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Posts posted by Cynique

  1. Cynique, I didn't even know who the woman was until you started badgering me about her. I looked up her work because you wouldn't shut up about her. Any and all knowledge of, or "praise" I have for her body of work, is your fault. All the venom you've been dishing out does nothing but make her seem like the more sympathetic one. The "hate congeals" thing doesn't seem at all that ludicrous because you're obsessed.

    But the Kola Boof thing isn't what's bothering me. Its this inherent belief you seem to have that teenagers can't in any way be intelligent, or have interest on the subject matter raised on this forum. You've yet to tell me what an authentic nineteen year old is supposed to sound like. Philistine, perhaps? Or maybe I'm supposed to tiep in chad speek, or WRITE IN CAPS, tack LOL at the end of everything I say, or play follow the leader with nary an opinion of my own. One thing about you that I noticed, Cynique, is that you can be downright loveable to anybody who is obsequious to you. God in heaven help the damned soul who has an opinion that differs from yours. Heresy! That alone is grounds enough for viciousness or rambling conjecture. Which pretty much sums up the entirety of your arguments against me: conjecture.

    1) I thought that it was important for people to have a racial or cultural identity of their own to turn to (or at least the right to seek it out without discouragement from the dominant culture or from the people within their own community) so that they would not have to go through life feeling as if their way of life is defective or feel as if they're floating through life.

    2) I was upset at the neglect of a an entire selection of books, which was clearly being mistreated for racial reasons.

    This was enough to have me slammed as Kola and I find that disturbing. The first? Yeah, I can see some fairly reasonable debate arising from that. But even then, all you did was tell me to thicken up my skin and berate me. There was no question about my identity. No. The storm didn't hit until I started this thread. Is it really so difficult to believe that with all the millions Black people who have access to the internet in this country that only Kola Boof would care about a subtle public display of racism? Do you honestly believe that there's no way a young person could possibly be socially conscious enough to pick up on it? Come on, now. People come in too many different flavors for just one spoon.

    I gave you ample evidence--foolproof evidence--that you simply did not want to utilize. And I took it down because, quite frankly, it was incredibly stupid of me to have put my business out on the internet for something this retarded. I tried to exculpate myself because I can't tolerate being called a liar, because I don't want my thoughts and feelings credited to a different person, and the dismissive behavior regarding my ability to think cut me deep. I told you. Amour Propre is a bitch. Honor before reason. Feeling before thought. These are errors in my person that I undeniably need to address and I will.

    But you really need to stop and check yourself because your reasoning makes my head hurt. If I'm to follow your logic, then I should assume that you and Xeon are the same person since if I cover your screen names and your avatars, then you both read exactly the same way. Right now, I halfway believe it. However, I have absolutely no proof so I have no grounds to confront you on it. So I won't. Do you see how that works?

    You don't have to like me, Cynique. I'm not too keen on you either. But you can at least hate me for me.

    Oooooh shut up. Egads, Egoofball. I do not now and never really have had any interest in anything you have to say. And you're crazier than I thought if you think I'm going to plow through your self-serving "mission statement". Maybe somebody cares whether you stay or go. But I don't. Lie on. Yawn :o

  2. ... damn, I promised myself I wouldn't post again, but this is too hilarious.

    Props to all the people who are continuing to defend Erzulie. You have far more patience and stamina than I. (For that matter, so does Erzulie. Idfk why she doesn't just ditch this garbage website, but eh, that's her prerogative.)

    LMAO. :lol: This woman is truly a hydra monster. Every time you lop off one of Kola's heads, 2 more grow back. She's like dog shit. She's everywhere.I thought Erzuzu turned in her green card but nooooooooooooooo, she's coming baaaaaaaaack.Kola's on a roooooooll. :o

  3. WORD! :)

    Glad to see you're still here Serena and still putting it down.

    What is with the Kola Boof fixation? I was here for six years and

    I still don't understand it. Her name gets mentioned and POW its

    more important than President Obama handling the congress.

