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Posts posted by Cynique

  1. Chris Hayden recently took our fearless leader Troy to task, lecturing him about brainwashed negroes and their slave mentalities, delivering a very impassioned diatribe in making his case. With a graphic use of rhetoric, citing his hero Ishmael Reed, Chris smeared the canvass with his impression of contemporary Blacks. But, in creating art, Chris also created a problem because, while an artist can use abstract techniques, a camera doesn’t lie.

    In endeavoring to reinforce his points, certain things claimed by Chris were more of a stretch than a sketch when it comes to how black life was in the 1950s (a period during which he was a mere child ) Troy couldn’t challenge the statements Chris made. But. I. Can. I am a camera. I was a young adult during the 50s decade and a lot of what Chris ranted about just did not apply to places other than the south. I feel compelled to set the record straight.

    In the throes of his frustration, Chris equated aspects of the Jim Crow culture with being microcosms of America at large, and this was not the case during the 1950s. True, things were not ideal in the North and, yes, there was racial prejudice but there were never “Whites Only” signs in public accommodations so Blacks and Whites did use the same bathrooms. And contrary to what Chris further implied, back then black folks were plying their trade as doctors, lawyers, teachers, clergymen, law enforcement officers, and politicians, so the Post Office was certainly not the only job a black college graduate could get! In addition to the postal service, anyone who could pass the civil service exam qualified for federal employment in other areas, and Blacks were very visible in such agencies as the Veteran Administration, The Social Security Administration, The Internal Revenue Service, The General Service Administration, working and accumulating the seniority which enabled them to rise through the ranks, - something they did in great numbers. This I can attest to having known many such people and having, myself, worked for both the VA and the SSA, finishing up my 25-year civil service tenure at the PO. OK? BTW, it was also during this time that the military became integrated.

    Or, were we as manipulated as some make us out to have been during this era, and when it came to attempts to devalue us, our brains recognized what was racially-offensive. Yes, we may have tampered with our hair, but we didn’t give up on our roots.

    Yet, today, certain accusers sear the “slave mentality” brand on those who haven’t overthrown the standards of the white “slave masters”. But, just what mentality did slaves have? Weren’t they really just adapting and making the best of a bad situation, outwitting their masters with the guile that was superior to the inferiority of white arrogance. Having a slave mentality could have nothing to do with believing the negative messages their oppressors conveyed but more about avoiding getting your ass whipped.

    Drowning all of this out, however, is the blare of myopic visionaries with a mission to wake dummies up from the nightmare of mental bondage - so they can dream the “impossible” dream, while wearing the hair natural. Does the way I characterize this crusade reek with pessimism? Yes, I know. “Hope floats“. But does Reality give a “damn”? Not necessarily. It more likely erects a dam - an obstruction that re-directs the currents, sending hope adrift. Spoken like a true, cynic, you say? I plead guilty. I also take the rap for being tired of hearing the same ol buzz words and patented one-sided arguments that misinterpret the survival tactics of a people who have for centuries rolled their eyes at white absurdities and clung to an inner pride that may have been down but never out.

    So, Brother Chris, you can continue your illustrating and I’ll focus on my snapshots. And the beat goes on…

  2. Nothing like disregarding misspelled words and establishing your own literary rules, I guess. Just don't try to foist such defiance on a professional editor who has no time for amateurs.

    I don't consider myself "vengeful" when I interact with you. Man up, and quit playing the victim role, deluding yourself into believing that my attitude is vested with enough energy to be "vengeful". What is it I'm supposed to be avenging????

    Is it any wonder I find you to be someone whose personality exhibits the passive-aggressive tendencies that propel you to always cast yourself as a hero, and others as villains? But - nobody's perfect. And, in keeping with an increasing awareness about what a big joke Life is, I've decided that it's more fun to regard you as amusing rather than annoying, - obtuse rather than obnoxious. And does anybody really care? z z z z z z z

  3. Gee whiz, careless-careless, you spelled "mesmerizing" and "goddess" wrong, and "fallen prey to the sweet perfume of her voice" is a mixed metaphor of the worst kind. (You hear voices, you don't smell them, and since it's not a creature, perfume doesn't prey on people.) The only thing more terrible than that was "sweet drops of rest". Good Lord! I could go on but I will refrain from any further wincing at your "purple prose" lest you subject me to a barrage of all that pseudo-philosophical gibberish you punished Chris Hayden with.

    Sorry, ol guy. That's what you get for writing something short enough for me to muddle through. Help me, Jesus, before I die laughing.

