparently, in Kanye's case, whatever it profits a man to live lavish right now is worth the price of his soul.


    If/when white folks decide it's open season on killing Black folks, I'd be slightly curious to see where Kanye, Candace, Clarence, Larry, Herschel and Diamond and Silk to name a few are going to hide when the bullets start flying. 😎

    But ProfD, and everyone, why do so many of us, make instant assumptions without assessing what Kanye/Ye, is meaning? There literally are many interviews that came out that explain, or is everyone just trying to pretend they are all knowing and all seeing, when none of us are? This also happened when Kanye/Ye went to the white house, to educate Donald Trump, and actually talked about issues that needed fixing, that the Trump administration was not paying attention to, for sure because of racism. Actually in multiple interviews(one in Chicago and one on the show with Jimmy Kimmel) Kanye said he disagrees with Trumps policies(which is made clear by the white house visit and educating someone on what needs fixing), as well as on the Jimmy Kimmel show; comparing Donald Trump to someone that committed murder-Ye's cousin-and saying we are all still family and, just as I still Love my cousin I still Love Donald Trump. Kanye/Ye also said something like, "lets change this hat to lets make America great, because many communities don't understand what you mean by again, so lets remove the again, and just make it, lets make America great."


    These statements and actions have depth to them, think in Ye's perspective as a Christian/believer in the message of Christ(would Jesus hate Trump or Love Trump? and how would one Love Trump(hint hint by education)) that if most everyone assumes from the surface, they will never see that Kanye/Ye is in many ways working to make this world a heaven, and bring everyone to realize/remember we are here to Love one another. Which is the calling that God has for everyone (that is in all religions as well) to try to motivate everyone to this, and hopes for each and every one person to play a role in bringing peace to this world, some of us answer that call some of us do not even hear it. Kanye/Ye many times is answering that call.


    The only thing I've seen Kanye/Ye do that goes against this bigtime was the death threats made towards Pete, which wasn't really meant, but said out of hate/frustration/wishing things to go back to how they were. And none of us mean the things we say when we are feeling like this. And ultimately we go back home/to the path of helping and bringing peace, because that's the only way not to be trapped in a bubble, the only way to extend outside that bubble and be free.


    Now, actually if anyone really analyzes Kanye/Ye's actions and sees the multiple interviews(most everyone doesn't care or see a reason to care enough) you can see this behavior of wearing the "White Lives Matter" shirt stems from the frustrations and lack of progress that the "Black Lives Matter" movement has had. Kanye/Ye didn't word it that clearly, but for those able to read beyond the words, it's easy to sense, that it just came from that frustration, and in a way was made to trigger and show how the BLM movement was not bringing progress, so that we look within, think and realize we need to fix our strategies to really bring progress. Simply saying BLM does nothing, and actually promotes separatism for those that misinterpret the phrase. So Kanye/Ye was trying to promote unity and challenge everyone to think and really figure out how to better help, other than just saying BLM.


    For example the movement used to be called the "Civil Rights Movement" which right there in the title made clear what the goal was, so many misinterpret and misread what "Black Lives Matter" meant, racist people thought it meant "Black Lives Are Superior" or matter more then everyone else. Which is not what it means but of course someone thinking racist will read it this way, and not see that it means this system has treated those with darker skin as if they don't matter. Also saying BLM does not summarize what our goals are, and that we are fighting for civil rights, especially to stop slavery being allowed in prison systems, and for America to equally fund communities. Which actually Kanye/Ye has talked about fixing the 13th amendment, and even talked about this to Donald Trump. But no, everyone just wants to assume the worst, out of our survival defense instinct, rather than, not assume, research, see the truth and that Kanye/Ye is trying to help.


    The same way alot of "White people" wanted to assume the worst about Kanye/Ye when he said, "Bush doesn't care about "Black people"" or when Kanye/Ye snatched the mic from Taylor, because Kanye/Ye felt the award shows can be racist which 100% absolutely they can be. And there definitely still is alot of racism in this system. But did "White people" want to see that Kanye/Ye is trying to help, no, everyone just assumed the worst.(PS I put "Black or White people" in quotations because I do not believe we are defined by skin color and that we're all spirits/ particles of energy consciousness/light manifesting into these bodies and all reality(just as many cultures believed everything and all reality is conscious/aware/composed of spirits, and that all particles are from a Onenss, Great Spirit, God, etc.), and that any other wording does not help us to remember this).


    So please everyone lets not assume the worst, and actually research before we make a conclusion. Also if anyone would like me to attach links to any of the interviews talked about here, please quote what you'd like me to link, and I'll find the interview. It just requires some time, but if you are interested I will spend the time and find that link.

  5. 3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    All of America clearly doesn't know.....
    The question is, does "all of America" even CARE????

    Most people don't care about the UNJUST system of "Justice" until they have a personal experience with it or a loved one is involved.
    Then all of a sudden they start paying attention to the double standards, ambiguous legal language, outrageous penalties, etc....

    We need an entire Constitutional overhaul of the legal system in every part of the United States where every single law is examined and then VOTED ON by all of the adults in that district because too many games are being played with the legal system in the United States.

    Yeah we are in so much this society of zombie phone scrollers, everyone just endlessly scrolling through garbage online, and it's easy for any of us to become zombies on this endless scroll through garbage, because these media sites are designed to keep people on them like that, as advertisers pay these media outlets(like twitter facebook etc.) to do anything to keep people on these sites. So these media outlets promote garbage, really the posts and topics that hook viewers with our primal survival instincts, rather than relevant and meaningful content.


    I do believe though that America does want to care, but is just so caught up in survival instincts, that America, and the world really has become more afraid then ever, to just put the technology down, think beyond our primal instincts, and just really set ourselves free. So we just need somehow to break everyone out of that matrix, help everyone remember how to be free and that endlessly scrolling through garbage can never help us be free, and only traps us in a loop, we need to be a team of Morpheus's to help turn everyone into Neo's, and break out of that matrix.


    I have been trying with music and alot of different ways, but I honestly I don't know what exactly will help us break through, or help everyone break out of that matrix, because everyone just keeps scrolling and scrolling.


    I know for sure I posted the 2 petitions that I shared here, on facebook, and literally everyone ignored them, even though what is BIZZARE, is that on a post where I talk about what happened to my friend Jibril, who was killed right after graduating from college, because of issues that 100% would be fixed if those petitions were signed & America demanded these things with the 13th and 14th amendment. Everyone replied with sympathy comments, which I literally said the post was NOT for; but to motivate us to see and feel what's really happening in America, and to do something about fixing these injustices.


    But it seems when any post online happens to come to us doing something, people just keep scrolling, want to feel mad, sad, glad, but not really think or do anything. A line from Tupac really repeats in my mind for what happened, "And everybody grieves but still nobody sees." Maybe the only way to help us break that matrix is by talking about this in places like churches like Dr. King did, and trying to help form an organization in a physical space.


    Maybe it is just not possible online? Because online has too many distractions, and most everyone immediately scrolls past anything challenging them to think or do something? I don't know, definitely I have tried sharing the meaning of life, to wake everyone out of this, and get us all to join together and form a team to fix all the problems in the world and make this world into the paradise we all wish it to be.


    Most everyone just stays in this loop though, which is really crazy because even when I shared and proved really clearly the only meaning to life and others agreed, that the only meaning to life can be Love, as if we disconnect from everything outside of ourselves, there can be no meaning to life, as we can do nothing, and are trapped within. Thus the only meaning to life can be to extend outside oneself, connect or in other words Love. Very few shared that, and some that agreed didn't share, which was/still is really crazy to me. Because if the whole world recognized that, we would have world peace, we would strive to fix every issue, because we would all then know and remember, that our freedom, our happiness, our inner peace, comes from us accomplishing our meaning of life. Comes from us extending outside of ourselves, connecting to/caring for others, and then when we feel One with everyone, all the struggles of everyone, we will work to make this planet, and other planets, everywhere really; paradises. Places where no one tries to hurt or overwhelm one another, but connects, cares for and does what's best for eachother.