    Shit is annoying and immature as all get out.

    What's been up with Tanya and when is Kola coming back? I'd come

    back if she did.

    Well, Kola, I would say it was a "nice try", but it wasn't. Just awful. The "Misty" side of the Kola coin is as phony as all the rest of your creations. Why can't you figure out that your attempts to throw people off are so contrived that they have just the opposite effect. (Does anybody other than middle-age squares use the expression "Word" anymore?? LMAO) As long as you've been at this sock puppet ruse you have yet to perfect your game. Maybe if you could just resist inserting compliments about yourself into the dialog that you write, you'd be a little more convincing. And you know damn well that your multiple identities all have to have a __ in their names for a reason.

    Well, you've laid the ground work for your return and let's see how exciting you make things around here if you come back. You'd better believe that you'd be nothing without me as your antagonist because at some point your self promotion becomes a boring drag, not to mention your atonal warbling, and there are others here who can talk about books just as good, if not better than you. So get over yourself..

  4. There was a time when white folks thought running their hands over the hair on a Negro's head was good luck. Especially at race tracks. This probably dates back to slavery days. I'm sure the advent of the Jheri Curl contributed to the demise of this "tradition". Nowadays, it is no longer open season on black pates. And that's a good thing. :huh:

  5. Xeon is another stupid swamp ape who is waay to into himself and Black men to understand the "gist" of what I am saying. So let me break it down to you so that even a Chimp like you can understand.

    If you have been on this board long enough like I have you would see that this board is frequented by Black men who stereotype, degrade and loathe Black women. AND unless you have been asleep for the past 30-40 years you would see that "society" in general has become a forum for Black men to 'spew' there hatred of Black women and children. But I guess your stupid Rhesus monkey looking ass doesn't notice that. But like the majority of nigger males in this country YOU only notice when Black women stand up and defend themselves. And you use that as a 'vehicle' for to further your hate campaign against Black womens supposed 'attitudes'.

    Also, I never said that ALL light complected women were the enemy. I said only those like Cynique who fully support and demand the racist, rigid color-cast system that Black men have imposed on the Black community because in the end they knew it was going to 'favor them'. I have an issue with both light and dark complected women who do this. But the dark complected women who do this are 'idiots' and 'weak' because they are the ones who are ultimately going to be 'shitted' on. Actually, some of the most 'downest' women I have ever met where light skinned women who were tired of 'judged' and 'pedastaled solely because of there skin color and hair texture.

    Lastly, I have NO issue with Black men marry non Black women. I have an issue with Black men who 'cloak' there hatred of Black women and children under the 'thin' veneer of anger just so they can justify some evil, racist, self-loathing bullshit that there White slavemasters taught them years ago.

    Got that niggerboy?

    You're so full of crap, I can smell you through my computer, serenasailor. Your repetitious rants are just diarrhea of the mouth, a barrage of rhetorical bull shit that paints an inaccurate picture. Your accusations about me, in particular, have no grounding in truth and are figments of your imagination. You have NEVER heard me support the caste system or attack other women of my race because of their color, all of which proves how deluded and deranged you are. As for my sentiments about irresponsible breeding by single women, if the shoe fits, then your momma can wear it and while she's at it, she can share the blame for how maladjusted you turned out to be.

    Kola Boof comes to your defense, suggesting that I lighten up on you, but you want to play hardball so you and your degenerate self deserve every slur hurled your way. You can't see past your nose or comprehend that your pathetic world is just a fraction of the country at large, and your perception is influenced by your sorry experiences. You are an ignorant, immature, malcontent who needs to get into therapy. All you're good for is raggin on black men and light-skinned women and it's probably because deep down inside, you yearn to be something your are not, which is - a light-skinned man. You poor fool. :blink:

  6. Then name-calling aside; what exactly did she do? I sincerely don't get it.

    Ask "Erzulu" what we did except to kid her because she came across as anything but the 19 year old black girl she was claiming to be, eagerly supplying us with evidence that wasn't fool proof. She was totally artificial and inconsistent and was gearing up to start singing the praises of Kola Boof, a familiar scenario that occurred over and over on the old board, as we regulars were subjected to a parade of Kola Boof "fans". "Erzie" is mad because nobody took her seriously. Everybody just thought, oooh, no. Not again. And, no, I will never reveal how I discern certain trolls to be Kola sock puppets.