  4. You read a lot into what I wrote, bookfan. I never said anything about racism or did I say that black folks completely ignored the festivities. Jocks of all color follow a winning team, and the Hawks did have a smattering of blacks fans, altho today there was a story going around about how on the float the mixed Black Hawk player was stuck in the back with the trainers.Ha-ha.

  5. Last Wednesday, Chicago Black Hawks won the NHL’s coveted Stanley Cup and Chicago went wild. White people were in a state of euphoria, the likes of which I had never witnessed. Black folks? Not so much.

    On Friday a white horde descended upon the city as hockey enthusiasts from near and far showed up to witness the ticker tape parade paying tribute to the conquering heroes. And the attendance at the victory rally that followed was estimated to be over a million! Incredible.

    This was an interesting phenomenon in that the silence emanating from the black community was as loud as the roar of the white-faced crowd clad in bright red jerseys,all caught up in a frenzy of adulation. But hockey just doesn’t seem to stir a lot of excitement among black folks, although no one begrudged Whites the joy they were experiencing over what could only be described as the emergence of their very own winning team. Forget the Bears and Bulls and their black super stars. Forget having to become allied with black fans. The Joe 6-packs and Soccer Moms in and around Chicago now had a sport they alone could cheer about, - one their kids could dream about breaking into. Go Hawks!

    Ironic how athletics can not only unite people but also separate them. Yet, you never know. Like golf and tennis, hockey may one day see an influx of black players. Then the great white hope will be threatened and in Chicago the name Black Hawks will take on a new meaning. We shall see.

  6. OOOOOh, Puleeze. "Out me", hell. Kiss your crusty feet! You must be out of your fuckin mind. I can count on one hand, the times I have visited your blog. And the reason I don't come often is because I'm not interested in reading your long-winded BS. You flatter yourself if you think you are worth anything more than a cursory glimpse on my part. In fact, many times on this board the reason I have not answered your questions is because I don't know what they are since I just skim over your posts because they are too long and incoherent.

    So you can stop monitoring me and looking under my skirt, you sneaky-assed pervert. The last time I visited I wanted to see if you gave a review of "The Good Negro". I was curious as to whether it went over your head. You don't impress me as somebody in tune with innuendo and nuance, you thick-skulled moron. LMAO.

    I couldn't care less about your opinions because I know from the git you are going off into left field with a lot of silliness. I have no reason to present myself as anything other than somebody who thinks you are a a tiresome bore. I hate to rain on your parade but put your ego in check, babe. Your inflated opinion of yourself in laughable and you are lying when you say I am a constant visitor to your blog. I've never met you but the encounters I have with you on this board are enough to convince me that you are the type of person I find annoying and obnoxious. At least Chrishayden is literate and funny.

    And just keep on trying to legitimize your arguments about the subject under discussion. It won't help. You're toast.

  7. Good grief, Carey! Why are you making a mountain out of a mole hill?? How many times do you have to be told that the reason certain black folks are griping about Obama is because they invested their hopes in him, and since they elected him, they feel they have right to complain when he veers from the course.

    How many times do you have to be told that nobody forced Obama to run for president. He did it because he wanted the job and thought he could handle it, and being the target of discontented snipers comes with the territory. No president is immune to criticism and it's stupid to think, as you apparently do, that people should hold their tongues because to speak out exposes Obama vulnerablity and is also a sign that compainers have character flaws that stem back to their frustrated ambtions in life. Utter nonsense.

    I, personally, attack Obama about his missteps because he has purple lips and I think he's still wet behind his funny ears. WTF. I laugh everytime I see him trying to act tough. That's because I look upon him as an under-achieving son, not to mention that I want him to get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan because I believe this war to be a lost cause. Waging a land war on foreign soil is not the way to fight terrorism in America - a conviction left over from my peace-nik days when I was among those opposing the unwinnable war against Communism waged in Vietnam. Get it?

    Only sombody grasping at straws would continue to attack the messenger instead of the message, going off on tangents about motive and intent, doggedly trying to attribute all kinds of silly psychological origins to anybody who simply exercises their right to mouth off. Just what qualifies you to make professional judgments about people who disagree with your philosophy? What are your credentials. When did citizens have to justify giving politicians hell? This is as American as apple pie.

    I guess you have to convince yourself that people are inadvertantly telling you what you want to hear in order to prove your incongruent points when, in fact, all of Chrishayden did was to help you make a fool of yourself.