    But our lack of awareness/fear that causes us to not even become aware, keeps us in such a loop. But I wonder what are your thoughts? Do you think the only forum for change can be in person? That online there is no hope? Or maybe that if we change our method to something else online, we might be able to break people out of this matrix online? In all honestly can I also ask what would motivate you to sign or share these petitions, because it seems nothing that comes from me is helping lol, I have tried alot on facebook, and only my Dad, and his girlfriend singed these petitions, but no one seems to care about them, are they too long, or do you think many find signing or trying not even relevant? Sorry if this is long and it's alot of questions, but I just felt/feel you are interested, and in all honesty no one would appreciate, focus on your reply and what your saying more than me right now that is for sure.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I totally agree with this.

    I've been telling people for years that slavery hasn't been "abolished" in the  United States, just transformed.

    Thanks for the insightful commentary!


    Thanks Pioneer1! What do you think though about the ideas that we can do together to fix, and the petitions/protests/2 demands? I am really hoping we can do something to work together to fix these issues.


    I DEFINITLY also believe we need to do something in schools to make curriculums/teachers stop falsely teaching this, I also feel these lies are done over and over again in "Black History Month" to pacify America, and say ooohhhh everything is fixed, slavery is abolished, the government actually treats everyone equally under the law now. When IT DOES NOT and like you said WE ALL KNOW THIS HERE AT LEAST. But it's so frustrating honestly that all America doesn't know, I know most everyone wouldn't stand for this if they knew too.


    Also wondering what do you think about Environmental racism, and the ideas to stop that too, and getting the government to honor the 14th amendment?

  7. As most of us already know, the 13th amendment did NOT abolish slavery as is falsely taught in schools, it literally states slavery is allowed as punishment for a crime. CLEARLY The 13th amendment only transformed the conditions in which slavery can occur, and DID NOT abolish it. And there are literally just as many slaves ALLOWED BY LAW today as there were back at the worst times of slavery in the U.S., I really believe this needs to be fixed and the 13th Amendment needs to state that slavery can not be allowed under ANY circumstance, and I know I can't be the only one that feels this way.


    AS truly abolishing slavery would be stating, slavery is not allowed under ANY circumstance, which the first draft of the amendment actually did say, "everywhere within the limits of the United States, and of each state or territory thereof, all persons are equal before the law, so that no person can hold another as a slave." But it was changed, to slavery is allowed, "as punishment for a crime" so those acting racist, that want to enslave, can continue to practice that racism, and continue to enslave. This has resulted in racist prison sentences, the war on drugs, the CONTINUED police brutality, as many that are racist in the police/criminal justice system(the system is behaving criminally-someone said that in a documentary I saw and it's so factual) still act as slave masters and have (anyone can easily research and verify) repeatedly since the passing of the 13th amendment arrested those with darker skin color, DISPROPORTIONATLY to those with lighter skin color, ALL to continue slavery in another way. These disproportionate sentences I am sure we have all researched, seen and known, and I KNOW we can put an end to this if we work together, and fix the 13th amendment so no one can enslave anyone else. 


    The best idea I could think of is to find a petition for all of us to sign, share and raise awareness on these issues, but if everyone doesn't think this is the best way for us to demand that this 13th amendment needs to be fixed to not allowing slavery under any circumstances PLEASE LET US SHARE IDEAS AND WORK TOGETHER TO FIX THIS HERE. This is the reason for this topic, lets work together and come up with ideas on how to fix this together. I do feel the petition can work though, because if enough awareness is raised, and enough people sign it, it sends a message to those with the ability to fix the laws, that if this law is not fixed, a LARGE population, can protest, stop working, and disrupt the regular flow of everything until these demands are met. These protest strategies have worked during the civil rights era, and in India, because we all need recourses, and if we stop working and disrupt the regular flow of things, it makes it much harder for us to get those recourses. But please if you have another idea share, though I believe this petition/protest is the greatest/most focused one on an ACTUAL law that affects us all, to help change and fix this issue.https://www.change.org/p/repeal-and-replace-the-13th-amendment-to-the-u-s-constitution?fbclid=IwAR3ZichZRd7T72ElsG-LWvWOQU_s1fwdPT6sukyC0ohhz_kNF7H24US49PU



    Another really important issue that has passed under the radar of most Americans, but I am sure many of us here are aware of,  is "Environmental Racism."


    Environmental racism is something the government is factually doing, by choosing to fund & take care of environments where those with a lighter skin color live, and NOT funding or taking care of environments where those with a darker skin color live, as well as selectively dumping toxic chemicals in and around communities of color and causing GENOCIDE. 


    When by the 14th amendment NONE should be deprived of life and liberty, and depriving communities of color the recourses for proper schooling, not properly fixing up city infrastructure, the way that light skinned communities are fixed up & funded, ALL is depriving of life and liberty, and by the 14th amendment equal funding 100% should be done, IT IS WHY WE PAY TAXES.


    And we have state and federal taxes to go into this as well, for light skinned communities much of the infrastructure is built this way, but the excuse we REPEATEDLY HEAR, is oooohhhh we don't have enough local taxes, well everything is not only funded by local tax, we can research and see schools, and cities are also funded by state and nationwide federal taxes, so there should be NO excuse to ignore and selectively fund communities based on skin color. ALL COMMUNTIES SHOULD BE FUNDED EQUALLY BY THE 14th AMENDMENT.  Which states "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. AND WE HAVE ALL seen the results of this environmental racism that goes against the 14th amendment, the ghettos of today, dilapidated buildings, pot holes, schools not funded, as well as LITERAL genocide, as communities of color have targeted toxic dumping happening, both by the government as well as allowed by the government.


    Here is a petiton I found regarding this also https://www.change.org/p/president-of-the-united-states-end-environmental-racism-that-goes-against-the-14th-amendment?fbclid=IwAR1vZBrwHAF-BRGibccJjlKBsfG5kO5VkEV0UhFZn91M6cG3fBQAasR93tw


    I fully believe if these demands are met, it will complete the civil rights movement, and city infrastructure, schools, jobs will all be built up, the concept of ghettos across America will be a thing of the past, there will be no more slavery allowed by law, which is even ridiculous that it is allowed in prisons; America is one of the ONLY countries that does this, and so finally the civil rights movement will be completed and we will all actually be treated equally under the law. So to shorten both of these demands as much as possible I think we can say,

    1. We demand the 13th Amendment to state that slavery is not allowed under any circumstance.

    2. We demand the 14th Amendment is honored and Environmental Racism is Ended


    But please if you do not believe signing & sharing these petitions/protests can help us to meet these demands that I'm 100% sure will help us to complete the civil rights movement, please let us bring up ideas here and talk about this.

    • Thanks 2
  8. On 9/13/2022 at 2:09 PM, Cynique said:

    To me, ongoing calls for unity had become a broken record, preoccupation with racism had become obsessive, participation in self-genocide a curse. I saw no reversal of fortune in the future; except for individuals who having equipped themselves with all the necessary skills,  Presently, at the ridiculous age of 89, what dominates my impending  dementia is not only what awaits in the afterlife, but the alternate theories about how humanity came to be in this life, thoughts that give my existence a whole new perspective.


     Currently, I am intrigued by what is a different version of Mankind's evolution as imagined by a  certain community of archaeologists and historians. Just consider what the UFO crowd has speculated based on the similarity between modern day astronauts and the relics and hieroglyphics of ancient civilizations. Ponder the explanations for the expertise shared by peoples on different continents when it came to the erection of enormous structures and a familiarity with astronomy, evidence suggesting that a common source was the origin of the advanced knowledge possessed by these separate societies.   




    Cynique I wish I could express beyond words how reading this made me feel, I too am really trying to help bring unity, and help us to fix the problems that plague us, honestly all my energy is focused there, and I feel this post so much, because especially as everyone today in this very superficial time, so quickly runs from trying to do anything relevant, and is on these ridiculous apps, endlessly scrolling, just scrolling zombies, and if something causes someone to think more then 2 seconds it's like everyone just runs from it.


    I really feel you on this, it is very frustrating, and a loop, that goes over and over. Only when this world stops being afraid to face themselves and wake up, will we stop this loop that traps our spirit in a box, and break free. Also man when I saw this post I was thinking it might parallel the topic I was trying to talk about too, in the recent topic I started about Buddha. And it turns out it did parallel that topic!