    BTW, I'm not asking you to agree with my skepticism. You can believe what you want to. Who cares???

  7. You're allowed to make typos and I'm not? This makes me sad.

    You shouldn't be calling anyone a jerk with the way you've been treating Erzulie. You're hilarious.

    It makes you sad that you can dish it out but you can't take it. You're a name-calling fool and have the nerve to try and pass yourself off as a somebody above reproach. Puleeze. No wonder you empathize with Erzulu. You're not hilarious; you're an unfunny joke and a vapid air head..

  8. D'aww. You guys are so sweet. Thank you for coming to my defense. :lol:

    To everybody else on this site: I'm out. If this is how you honestly conduct yourselves, then I'm out. No use in my staying in a place where nobody can be productive. I've already requested that my account be deleted, so no worries. You win. I concede. I'm not Kola, but I really just don't have the patience to put up with your nonsense anymore.

    I'm severely disappointed in this place. Was I expecting to get my ass kissed? No. But I did expect a bunch of grown ass adults to behave as such. When a bunch of teenagers from another website come to correct you on your idiocy, then you know you're doing it wrong.

    To the two people on this site who were actually civil, thank you for having me. To the rest of you, especially Cynique and Xeon, get over yourselves. You're the most pretentious people I've ever come across, ever. If at this stage in the game you still can't wrap your heads around the fact that I'm not Kola, then you're also the stupidest. You don't owe me any explanations for your behavior, Cynique, but I know that you are ''far'' too old to be such a cow to people on the internet for kicks and wholeheartedly believe that doing so makes you look intelligent or tough. Shape up. You can critique people and be cynical of their motives without acting like a roach coach. Change your screen name if you can't understand that. Same to Xeon and bookfan (Do you even comprehend how unbelievably rotten it was for you to alter my image so that you could keep trolling me? If you have the technological prowess to do all that photoshopping, then you knew from the get-go that I was legit. To hell with you.)

    Have fun being unproductive, overly-pretentious, cantankerous, poisonous assholes. I'm done.

    Oooooh what a drama queen. Gimme a break, Ezeus. "YOU" are so out of touch with reality. How many people has your character engaged with on this site? Nobody is paying attention to all of this nonsense. If any regular posters found it compelling, they would be chiming in, adding their opinions instead of checking in from time to time waiting for an interesting subject to come up so they can participate. You over estimate the impact you have had on this site, Erzooooomi. You're the one who is pretentious. I am who I am. Somebody who takes great delight in deflating your hot air baloon. sssssssssssss. BOOM :rolleyes:

    Nobody, including me, gives a damn whether you stay or go, or will anybody miss you. Sparring with you and your swarm was just a passtime for me until something more exciting came up. Yaaaaaawn. <_< See ya, but I wouldn't wanna be ya. LMAO :lol:

  9. Oh, I'm in no way implying that this has been a common occurrence on here. It will be, though.

    And there certainly is something paranoid about believing an individual is a sock puppet without being able to supply proof of the fact. Really, I would go away if you could (as would most of us), and I'd frankly be quite pissed to find out that the individual you initially called a sock puppet was in fact a sock puppet, since that'd be a betrayal of my trust as well... but you've so far refused to do so for others asking for the proof, and I have no illusions that you will do so for me either. You most likely believe me to the be the same person as everyone other guest that has come here over this incident, and I frankly doubt I could convince you otherwise without giving up information that simply wouldn't be wise to post anywhere online. I am not, although I do know them from another site, which is also how I wound up here.