  8. Chris Hayden and Tom Burrell, the author of a new book challenging the myth of black inferiority, apparently think they are among the enlightened few obligated to spread the word that - "Negroes are brain-washed!" So what else is new? I have been hearing this and the arguments that accompany it for almost 50 years, and it's a declaration that is always imparted in the form of a scold. "You poor clueless negroes are just tryin to be like white folks!" As if white folks have a monopoly on the desire to live the American dream; as if any black person who strives for this is - trying to look white, trying to talk white, trying to act white, trying to deny their African Heritage. Brainwashed! Screw the fact that the Jews who are the most successful ethnic group in this country also Anglo-sized themselves before they made inroads into the dominant society, and if black people are going to move up, they damn sure better avoid being brainwashed by the "detergent" of semantics. Yes, black folks are influenced by the dominant culture which is white. But is this "brainwashing". Or is this the pragmatism that spawns far more success than the lectures from malcontents who spout simple solutions for complicated problems, - who try to sanitize a "misery loves company" doctrine with a "united we stand" spin. Brainwashing, indeed.

    Black women catch a lot of the flak from pontificating black men. Yes, many of them get perms and hair extensions. And so do others! The big rage among white women nowadays is tanning, and breast implants, and plastic surgery. They pay to lie in booths, exposing themselves to the danger of skin cancer just so they can transform their white skin into a golden hue. They undergo other procedures to plump up their lips to make them fuller. They do all manner of things to acquire the money to have their A-cup breasts expanded into D-cups. Even Asian women have eyelid surgery to change their slanted eyes. Puleeze. Are they any different from black women? Or are ALL women slaves to vanity?

    And of course, all of that flak enables the "black hate" argument. "Black people hate themselves," the naysayers drone. Gimme a break. There's nobody who loves herself more than a fat sista backin up that booty down at the club. And why do other black females look down their noses at any brotha who doesn't have a car and a job? Because they hate themselves? Hell no. Because they love themselves too much to "settle". And WHO has more swagger than a self-satisfied black man? Who ridicules square white people who don't act like they do any more than smirking black people? Self-hate is hardly the phrase to describe those who, through all of the adversity, still enjoy each other, still know how to laugh and have fun and roll with the punches. I don't agree that we hate ourselves. We just resent white people who don't recognize our ABILITIES.

    I'd be the first to admit that materialism ranks right up there with racism when it comes to black progress, but we live a society brainwashed by consumerism. Blacks, like the rest of the population, reject a Spartan lifestyle, preferring to indulge themselves. Blame capitalism.

    And, yes, Blacks should organize and pool our money and assets for the common good. Yes, we should stress education and aspire to many different professions. Who disputes this? And can anybody dispute the breakdown of the black family as the root cause of most black problems? Yet, anybody who tries to brainwash black folks into adjusting their breeding habits is shouted down with cries of "genocide", and being "a part of the problem instead of part of the solution" is always the rationale directed at those who want to give the race a makeover. Oooh, don't hurt the feelings of those poor ghetto folk who perpetuate their "unique" culture, and black-on-black crime is no more prevelant that white-on-white crime. It's the media, the media, always the MEDIA. The media influences how white people perceive black folks! This can be true. But how powerful is the media? Are Blacks stupid enough to believe that all white people act the way they do in the media? Has the media simply become a convenient scapegoat? Whatever.

    In any case, it would seem that what Brainwash Accusers desire is for Blacks to not physicaly emulate the white race but simply mimic what it does to achieve success. This is an admirable goal. Only problem is we'd have to regress to "square one". But - go for it. Me and my brainwashed self, however, have been around since 1933, and I know that not only is black inferiority a myth, but so is Utopia. And, so it goes...

  9. How interesting and heartwarming, Crystal! 'Can always depend on you to bring a breath of fresh air to the board.

    Coincidentally, I just read an obituary which appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times announcing the death of Eleanor Taylor Bland at age 65. She was a black mystery writer who enjoyed modest success for her series of books that followed the exploits of Marti MacAlister, a black homicide detective.

    A resident of Waukegan, Illinois, Ms. Bland was considered a pioneer in the black "whodunit" genre, and a student of criminal justice. According to the article, her books were very well-received and her writing style praised for its conciseness and clarity.

    I had heard of this author but never read any of her novels. Maybe I will check them out.