    I think you might be really interested in that topic, and no the post is absolutely NOT promoting "supremacy"(it very clearly is saying there is no supremacy & that this is a false notion) just saying because you said "left to console themselves with their notions of unappreciated black supremacy." So I just want to make sure you don't assume that from the title, that's actually why I say in the very first paragraph, to basically say we are all One, there is no "superiority" but that literally everything, all reality, every particle, is all the same; all particles of light or in other words spirits/energy/consciousness manifested from an Infinite Oneness. And that together we are manifesting these bodies, and all reality.


    So without eachother/the collectives forming our bodies, we are just individual particles/spirits/energy/consciousness without form, just orbs of light floating in an infinite black ocean that is the spirit of God from which we came. So I am just saying that to again emphasize that the concepts of "superiority" are absolutely false, and no one can be better than another, because we're nothing without eachother, and literally also have no purpose without eachother, so each person is equally important and valuable. So 100% that is not what the post is about and I emphasize in the first paragraph. It's literally paralleling this post you made and It would be really awesome to know what you think about it!


    Also 89 years, God the injustice you have seen on this planet, but also at least some progress too, I really wish all of us can make you proud, and you can see at least some semblance of world peace, before you leave this world. I pretty much am a loner out in the middle of the 29 palms CA desert, kind of in a way in outerspace really looking from the outside, in on this world. And I feel also really connected to the spirit world and our ancestors out here too, and I feel at 89 you are also in outerspace, looking from the outside in on this world too, and very connected to the spirit world, I pray that we can make our ancestors proud, and God happy that we are working to bring peace, and not running from the very reason we are blessed with these bodies, the ability to read, to write & become aware of ourselves, so that we may fully remember who we are, and share this blessing of awareness to bring all peace. The peace from knowing that we are here to Love, as without the ability to connect outside ourselves, we are trapped within, doing nothing, and there can be no purpose to Life. So Love is the only way to extend outside self, connect and do something, and is thus the only purpose to life.


    This is the only knowledge that can bring peace, also you were talking about the afterlife, I have been really spending alot of time trying to share research on this. If you are interested, I wrote a paper that talks about this meaning of life being Love, but also how it leads us to the Ultimate Truth, the afterlife and alot, as I am certain this is the only knowledge that can bring world peace. And of course it is not a paper telling anyone how to think, but just to ponder, research and think about as you are saying. For sure I am very interested in the same thing, and wanted to spend all the time I can sharing all the research I did on this subject/as well as honestly feeling from childhood the spirit world PUSH me into this awareness/research, so for sure I believe this research is part of all of our journey in this world. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nTRn5orV804vML44ffQrT-GVwCgkHV5-133Tkk16pS0/edit


    Also I'd be really interested if you have any viewpoints or edits on that paper, in all though I feel such a connection to you and your journey I hope we can fullfill our dreams of unity I promise I will work everyday to remember our dream, and hope we can make you, our ancestors, and God proud, especially as there has been so much work collectively done for us to be where we are today. I really hope these new generations appreciate that, and don't run from trying to help this world be free, and at peace. Really I feel this post and just feel these forums are literally one of the most important ones on this planet. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Sani Nassif



    I will offer a little push back on a few of your comments...


    1.  Neanderthals did not come from Africa.
    They came from Europe or the Caucasus mountain region.

    What modern Western scientist and archeologists in particular are calling "Neanderthals" are actually degenerated Caucasians who lived such a savage life while they were trapped in the mountains that their bodies actually morphed to adapt to their environment.

    Evidence of this is that you can barely find any more of them today.
    Why not?
    Because they weren't a species but a mutation.


    2. There is no evidence that "slave labor" was used to build the Pyramids or any other monument in ancient Egypt.
    The hieroglyphs clearly tell you HOW the pyramids were built...with Kemetic technology.
    Caucasian scholars just IGNORE this and come up with their own theories from space aliens to Hebrew slaves.

    The only places this assertion is found is in the Bible and books derived FROM the Bible who books that point to the Bible as it's source.

    We know that much of the Bible is FALSE.
    Not only historically incorrect but down right fabricated and can't be relied on for accuracy.
    Which leads me to my third point.....


    3. The word "Eden" is most likely a corrupt form of the word "Aden" which is southern Yemen.


    Location of city Aden | Download Scientific Diagram


    The Garden of Eden/Aden was likely a cultivated spot in this region.
    Not some magical or mystical place floating around in the clouds that religious people would have us to believe.

    Most people who grew up in Christian and Muslim environments have been heavily indoctrinated by the stories that have been passed along from generation to generation from these Abrahamic religions.

    Yes we must live together as human beings.......
    But we can't live together based on lies and falsehood.
    Our peace and security has to be founded in TRUTH and JUSTICE in order for it to be long lasting.

    For sure as was writing, anyone can choose to believe what they want, I believe what I am writing, because with research I see the genetics of Neanderthals trace back to genetics of Ardi/Lucy skeletal remains found to be millions of years old in Africa. The genetics and forms are very similar and it's clear to me to see these forms traveled to Europe and transformed to Neanderthal, as is also stated by the other scientists that research this as well. And that the only missing link is how Ardi/lucy type turned into human, which I was explaining through Grey genetic editing, evidenced through many historical features, skull binding, orion's belt monuments, star people claims in Native cultures, our fashion sense/subconscious choices in these fashion/body style manners etc. Also anyone can choose to believe Neanderthal genetics don't exist anymore, but then one would be ignoring genetic features all around us, and that literally there are forms with every skin color that still have sloped forehead neanderthal features. What is the point of ignoring this though, we can grow, research, be free, or stay in the same spot. We again as stated in the last post can also choose to ignore, messed up history of ancient egypt(which should be obvious, its wrong and egotistical to build statues, idol worship etc., anyone that builds these structures is a slave, as we are meant in every structure to connect to all, not be slaves to, or worship one, a spinx, or any statue etc.) and believe the body types we have are perfect or see the Truth and that every body type is imperfect as its composed of us, short sigted/imperfect spirits/energy consciousness. And that all our bodies/collectives all have this messed up survival instinct programming causing these messed up things that really needs upgrading for us all to be Free.


    Also I have been saying multiple times, when I say worldwide eden, I again mean a worldwide paradise, a real place where again I was describing everyone had African, and Indian features. So I don't think you saw this if you are repeating you think it was a real place, because that's what's written in the original post, that Buddha and many statues all hint at parts of this lost ancient civilization.


    Also you seem to be assuming I am getting this from Christianity, Islam, or Abrahamic religions, when again I was saying I found this from my own persuit of the Truth. Which has nothing to do with any of these books, or texts, I actually grew up in this life agnostic, and separate from all these books, then from much searching and awakening, I understand the Truth myself, and what these books are trying to say, but much has been lost due to translation/repeated storytelling over the years. I only said worldwide Eden as stated in the original post, that first started in Africa(I also wrote/pictured it's next to the gulf of Aden and that's no coincidence) for the same reason you wrote it, to show this concept/story of Eden came from a real place. Which is also why I am talking about the statue of Buddha, aborigines in Australia as its all hints of this global worldwide civilization, a real place, eden, utopia, whatever word is prefered, that fell became destroyed/flooded, and we again are trying to heal and rise back up into this awesome place and beyond today.

  10. On 10/6/2022 at 8:07 AM, Chevdove said:



    What!? Okay, I need to pause and tag some of these Black men in this community...

    @Pioneer1, @ProfDYou don't hear what he is saying!?


    @Sani NassifWhy are you excusing the White Europeans for starting their White Supremacist movement?

    Millions of African children died in the Middle Passage.

    Many White people have no problem stating that they believe Black Africans should be defined as 2/3rds, etc. 

    That maybe instinct on their part though. 

    That is definitely not normal.



    Woah, please Chevdove read what is being written, no where did I excuse the messed up actions. AT ALL. I simply said these originate from survival instincts in all life, that make someone want to say, oh the body I have is perfect, everyone else is savage etc., meant to serve this body type, and give food etc., all the resources we need for survival. I was saying you can see this happened around the world in every skin color/body type. Nearly every war that was fought in the past took slaves, with this same instinctual mentality. THAT mentality I really have been trying to focus on and say THAT is the problem, not anyone's looks, or skin color, or features, THAT MENTALITY. In every body type stemming from survival instincts.