    Also, 'Kola Boof vibe'? Would you please explain further?

    You know, I don't care whether you stay or go or what you are. What you are not is the Grand Inquisitor and I don't have to give you any explanation or justification about my suspicions about this Erzulu character except that Kola and I have been butting heads for years and I know her "game". My instincts are my proof, and you can take it or leave it. Makes me no difference. If you want to make a federal case out of it, go right ahead.

    I also don't care whether Erluzi stays or goes and my sentiments about her are not grounded in paranoia because I do not fear her, and don't consider her a sinister figure who is plotting against me. I think she's a troll, and if you don't like it, that's too friggin bad. You don't make the rules around here or establish the protocol. As far as I'm concerned, Erzalooza hasn't proved that she isn't a Kola sock puppet and I will continue to snicker at her affectations whether you like or not. Got it?? B)

  10. Y'know, I think you can all expect to seem me around for a while. I get the feeling that much hilarity will come of you. I mean, generally I'm against trolling, but the paranoia exhibited here is really just too amusing. Please don't let me down. :3

    As an aside, if you couldn't already tell, the last three posters above me are, of course, moi.

    Oh, and lastly, it's a really bad idea to have a guest posting system. It's pretty much asking for a glorious shitstorm, especially when the community guest posting is allowed in has a number of asshats that are really walking trollbait.

    Obviously none of these "guests" who have spammed this board tonight are regular posters. The usual crew are registered members who all know one another. Ordinarily there is no great preoccupation with trolls, contrary to what you might think. Other topics command much more attention and debate. It's only when the Kola Boof "vibe" occasionally permeates the board that red flags arise. Trolls do, after all, exist and it's not necessarily paranoid to become suspicious about sock puppets who have a way of giving themselves away. No big deal to anybody other than those professing their innocence.

  11. I'll just go out on a limb here and assume you're not completely paranoid out of your damn mind. Can you tell me exactly why you think she's a troll? Meaning, actual reasons, not just repeating the same "sophisticated" mocking like you have been.

    Also, a word of advice; overusing big words doesn't make you seem any more intelligent, you preschoolers.

    Are you under the impression that I care what you think about my declarations??? Puleeze. Keep you stupid advice to yourself, you self-important phony. Am I supposed to be impressed with your pedantic inanity???? NOT. Crawl back to where you came from.

  12. Eh, I blame our culture for deriding hypocrisy a little too much, to the point of turning consistency into the prime virtue. Once you make an accusation, you can never back down from it, since people feel it's better to be wrong and appear right than to be right and admit you were wrong. There can be no re-evaluation of claims for people like bookfan, Xeon, and Cynique; only an ever-increasing wall of defense against reality!

    Watta crock. Spare me your pontificating, you psuedo wanna-be intellectual. My opinion about Erzululu being a figment of Kola Boof's imagination hasn't changed. She's a totally contrived character who would eventually get around to singing Kola's praises, as has been the case in the past. Now stick that up your tight ass. B)

  13. Calling you a gaggle of morons isn't exactly making "demands", dear. Your refusing to explain yourself just reinforces our point that you're full of crap. You really are a fool, as are the rest of the members.

    You say that like you even have anything valuable to do with your time aside from bitching and immaturely bullying the "troll".

    Also, it's "amoeba". Surely an intellectual like yourself would know how to spell, yeah? And pun? What pun?

    Why would I stoop to explain myself to the likes of a prig like YOU.

    Ameba is the alternative spelling of the word, ding bat. Check the dictionary. And the pun has to do with the trolls in question all being the same person so if one hits the other they would knock themselves out. And what would YOU know about intellect, you lightweight lame brain??? Who are you? The chump for sneaky people who hide behind aliases???