  10. ROTFLOL. Midget? I'm 5'5" and I never said I wasn't clever. My "cleaver" joke apparently went over your head, Carey. Or are any of the other afore mentioned allegations accurate. Just typical Carey distortions. Na na na na, hey, hey, gooooood bye. Got rid of that ol fart. He couldn't take being vetted because he can't face the truth about himself.

    And I will now proceed to fulfill Carey's predictions just to assuage his wounds.

    Carey gets mad cuz he can't manipulate opponents into answering the irrelevant questions he makes up. Either that or he ignores the answers if they don't say what he hopes to hear.

    Carey concocts false scenarios so he can attribute unrealized dreams and ambitions to anybody who disagrees with him.

    Carey thinks because he has not accumulated knowledge about a lot of things, that anybody else who exposes his ignorance has consulted Google or is echoing newscasters, and - most incredible of all, is his belief that he strikes fear in me. This fool is KRAZY.

    And oh, yes, anybody who criticizes Obama has to answer to the "great" Carey because he is the self-appointed defender of the faith.

    And there you have it. The profile of a zero masquerading as a hero. Glad he crawled back into his hole. My work here is done.

  11. What a crock of misspelled bull shit. I've been called many things but never "cleaver", altho I admit that Carey is chopped liver as far as I'm concerned. LMAO.

    Poor ol deluded, Carey. He whines that anybody who doesn't fall in line with the stupid rationales of his plantation mentality is mirroring the stance of someone else. He never realizes that he himself is mirroring the thoughts and parroting the words of people who share his point of view. And Carey actually could accomplish everything he's trying to convey by simply writing "Shhhhhhh". He admits that Obama's black critics are not voicing anything but common complaints but his whole argument seems to be predicated on the implication that if black people say bad things about Obama, wooooo, this will give others ideas that can be used against him or maybe inspire assassins. Puleeze. Nobody but a fool would under estimate the intelligence of Obama's enemies, or the irrationality of lunatics who don't need the compliance of black folks to incite them.

    Carey and his ilk are apparently scared that Republicans will capitalize on the criticism of Obama's former black backers. But just what do they think these Republicans will decide to do?? Tell their constituencies that Negores are smart enough to recognize wrong things so we have to pay attention to what they say and go along with their liberal demands. Let's evacuate the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. And let's let those Mexicans come across the border and allow those Gays to get married. Get real. It just doesn't go like that in the real world. But people with small minds can't envision the end game.

    Carey accuses others of ego-trippin, even as he adopts the position of somebody who knows more than black intellects. Pitiful. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't harbor the notion that when it comes to an alternative to Barak Obama, it should HIM. Carey for president! Lord help us. Shades of Sarah Palin. Get the hell outta here, Carey. What you have to say carries no more weight than what those who disagree with you have to say. You just can't abandon the idea that when YOU co-sign to something that this automatically makes it right. Not so. Get over yourself. You more of a stinker than a thinker and you've really stunk up the joint. Phew.

  12. People around Chicago are taken aback over remarks Steadman Graham made during a recent interview on a local TV station. In regard to the subject of Oprah's impending exit from our fair city, anxious to secure his future as her lap dog, Steadman blubbered about how Chicago didn't appreciate all that Oprah has done for it. He even elevated her to biblical status, making reference to how the Good Book states a prophet is never appreciated in their own land, - or some such nonsense. Prophet?? I don't know what the ol girl has ever foreseen with any accuracy other than if you give people cars they'll go crazy even as they calculate the taxes that come with such generosity.

    Anyhoo, it didn't take long for a couple of fearless newspaper columnists to risk their careers and put this puppet in his place. And I totally agreed with their pointing out how Oprah snubbed Chicago to build a girls school in South Africa, or how she is just one of many super-rich home-grown philanthropists who have made Chicago the beneficiary of their charitable contributions, and how she can't take any more credit than The Bulls, The Bears, The Blackhawks, The White Sox and Cubs when it comes to bringing glory to this city. Certain people in Oprah's entourage apparently think that promoting books and movies and providing an ample bosom for celebrity airheads to cry on somehow contributes to the prestiege of this toddlin town. Not.

    Somebody needs to tap "O" on her shoulder and remind her that Chicago was a great place before she arrived and will remain a great place when she leaves. We survived Michael Jordan's departure and nobody will really miss Oprah when she's gone because, aside from her show, she has never been a very visible presence here.

    You had a good run here, Oprah, but your time is up. See ya later, alligator.