    And also replying to the last post again in no way am I blaming the victim, I said we are all trying to understand the reasons many spirits in Europe did this messed up behavior. Which again clearly shows I am saying it started from Europe trying to enslave. THE only thing again I was saying is in us all, and we absloutly need to see is in us all if we are to be free, and no longer slaves to our instincts, slaves to survival, so we can extend beyond that see the Truth, Truly Live and be free, is that these instincts are in all the manifested body types we have.

    And I feel that concept was seen at the end of the reply, but I just want to clarify in case it wasnt, that I was saying in previous post, that in pretty much every place/country there were slaves. It's not that some body type is just born out to get some other body type, that's what I was saying is racist, wrong, and exactly how countries have justified war with this racist ideology. But it's that out of these survival instincts all body types have, if some country has found some innovation(with Europe they found gunpowder) instead of extending beyond survival instincts, fear, and becoming a helpful loving civilization, (nearly every civilization on this planet, including again the world fallen from this ancient Eden like in ancient Egypt, having slaves building pyramids, statues, etc., used that power to just blindly follow their instincts and get others to gather recources for them)used that power to enslave, rather than help. You can very clearly see in recent times Europeans did this with the discovery of gunpowder, and pretty much enslaved or destroyed, any place or population without the tech/ discoveries to defend themselves, so this happened mainly in Africa, some places in India, then the"new world" or the Americas, which were not discovered until later. So we can see when we look at history, every country has had some "eugenics" program or some way they view the body they have as perfect,  and everyone else's body as imperfect or lessor, out of these survival instincts, and tried to get other countries to serve them &gather resources for them again out of these instincts, that are destroying us all and keeping us from attaining enlightenment and True freedom, until we stop being afraid, stop blindly following, search for Truth, then break free.

    • Like 1
  11. On 10/5/2022 at 1:57 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Sani Nassif



    First though before I reply I really really want to say I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I can't honestly express in words how much I LOVED these replies and this discussion oh my


    Love having you here bro!







     bc sometimes I face alot of times depression/suicidal thoughts because I just feel I have no place in this world


    Well, just remember bro....unless you have something PHYSICALLY wrong with you that's causing you so much pain and discomfort that you can't stand it.....don't consider suicide.

    I'm not saying you should consider suicide even if you DO have those issues, but if not....certainly don't consider it.
    You drug, gamble, screw a lot of women (unless that's the problem)....anything to give you pleasure in life UNTIL you can find a way to work through your problems.





    but I fully do remember this as a past life, and as proof I can say


    You remember your past lives???




    I actually am born with sand/tan skin/middle eastern genetics


    Oh, are you Arab or some other Middle Eastern ethnicity????







    then later after a massive cataclysm and over 100,000 plus years all the other skin traits/features devolved.


    It is my understanding that after every 25,000 years or so a MASSIVE cataclysm takes place to cleanse the planet and start civilizations all over again.




    When you talk about Neanderthals....remember you're just talking about White people who continued to DE-VOLVE while they were locked up in Europe and the Caucasus Mountains.

    As most of them went savage, their bodies changed and adapted to thier debased lifestyle.  So they grew thick hair, thicker skin, broader bones in their head, thick hard nails, ect...so fight off and capture and eat animals.


    It's not EVOLUTION...it's DEVOLUTION (or Devil-ution....lol)

    Yeah, I feel you, it's just this world, all the hate and injustice, mixed with everyone's lack of trying to grow beyond the instinct of fighting hate with hate, that makes me really want to leave this world sometimes and actually does cause physical pain. Especially because I'm trying to do everything to point myself and us in the direction of Love, but the hate is so constant, I know mostly this forum is Love, but I can't lie and say the comment of someone trying to say I am "trolling" because they want to find a reason to hate, not research and ignore what's being shared doesn't get to me. And I am very sure that comment came from someone that didn't even read what I wrote and that in literally every post I said, I hope in everything we research and think for ourselves, and that more than anything we enter into a world of boundless unconditional Love. 

    There is nothing "trolling" about anything I said, also why do we even say that word, how is it supposed to insinuate messed up behavior, maybe trolls are loving, and humanity is the form of life being messed up. Maybe comments online that are messed up/not focused on Love, uplifting and researching new ideas, should be called "humaning," real talk though. That makes alot more sense, probably that is what troll societies say, aww this dude is "humaning" on the post lol. Really though what is up with that. It makes me want to leave this nonsensical society, humanity gets on my nerves so much with that constant hate and assumptions, rather than focusing on uplifting, researching, learning and loving.

    I totally agree though that I shouldn't let that constant hate and injustice in this world get to me though, or cause physical pain, it's just really hard not to for me, especially if you are in my shoes and for 10plus years you've been trying to share with everyone, the meaning of life is Love, because if we disconnect from everything, there is nothing, no way to extend outside of self, no way to do anything, thus the only meaning can be to extend outside of self, connect or in other words Love. And I have been working to share this awareness because I know it is the only awareness that can bring us peace, but everyone just replies to me when I say that oh thats cool, or yeah nice. But no one shares, no one has even cared to be like yeah this realization can actually help people caught up in fear, & survival mentalities, disconnected from the world in a bubble open up, connect to all, and this can set us all free, this whole world free. And after 10 years I am just tired man, not that I will for sure give up, but I sometimes just feel my body quitting on me, because I feel this world really quitting on the search for the Truth and that we are in a world of runners that just want to loop on their survival instincts and not extend beyond.

    That's really why I appreciate forums like this though and that most everyone on here is trying to research, is really caring, and doesn't want to just hate on or dismiss eachother, it makes me feel and know there is always hope for this world. But even if there wasn't I shoudlnt give up. I can't lie though and say I always remember that, I know sometimes I forget and one day I can become too overwhelmed by it all, for all of us it's a day by day thing. 


    Anyhow also yeah I remember a past life, in that ancient 100,000 years ago Eden, I lived mostly in the South  Africa/Zimbabwe region, but in all honesty I don't know why the troll comment affects me like that or just upsets me, but it makes me not want to talk about this. Because I put alot of love in the post, why even put the energy if someone is going to label it "trolling" that's just insulting and closes the open space for dialogue that these forums are meant for. But I'm sorry if you are interested in more in that I can share just let me know, I'm just too in those feelings to talk in more detail about it, I for sure don't remember everything about it, &I did share some parts and proof of these memories in the last post though.

    And yes this life I am born into a body composed of what we label Lebanese genetics and so on, please remember though as I was saying in the first post I believe we are all spirits/particles of energy/consciousness/light and are all together manifesting these bodies, and all reality. So I believe everything is us, everything is one and the same from and infinitely vast Cosmic Oneness or God, however anyone wants to describe that Oneness. We are all family from the same place/Oneness.


    Also I was trying to say in the last post/reply from fossil evidence that goes back millions of years, that everything, Ardi, Luci, Neandrathals, and all humanoid forms started in Africa. Of course no one needs to agree with that viewpoint, I am just sharing.  It is also fossil evidence though going back again millions of years no where but Africa. It's why also as I was saying that I wrote Neadrathal type genetics, because Ardi, lucy etc, and these millions of years old forms in Africa are the grandparents/predecessors of more recent Neadrathal type forms as well as human forms after being edited by Greys, everyone that studies these neanderthal type genetics says that Ardi, Lucy, etc., branched to Neadrathal and Human, but for human there is a missing link, I have been writing that Greys are that missing link(remember there are maaaaannnnnny forms that appear similar, which is why I put neanderthal type because its an umbrella term that helps to shorten all the Ardi, Lucy etc. type genetics)


    I was also writing and you can also physically see, everyone today has mixed human/neanderthal sloped forehead features, in every skin color. I again from describing who we are, and that the "devil" or demon or whatever term anyone wants to describe that is messed up in us, that points us towards a chaotic messed up direction, is absolutely survival instincts in ALL these forms we have. We can ignore that, keep blindly following these destructive instincts and just racially stereotype, Neandrathal type genetics that are pretty much worldwide lol. Or we can see yeah this instinctual survival idea of putting another form down(actually there is not really any other in this case as neanderthal is mixed in every skin color), and calling another form savage, while the form we have is perfect, free of mistakes and flaws IS THE PROBLEM.