  13. Oooh quit beatin a dead horse, Carey. Do you know yourself the point you are laboring to make? Your "impotant" negro argument is silly and has no grounding in reality. A lot of Blacks who criticize Obama are, indeed, high profile and that's why their words reach print. Furthermore, what makes YOU important enough to challenge them? And how dare you tell me that I am not speaking for myself when I voice the sentiments of people who want America to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. I've been a peace advocate since the 1960s and I'm no more brainwashed than these misguided patriots who actually think American soldiers are dying to save America from being invaded by bad guys hiding out in caves thousands of miles away.

    Read my lips. Frustrated people need somebody to blame for their angst and they take it out on the President of the United States because he is the one who is in charge and he ran for the office because he wanted this responsibility. If you can't deal with this, then you're "shit outta luck". Nobody really owes a non-entity like you an explanation as to why they choose to criticize Obama. Why do you choose to criticize his critics? You aren't any more in the know than they are. You just think you are.

  14. Oh, Puleeze. The President is the HNIC and it's his job to figure out a way to bring the promises he ran on into fruition and to delegate authority appropriately. That's what his cabinet and his staff of experts are for; to do his bidding.

    Democratic voters struck a convenant with Obama; we will vote for you if you focus on our interests. If you don't, rather than repressing our complaints, we will remind you of your obligations. That's how politics work.

    How more specific can anti-war groups get? Learn the lessons of Vietnam. Pull the troops out of Afghanistan. Quit allowing American troops to die on foreign soil defending a country that won't defend itself. The war on terrorism can be fought right here at home because it is all about surrepticious activity carried on by small jehad cabals infiltrating this country.

  15. Your whole gripe, Carey, seems to be that if a person can't say something good about the president, they shouldn't say anything at all. Just keep quiet and maybe the problems will go away, huh? There is, however, such a thing as constructive criticism. People do have a right to hold the president accountable to his promise to bring the troops home from Afghanistan, a promise he seems poised to renege on. Others are equally specific when demanding accountablity, as he ignores the disappointment of Gays in the military and the Immigrant groups, both of whom he filled with high hopes of reform.

    If we had a dictator instead of an elected chief executive, it might be a good idea to keep one's mouth shut. Since that's not the case, like George Bush, Obama has to endure the slings and arrows of dissident citizens.

  16. Well Chris, I do not know if you were intentionally trying to cloud the issue or derail the original message, but the following may be true.

    You said: "It is not up to me, a Negro of no importance to produce a replacement"

    Although you may have said that in jest, that mindset is exactly what I am talking about. The " I am not important" part of your statements, is reminiscent of those that do not have a defined reason for voicing negative rethoric about Obama. Although they may have a reason or excuse for their actions, they cannot define what they hope to achieve. More importantly, they seldom look at the risks and costs and rewards (if any) of their negative banter.

    And please, those that shout the phrase "we have to make him accountable" cannot define how they are "making" him accountable.

    In short Chris, if you and others do not feel as if you make a difference, then why even talk about it? I would say that you DO make a difference WHEN you talk about it. Other people are listening... that DO vote.

    Now we've come home. How does our words affect the vote in 2012?

  17. Gimme a break, Chrishayden. How can you demand facts when you, yourself, produce nothing but anecdotal rebuttals. For every one female in your family rejecting marriage, I can think of two single women I know who lament being snubbed by the shrinking pool of eligible black bachelors. Your bluster is a poor substitute for a plausible response when disputing the claim that single black women out number married ones.

    And to use the erratic petulant Reverend Jeremiah Wright to substantiate your irrational rant against the NY Times is laughable. The liberal credentials of the NY times are in tact because it's a newspper which doesn't tout the conservative line. It's not their fault if naive people like you don't realize that Liberals eschew black radicals and only support moderate Blacks who don't rock the boat.

    Even as you grow older, you seem to have never been able to shed your cloak of idealism. You still cling to your dream of a world where heroes and villains exist, your idea of a hero being an impeccable individual who just happens to thinks like you. Come on over here with us cynics and get real, Bro.

    As for marriage, like the old saying goes, marriage is a great institution, but who wants to live in an institution? Apparently, in this day and age, more and more people of every race are asking this question. Time brings change.

  18. Why are these figures so hard to believe, Chrishayden? What other explanation can be given for the fact that single black women are increasingly outnumbering married ones. And surely you are not denying that black men are the chief "offenders" when it comes to forsaking their own women for females of other races???

    The future looks gloomy for sistas who more and more are being relegated to the ranks of babies' mamas, rather than daddys' wives. How ironic that the only glimmer of hope has to do with the growing possibility of marriage, itself, becoming extinct.

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