    That as I described also happened in this ancient world, and as I was saying, you can very well see in ancient egypt, what happened, the oppressor and enslaver for thousands of years to Neandrathal type genetics, was African human genetics. Of course anyone that wants to remain blind to wrongs done in ancient egypt, (how pyramids were built from slave labor, the awefulness and egotism of building sphinxes, or any of these statues) and the ancient world when it fell from Eden, might try to ignore this out of again the instinct in our bodies, that's like no! The body and form we have is perfect, better than any other form. But I have been trying to point out time and again, no body type we have is perfect, because its made of us(short sighted spirits/particle/energy collectives)and literally every body type has done war and enslavment, out of survival instincts and wanting to believe their body is better then anyone elses body, and that everyone elses body is made to serve them etc., THIS is the problem around the cosmos, and we need to extend BEYOND these survival instincts to TRULY LIVE, this is an idea also highlighted in 12 years a slave, and again we are all slaves until we stop; being afraid to think for oursleves, being slaves to these instincts, then extend beyond them to find TRUTH and FREEDOM.

  12. 3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Welcome to the site.

    You dropped a lot of knowledge and information in your posts.  I'm still going through them...lol.


    However I don't believe that Caucasians came from Africa.
    I believe the Yakub Theory that they were MADE on an island through a form of selective breeding.

    Infact, I believe the collective consciousness of an "Atlantis" is evidence of them having past memories of being developed on this island.

    Well the traits that Europeans have, you can see are well adapted to the environment, as well as Asian features. Slanted/slit eyes are adaptations made for the snow/snowy regions, Eskimos for example have the most slanted eyes, Europeans that live in snowy areas as well (Finland for example you can see many blonde haired slanted eye features). But during the times of the ice age, there was much more ice in the world, so there was much more of a reason, for many humans in iced areas to develop slanted eyes, which is why in Asia this feature is very vastly spread/common, but it is also again in Europe as well as in Africa(just think Neyo as well as Nelson Mandela and there are many with African features with slanted eyes, to help protect from excess sun, it is again the most in snowy areas which is very understandable).


    Also body hairlessness occurred in iced areas as there is a lack of small bugs, as a lack of small bugs=a lack of the bodies need to produce hair,(because hair big time increases the vibrations the body feels from a small bug walking on it), especially around entrance areas like the mouth, ears, anal cavity, nose, our sensitive areas like the eyes, private parts, etc. As well as light skin color because with so many cloths, as well as a different amount of ozone to protect from harmful light, darker pigment was not needed in these areas to protect from harmful sun rays. I think all of this clearly shows every single body type in the world, that is in that specific part of the world, adapted absolutely in that part of the world. 


    And you can see genetic origins in Africa for all humanoid type forms, even with most humans having Neanderthal mixed in, Neanderthal type genetics all started in Africa as well with fossils like like Ardi, Lucy & many other similar forms having fossil records going back millions of years in Africa. All found again going back for millions of years no where but Africa, because Africa had the best climate for life to have formed, for very long periods of time, all fossil evidence reveals this to be the case. 


    Now I just read the story of Yakub, and even in this idea, Yakub made Caucasians from human life forms that originated in Africa, "he established a despotic regime and set about breeding out the black traits..."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakub_(Nation_of_Islam) so no matter what way you try to look at it, it all still originates from Africa, no matter how you try to change or transform or "selective breed" that form. Especially because again as you can see from all the fossil evidence going back millions of years that only exists in Africa that far back again because of ideal climate, all humanoid life forms started in Africa. In all honesty I hope everyone stops calling things like this "theory" because theories have been proven, through experimentation and evidence. There is literally no evidence to support this idea, it is only a hypothesis, and one extremely disconnected from reality at that, here is a quote from this idea, "Whites" were defined as Europeans. Elijah Muhammad also asserted that some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. "A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe."[5]"


    There literally is no evidence to support that claim, and grafting is not even the correct term we can use because, it is not at all even how we edit genetics, that is how we mold plants together. The process for actually editing genetics is very complicated and not at all even close to the simplicity of grafting, which is defined as just inserting a shoot of one plant into another; so that either you can have two different fruits in one tree/plant, or if one tree/plant doesn't root well somewhere, you can utilize the roots of another plant, by grafting with a plant that does root well there. So these are totally incorrect claims based on totally incorrect views of so many aspects of reality. It's honestly frustrating that any aspect of this idea has taken a root in anyone's mind. I know absolutely that the history of slavery in the U.S. is scaring, hurtful, frustrating, and we all have a desire to understand why many spirits in Europe have done such awful things. But this explanation of Yakub is total insanity and I really hope I do not offend with that but really to challenge & uplift us, as when we research, we see it explains nothing. It really is just a way of trying to say Europeans are an abomination, which is racist, wrong and sure, many that feel hurt say ok, we feel this way too because the behavior is an abomination, so we will blindly accept this idea, attach it to a face & nonsensical idea, (which is again racist, and causing the same exact woes that started slavery), even though it again has no backing, and there is no way even with selective breeding to make everyone want to target everyone else, and act violent or savage(which is the racism everyone wanted to say about Africans, Native Americans, etc., it is the insanity that GOT US IN THIS MESS) which pretty much ends us up at square one, because we figure nothing out.


    I do believe from evidence that I will point out along the way, the start of slavery happened not because anyone was out to get anyone else, but just because of instincts that all life forms on this planet have, whether human, other animals, bugs etc., all have these same exact instincts, instincts of survival, gathering resources, reproduction, territory, housing/shelters etc. which is evidenced all across nature. And also you can see if you analyze Black Egyptian/pharaoh history there were many mixed Neanderthal/White type/called also Jewish/Middle Eastern slaves building pyramids for those with African features enslaved by these instincts to gather recourses/territory so, lets not think in any case just because of the skin color any one of us can have, that this skin color will somehow make us perfect, all righteous beings, or violent savage beings. That is really silly, we are all imperfect no matter what skin color we have, and everyone no matter what makes mistakes, because of the very fact that we don't see all, and we're all one and the same, short sighted spirits/particles of energy/consciousness/light manifesting together into infinite different forms.


    Only One that is all seeing, always giving, always open & trying to help us all is perfect, in other words only GOD is perfect. No one else can be because we are all short sighted and forgetful, any form we manifest will always be this way, even with suuuuuuuuuuupppppppppperrrrrrr giant brains, like Grey aliens. It's all still made up of us, short sighted particles/spirits of energy/light/consciousness. We all sometimes act enslaved to these instincts, and literally every society around the world, has enslaved, for the purposes of gathering recourses/abiding by these instincts, that is the "devil" "savage" "monster" in all of us, everyone on and beyond this planet simply because of the rules of reality, actually Ice Cube said this well by saying when "it's all about survival...no bodies liable."


    So lets establish 1rst what slavery is, to fully understand how it has started and taken root all around this planet, and I'm very sure planets all across the cosmos. Slavery is us not serving the greatest purpose we can serve, and being stuck serving lessor smaller purposes out of fear that attaining our greatest purpose might not be as meaningful as just being slaves. Which is why the first type of slavery, most common on this planet & everywhere, is all of us being slaves to fear, which number 2 causes us to be slaves to our primal instincts, instead of extending beyond them, remembering who we truly are and why we are here. SO THOSE ARE THE FIRST 2 THINGS WE ARE ALL SLAVES TO AND IF WE DON'T EXTEND BEYOND FEAR & PRIMAL INSTINCTS WE WILL ALWAYS BE SLAVES TO THEM. That is the cause to ALL slavery, not skin color, looks or anything like that, but those 2 things, because we are afraid to realize our ultimate purpose of Love, so we blindly follow our instincts of survival. Which teach us only to care for a select few(act tribally), and disregard the rest, gather recourses, attain land(for shelter/food), and reproduce, which just results in the choas and division that we see all around us today, as well as enslaving others to fulfill those instincts/primal requests our bodies have for us. Rather then us doing for ourselves, loving everyone and making our main focus transforming all places into Eden's and beautiful heavenly places, because we remember that's who we are and why we are here. 


    Now we can END slavery if we stop the fear, if we stop to remember why we are here, and we can very simply do this in every moment, for example now we can easily conduct this experiment and remember, the purpose of life-the Ultimate Truth. This is the easily done and quick experiment, lets close our eyes, if we disconnect from everything, we can see, apart from everything we can have no purpose, we can have no meaning. Thus the ONLY meaning to life can be to connect outside of oneself, or in other words to Love. If we all stopped the fear to remember this, there would have been NO slavery, NO drama, NO blindly following instincts, ONLY LOVE, ONLY us connecting to eachother and trying to do what's best for eatchother, building worlds where we don't try to hurt or overwhelm one another. But treat eachtoher as we wish we would be treated, or more specifically as we feel that other person would want to be treated because we are spiritually connected to them. We can really go in deep on this because I really have been trying to spread awareness on this for the past 10 years, because I went through an awakening and a breakthrough of fears around 10 years ago(but overcoming fear is always an every moment process, but a big breakthrough happened 10+ years ago, and I've been finding the words to share since then and on). But that in total is TRULY why Europeans that were slaves to instincts, worked to enslaved others in this tribalistic survival type of way, the same way that has been happening for thousands of years on this planet with forms we've collectively made of all colors. Now I do think there are more intricacies to this story, that I would go over if we were in person, but for writing I feel that summarized the best I can, and I really hope we just all remember including myself to think about things and research them before we accept, especially after reading that Yakub story oh my goodness that was something really hurtful & frustrating to see in existence, because it is causing the same exact problems of tribalism, racism, slavery, fear/instinctual thought that is perpetually keeping us in this divided broken planet. I hope more than anything we can stop the fear, and break free into a boundless world of unconditional Love.

  13. On 10/3/2022 at 5:28 PM, Pioneer1 said:




    Your theory echoes  that of Herodotus who seemed to think the Colchians(Black Sea) were originally Egyptians now known as Georgians - Caucasians.


    He was actually close to being correct.


    He thought they were Egyptians who got lost up there on some expedition long ago and decided to just settle in the area.

    Most of the Black people who dwelt in that region that he was referring to were the descendants of the Black troops SENT to that area to guard the perimeter and keep the Caucasians roped in the Caucasus after they were banished up there.

    These guards were sent all over the southern and western borders.


    Your Theory on the Flood story not being Global is incorrect.


    I didn't say it wasn't a global story.

    You should read my EXACT words.









    yeah the food story predates the Bible. In fact wasn’t it in Gilgamesh?


    Because they all got it from the same original source.


    Gilgamesh is just the Aryan/Indian version of the same flood myth that the Jews and Greeks believed in.

    And just like the Aryan-Indians were Caucasian, so were the Jews and Greeks.  Which is why I said all CAUCASIAN cultures share those same myths.

    You don't hear about ANCIENT (key word) Black, Brown, or even Yellow cultures embracing that flood myth.

    Hi again Pioneer1 and everyone!


    I hope no one is upset with us challenging eachother, that is AWESOME! And just remembers on these forums us challenging eachother is all Love! Because challenging eachother is how we uplift eachtoher, is how we learn something new, and if someone is challenging you, and you look into what they are saying then hey, you see the love that person is trying to share with you, because you see something new! So that's only awesomeness, I just hope we remember that, because I know it is hard to be challenged and sometimes everyone like grrr I don't want to make the climb to learn something new but it is awesome and I am sure we all like to do that other wise we are not on these forums! And I am again soooo grateful for these forums and these discussions challenging us to learn and grow as the best as we can, not that we can ever know every single thing of course, but at least in the things that matter most.


    Definitely what "Frankster" and "Troy" are saying is 100% accurate, there are flood stories worldwide, by Native Americans, Mayans, Inca, Asians, Indian(in sacred Hindu Texts), Africa, Aborigine Australia(all linked below) as well as all the other areas of the globe, that have repeated themes, of much messed up behavior than a flood being sent to change/end this behavior and the flood being massive/worldwide/not confined to one location. I had a Native American teacher that had us read a Navajo story called "From The Glittering World" though the teacher was not Navajo, but she chose that one I believe because it really mirrors the book of Genesis, as well as the story of Noah. It's stated in that book The spirit people in this First world eventually started to make many mistakes, that they did not change, and a flood is sent by the water guardians. The mistakes included lying, jealousy, cheating, adultery and so on.


    One of the links below states, "The Hindu version of Noah is named Manu. He is warned by an incarnation of Vishnu of the impending Great Flood, enabling him to build a boat and survive to repopulate the earth. According to the texts Matsya Purana and Shatapatha Brahmana (I-8, 1-6), Manu was a minister to the king of pre-ancient Dravida. He was washing his hands in a river when a little fish swam into his hands and begged him to save its life. He put the fish in a jar, which it soon outgrew. He successively moved it to a tank, a river and then the ocean. The fish then warned him that a deluge would occur in a week that would destroy all life. It turned out that fish was none other than Matsya (Fish in Sanskrit) the first Avatara of Vishnu. Manu therefore built a boat which Matsya towed to a mountaintop when the flood came, and thus he survived along with some "seeds of life" to re-establish life on earth." From the wiki link "African cultures preserving an oral tradition of a flood include the Kwaya, Mbuti, Maasai, Mandin, and Yoruba peoples." And that same link of India shares aborigine Australia/New Zealand flood stories; which are coming from tribes that again as stated still have maintained African features after all these years, but still remember Caucasian and all other features all still originate from Africa, so technically all flood stories are still African flood stories linked with a people that migrated from Africa one way or the other.






  14. On 10/2/2022 at 6:06 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    When I look at those of the African race, our skin and hair seem to be different than other races even if they are darker than us and I've often wondered could we be "mixed" with those who are extraterrestrial.

    Perhaps part Reptilian.

    The skin of most Africans seem to be rougher or "scalier" than that of non-Africans and this is especially apparent when it gets cold and we get ashy.
    It may also explain our kinky hair and why our pores are shaped in such a way that makes the hair come out like that.

    I heard Credo Mutwa talk about the tribes with the webbed feet pictured above and it makes me wonder.

    First though before I reply I really really want to say I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I can't honestly express in words how much I LOVED these replies and this discussion oh my God I was/am ecstatic! I didn't know if anyone would reply at all or even care about this subject. Seriously you guys I am flipping sooooo appreciative, this is about to get real bc sometimes I face alot of times depression/suicidal thoughts because I just feel I have no place in this world, and I started on these forums and a good amount of other forums recently because I felt maybe there might be others interested in some of the same things I am interested in too. Reading these replies has been sooo uplifting and hopeful. Especially because the platforms I tried to share this with like Facebook have become so superficial I felt it's really impossible to play some part in trying to make this world a better place, then I thought facebook probably isn't the best forum for deeper thought, and discussions. Then I found these forums and am feeling soooooooooooo hopeful, just happy and exited. I know I shouldn't get depressed because everything I do, doesn't seem to help the world, and I alot of the time feel like I have no place, and that I should just keep trying but it really does help though when you find a place where everyone shares similar interests and wants to have deeper conversations. I JUST LOVE THESE REPLIES, and JUST LOVE YOU GUYS MAAAAAAAANNN!!! AWESOME FORUM! Ok ok I'll stop flipping out now, BUT STILL YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME I LOVE THIS FORUM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUCHHHH Ok really now though I will reply.


    YES I LOVE this message, for sure if you look into the Vadoma tribe pictured in the post, aka the two toed tribe in Zimbabwe,(also if you're interested in Kanye West, it's in the "Kanyemba" region of Zimbabwe, and after remembering a past life I have not really shared with anyone(because today there's already so much close mindedness about everything, that it seems most everyone isn't interested in the weird or paranormal, but I can share if you're interested more on that)(also I am sure Kanye subconsciously remembers this past life & many times wears contacts-easily searchable by googling "Kanye wearing reptilian contacts or alien contacts" that highly resemble reptilian eyes as a subconscious memory of this past life; even in the documentary about Ye, Ye said he is still working to resolve past life traumas, I really wish I could help, in that documentary, also he said he needed a translator, I fully could explain every single misunderstanding the world has had with Ye, I really have been translating to friends for along time, and know I could be/feel meant to be that translator) I am 100% sure it's NOT a coincidence, and I remember in that past life Kanye actually was one of main spirits with a human form, that made peace with someone else that had a reptilian form/bridged a divide, & reproduced with that reptilian that would mainly shape shift for Ye into a curvy blonde haired blue eye, body type, and started the Vadoma tribe in Zimbabwe). I know that sounds out there already, but I fully do remember this as a past life, and as proof I can say, I remember that the click sound spoken in Zulu/Xhosa which 100% is spoken in South Africa/Zimbabwe comes from the reptilian language; which is fully composed of clicks.


    And I know I can not literally give you my past life memories, but there are, I'm 100% sure people in Hollywood(also talking about Credo Mutwa, Credo Mutwa talked about this too in the interview with David Icke I'll provide links and hope administrators are ok with(maybe also later I can share the video that those clips are from in the original post) that shows also Credo Mutwa saying multiple times; how it is very curious that many people in Hollywood convey the reptilian form EXACTLY as it's known by teachings Credo received about reptilians throughout Africa https://youtu.be/2YSZ4PWMqNw?t=128. & Here is an experiencer named Charmaine featured on Ancient Aliens talking about the same exact form of reptilian but not even knowing it is a form of reptilian https://youtu.be/stCNsEdMS48?t=1760. So with Hollywood in mind and I am sure the very reason Hollywood is trying to convey these forms, is that there are some reptilians(not all) sometimes present in secret societies trying to bridge divides, re-awaken, and re-unite us all, I very STRONGLY sense that. And there are many movies that convey reptilians speaking with click sounds.


    A popular movie that has reptilians speaking with click sounds is the movie "Signs" which is pretty funny because we're talking about signs to re-awaken humanity, and in the movie there are signs everywhere for that. I don't think that was a coincidence either, because alot of ancient past is in that movie as well as well. So that's all the physical pieces of evidence, on top of the pictures, Vadoma tribe and the people with scales that you can google, I can gather to help show that absolutely there are many places humanity has interbred with reptilians. And that has resulted in Hybrid genetics in those cases.





    I thought to separate this reply to two parts, this is the second, on the subject you talked about of ashiness, sorry if this got long I just really loved these replies, no pressure to read if you're not interested.


    Also on the subject of ashiness I thought about this alot too, for the people with actual scales that you can google and picture, that really really have thicker skin, that is even green in color for some(pictured above) ashiness comes a little bit close to that, but I don't think it is related to reptilian genetics though. The reason being all humanity regardless of skin color can become ashy, I do agree too though that it happens more with dark skin color. Some have thought it's because of the contrast, I disagree with that though. I actually am born with sand/tan skin/middle eastern genetics, that I'm sure adapted to dry desert sandy regions, because the skin I have barely gets ashy in comparison to my friends that have darker skin, in the dry/non humid sometimes desert regions of Cali where I've been, especially on the elbows I rarely do lotion, unless it's really dry in Cali. It has to get really dry for my skin to become ashy, like if I stand in front of the AC, in a dry area my body will become ashy. I think if we traveled back to this ancient Africa, all our skin would be adapted to tropical and wet zones, because Africa used to be the start of the True Eden, or just a fully green Utopia, and also I mean where everyone originally had black/brown skin and then traveled across the globe and then there was a full worldwide Eden/Utopia, then later after a massive cataclysm and over 100,000 plus years all the other skin traits/features devolved.


    So I believe because of that humidity in the original tropical landscape, everyone now with dark skin has features adapted to that original tropical African landscape, and if someone with ashy skin now, was to go into this Eden type environment or a humid environment that exists in tropical areas, ashiness would be no more. I know for example that my body in humid regions becomes too oily, I think if we observed this we would see middle eastern genetics in humid/tropical regions= overly oiled skin, while African genetics in humid/tropical regions equals just right oil and no ashiness, so oil adaptations in the skin to different environments I believe is the key in this equation.


    Definitely though as talked about/pictured researchable there 100% are hybrid skin types though, in many places on Earth, with much thicker than average human skin, that have developed scales and extra thick skin, and also that humanity is a hybrid between Neanderthal type genetics/Grey alien type genetics which can be really clearly seen for anyone looking in as stated the first post. As ancient cultures did skull binding, & also had rings to make thin & long necks, or to emphasize thin and long necks. And how we today subconsciously do the same with our fashion sense/choices of suits and the skinny fashion type, cloths, cars, and sunglasses, calling this a cool or smart look, that changes our outwards appearance towards the Grey Alien appearance. Also on a cellular level and how humanity is evolving/becoming more bald towards the Grey alien, gender neutral form.  As well as all the structures in alignment with Orion as the Grey aliens, or thought of as "gods" that visited from Orion, that in stories Navaho stories such as "From the Glittering World" (a Navajo story by Irvin Morris), the "gods" made man in their image, which also mirrors Genesis in the Bible, as well as taught how to do much, agriculture etc. Which is why both on Mars and Earth there are pyramids in alignment with Orion also pictured and researchable above. There's honestly so much I'd love to talk about regarding this but don't want to be a bother, I know if we were in person we could really talk about this in depth, even on the subject of hair, I believe Grey aliens designed African curly hair, I believe originally Neanderthal type genetics(like Ardi, Lucy and so on & yes many different classifications & names, I'm just putting it in an umbrella calling it "Neandrathal type genetics" because it's all very similar & Neanderthals came from those genetics in Africa, so it's just to save space) hair in Africa was strait, but Grey aliens altered the genetics to curly, to protect the brain as much as possible. And if you think about it the hair that is absolutely the 100% best at protecting the brain, is Afro-curly type hair, strait/barely curly hair does not come close. I believe hair only changed back to strait out of fear of accepting Truth and to increase the illusion of gender I believe. There is alot more to talk about that though and don't want to bother so I'll stop there and only say if you ask. Alot of these things I've seen with our greater sense of Oneness though, and everyone would need to travel back with this greater sense to see what I am seeing to relate/understand. I have been bringing all the physical evidence I can bring though for everyone that doesn't re-activate this sense/look through it, but it's why I made that music video presentation though to help re-activate that sense and help everyone see through that sense along with all our other senses to travel back into the ancient past; remember all these things as well as ultimately that we're all spirits/particles of energy/consciousness/light, manifest from an infinite Conscious Cosmic Oneness/Blackness/Uniformity; like an infinite ocean that we're all bubbling from/apart of, within and all around us, so this planet can finally heal and bridge all these terrible divisions/scars of history.


    And it absolutely is verified that the Sahara in Africa was 100% green and tropical at one point, there are many drawings/rock art that show giraffes etc., throughout the Sahara. And that area has a gulf next to it literally called "Gulf of Aden." I know many in the Middle East and throughout the world view Africa had the true garden of Eden, some dispute it, but I believe there was a worldwide empire that started in Africa, and I am just calling it a worldwide Eden, because Eden really means heavenly place of abundance, and it started first in Africa, then spread, until the Cataclysm, that we are still working to heal today so we can propel into the future we dream of.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Hi family, below are attached actual images of the oldest statues of Buddha that can be found just by googling oldest statues of Buddha.


    I want to say first, I don't believe these bodies we have define who we are, I believe that we are all particles of energy/consciousness/light from an infinitely vast Cosmic Oneness, God whatever name is preferred, that have together manifested this reality & these bodies; all made of again us, the same energy/particles manifested to infinite different forms. So I believe literally everything is one and the same, the only reason I say that first is because I'm not trying to say Buddha was defined by body or skin color, only to say there is a vast history that is stolen from everyone that is born into a body that has collectively formed brown/black skin/African type features, that when we realize/reawaken to our lost history, all the broken civilizations on this planet can re-connect and we can move forward into the future we all dream of.


    I know that is really specific, I just don't want there to be any misinterpretation. Also there are aborigines in Australia/New Zealand too that have African features. The only reason the world doesn't recognize this today is obviously because of racism, if anyone just looks at the pictures and researches it is clear. Even some of the oldest statues of Buddha have the nose torn off, just as the nose is torn off of the sphinx in Egypt, that is also pictured below.


    Many realizations of self, and of who we are beyond these bodies, personally brought me to the awareness of a vast civilization, a world before the ice age, that had a massive cataclysm that actually caused the ice age over 100,000 years ago, where everyone had mostly African, and Indian features. Today these lost worldwide civilizations are called Atlantis, the Lost City of Dwarka(or Dvārakā), in India, and so on, these civilizations can also collectively be called Blacklantis, just to note how much history has been stolen from any spirit that is born into a body with a darker skin color(also especially because many spirits born with lighter skin want to imagine that in Atlantis everyone had lighter skin, so it's just to emphasis nope, it's Blacklantis, everyone mostly had a darker skin, and everyone no matter what skin color we have is awesome, which you can see has been attempted to be stolen from those with darker skin by stealing history, making many figures in history that had darker skin, changed to having lighter skin). With what is pictured later the oldest statues of Buddha that clearly show Buddha had a darker skin/thick afro curly hair/facial features that only exits with African genetics, as well as again with the sphinxes & pharaohs in Egypt. This history of Buddha, which each person can search for themselves, by searching the oldest statues of Buddha, hints at parts of this lost civilization. 


    Subconsciously we are all aware of this ancient history, as again we are all connected to all things, through this Oneness we all manifested from, and still have this greater sense of Oneness, although we are not very aware/in tune with it again as other animals/forms are, that run before an earthquake hits, as they sense from that sense of Oneness, that a vibration occurred a vast distance away. Which is why Black Panther has been one of the most popular/highest grossing movies, in the history of this planet. Because in it especially is some of this ancient lost history.


    Anyhow I'd like to share more of this history I have seen after many realizations of self, for anyone interested/open minded enough to do research rather than instantly reject. Also I did make a video presentation for it, that is by far better then words, but I will not share here unless a moderator oks the video, I will only share words & pictures for anyone interested. As sharing links I know can trigger algorithms to auto delete something, or moderators to become upset and not see everything I am sharing is only to uplift and help us all. Which would really be hurtful because I am putting alot of Love into this post and energy in hopes to help uplift us all. But I know it is ok to share pictures/slides from that video, everything below was from that presentation, so now, to share in more detail about this Eden/Ancient worldwide civilization with proof/slides below, that are researchable, before the destruction of a planet that used to be where the meteorite belt is, when there was this worldwide Eden/a heavenly reality. Everyone also had an awareness of who we are, why we are here, and where we are from. And also was so conscious, in tune with reality, and knew all reality was aware and they were One with everything; that most everyone had what we today would call superpowers.


    This included reading minds(which still slightly exists today, for sure has been tested and seen, you can also test and see for yourself as well), life spans far beyond todays life spans(also hinted at in the bible in the time before Noah, statements such as "black don't crack" etc.,), moving objects with thought etc., this worldwide Eden was also helped to be created by today what many would call Grey aliens, who are us, or consciousness manifested into a form that we are all trying to manifest into/support. I know that sounds new or strange to many but let us not be afraid, and let us not instantly reject without researching, let us think. There is proof all around us for those willing to search, subconsciously this is already known and represented in all our fashion/our sense of style, the way that we dress etc., In ancient times we did not have CRISPR cas9 (genetic editing today that actually gives us the ability to help transform our bodies) but we did change our outer appearance to the Grey Alien form, with skull binding, as well as putting rings to make thin & long necks, or to emphasize thin and long necks.


    Today we also subconsciously do the same with suits and the skinny fashion type, cloths, cars, and sunglasses that change our outwards appearance towards the Grey Alien appearance, we also do this on a cellular level and humanity is evolving/becoming more bald towards the Grey alien, gender neutral form. In ancient Egypt men and women were both bald and many times viewed as "gods." Anyways point being, in this ancient time before that worldwide Eden, life was mainly Neanderthal and similar type genetics. Grey aliens are the missing link, in the video and pictures below I try to emphasize that both on Earth and Mars, Greys visited from Orion at a similar time and big time changed the evolution on both planets towards Grey alien forms, as well as taught both planets how to do much, agriculture etc. Which is why both on Mars and Earth there are pyramids in alignment with Orion also pictured and researchable below, and why also ancient civilizations say the gods came from Orion; the gods that taught us many things, and why many tried to make their body shape look more like the "gods."


    I only bring up this lost history to say that if we recognize who we are, our lost history & why we are here, I am sure we can resolve all the conflicts that are still resonating on this planet and are still connected to this ancient past, where "aliens" and humanity were all together, working together on our purpose. Especially as I know and became aware that the war between humanity, and what many call the reptilian form, is one of the main causes of the worldwide flood/cataclysm that happened, as described by cultures all around the world. And when we awaken to our true history, that we are all from One, and we are all spirits, all particles of energy/light/consciousness, manifested from a Oneness; here to infinitely create, Love, connect and bring heavenly realities to wherever we go. Not to blindly follow survival instincts and destroy ourselves with territorial disputes, or hate, which disconnects us and traps us in a bubble, as has happened in the ancient past, or get lost and confused thinking that the forms/bodies we have define who we are, but always realizing and remembering that we are all one, and always remaining connected to all the cosmos, and free. THEN we will finally all re-unite when we awaken to that, and bodies/forms that have the reptilian body type will join humanity, bodies that used to have African features, but became sunken underwater due to this ancient war into underwater cities and transformed into forms that many call mermaids(which ABSOLUTELY makes appropriate the black mermaid that is coming out by Disney and many secret society absolutely know this history, and have been trying to convey it time and time again to humanity(in Aquaman, Hellboy, Shape of Water, Zelda Ocarina of Time etc., as well as many actual sightings) to help re-awaken humanity so we can all re-join together again, travel the cosmos and make everywhere we travel a better place together) which are also conveyed in that video presentation, that is made up from many slides as well as many movie clips that are produced by many in these secret societies trying to help re-awaken humanities greater sense, and that we are all One.


    In all when we fully re-awaken to who we are we will finally bridge all these divides, and all these borders, lines and foolish labels/walls built up from the fear of us really discovering who we are will disappear, and we will all reunite, transform all the deserts of this worlds into green paradises as well as all the planets and places around us. And I really believe that if the world recognized that Buddha had African features it could help us all re-awaken to this lost civilization, that had a full awareness of who we are and where we are from, as well as help to resolve/heal all the ancient conflicts still resonating in this world today, so we can finally all re-unite and blast off forward into the future we all dream of.






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  16. On 9/22/2022 at 7:54 AM, Troy said:

    Yeah, I hear you @frankster I think it is more of an attempt at increasing representation. That is the agenda. When we witness a group going from zero representation to any people start to lose their shit.


    When Black people when from zero right to some, white people lost their shit too.  Adapting to change is even more difficult than providing equality for all people.


    The real question related to a secret agenda is the one alluded to by @Cynique and that is: who is the "they" Back folks often talk about?  


    Many point to an evil cabal of Jewish puppet masters who control the world. Black folks are currently victims of the Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefellers, and Bilgerbergs, pulling the strings behind the scenes.  Wielding amazing levels of power, but seemingly too inept to keep their diabolical plans secret from the hip-hop community.


    Maybe there is a "they," but there is also an us. Are we going to work with ourselves or continue to wring our hands over the "they."

    I think it's no secret that the music industry has purposefully tried to popularize hip-hop music, that talks about guns, murder, and drug dealing, out of racism to oppress. Rather than popularizing hip-hop music that is about uplifting our communities, ending violence, and allowing unconditional Love to flow over the Earth.


    The music industry also tries to make conscious hip-hop seem like a negative thing, when that very well could have been the music that the industry chose to back, and popularize. And with all the money that the industry has from the yes, bankers/corporations that do also fund these organizations you listed, anything can be popularized by just putting the money behind it to advertise it. It's why Scarface and many hip-hop artist have said in interviews that the industry pushed them to make music about, guns and drugs rather then uplifting music. Definitely no one should have accepted doing that for money though.


    And definitely I agree with you that we all need to be more aware in everything we do, in all the music we share and spread, in what we allow to be popular behavior or music, but also these industries should not be doing that behavior either. Also I just want to say I don't think it was right to belittle the Hip-hop community like that, originally Hip-hop was much more meaningful and connected to uplifting the woes of society then it is today, and there are still many Hip-hop artists that are very conscious and wanting to uplift the world and all our communities.

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