  14. You mud-flinging monkeys honestly believe that you're superior to the white race? ROFLMAO!

    Pardon us for lapsing, sinking to the level of the Tea Party miscreants spewing their venom and their spit. Do you fanatical barbarians actually believe you are better than us???? Puleeze. Go back to cleaning your guns and thumping your bible, and jackin off in front of a Sarah Palin poster, Joe sixpack.14/88

  15. Hm... so, a random girl gets accused of sockpuppeting? You know who else accused people of sockpuppeting? HITLER!!!

    At long last, I have finally figured it out. This site is being used as a cover for a white supremacist conspiracy! The signs are all clear. You're using tactics very similar to what the Third Reich did, and as we all know, anyone who uses tactics similar to the Third Reich is obviously a nazi. And the leader of the conspiracy must be this eighty-year-old woman I've been hearing stuff about. She's of the right age to have been brainwashed... BY HITLER!!! And what other eighty-year-olds use the internet for anything except trying to create a new Hitler Youth?

    I have to admit, using an African-American forum as a cover for your KKK-esque activities was a clever idea. But not clever enough to fool me!

    So you're the eighty-year-old lady who served in the Hitler Youth! I don't need any proof to say this, of course, because it's obvious (only old people get tired during forum discussions!). Just as this girl being a troll is obvious with no clear evidence, so is the fact that you were a NAZI!!!

    Yada, Yada, Yada, blah, blah, blah. I don't owe you carpetbagger clones any explanations. You're not members here, so you are not entitled to make demands and all of your baiting will go for naught.

    But do feel free to continue splitting out like amebas, doing your tag team thing in tandem. Whatever. I'm done with enabling your nonsense. You're really a waste of my time. Knock yourself out. Pun intended. :P

  16. Coming in from the above-mentioned TVTropes thread, and I hope to God you all realize you're disgusting excuses for human beings. Can you get over your stupid and baseless vendetta and act like rational people? No, you can't, because you'd rather have a target to harass than any legitimate discussion. You're a bunch of schoolyard bullies. You have no right to call yourselves adults.

    And the hydra headed troll lives on, "guests" playing musical chairs, alternating in syncopated concert, all a part of the same posting equation, still trying to hood wink the board, becoming more boring than amusing. Yawnnnnn. :o

    BTW, there are no bullies here. Just folks who value honest authenticity.

  17. You posters are incredibly arrogant for harassing someone because they claim to be below the drinking age. A troll does not go to a website and starts threads about a legitimate topic. They purposefully post instigative remarks. Placement of books is a legitimate complaint and not something very instigative.

    Frankly, I am appalled you can even call yourself bibliophiles. All you are, are a bunch of elitists. Books have been written for all ages. I started reading before I went to elementary school, and many others did the same thing. It's what you could call, an extremely common occurrence.

    What's so hard to believe about a nineteen year old bibliophile? I've met younger that did nothing but read. I've met older too. Reading is a universal hobby that transcends all boundaries. Maybe you guys should try and remember that next time you post.

    What's all this drivel about??? Not one word of it is relevant or makes any sense. Who's knockin books or book lovers? And who says there's a law against ridiculing creations like Erzuwhoever, who seems to be joined at the hip with any poster who pops up and defends her. If you're so interested in what goes on here, why don't you become a member. Why are you posting as a guest? . Is your IP too bogged down with other identites???? LMAO :lol:

  18. Yeah Black women are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves Cynique!! But YOU AIN'T BLACK!! So will the "real" Black women STAND UP and say something. And again, Lil_ze calling me a hoe like some stupid ape rapper off B.E.T. Stupid bitch ass mothafucka. Why don't you stop depending on M.T.V for your standard of beauty for Black women.

    I don't know who talks like a stupid ass rapper any more than you with the profane garbage you spew. Another example of your being totally out of touch with reality even as you seek to designate who is and who isn't black. Thank goodness nobody with any sense would give your judgments about blackness any crediblity. Just cuz you don't know who your black daddy is and a white woman found you in the gutter and raised you as her pet, doesn't qualify you to speak about anything other than how it feels to be a freak of nature. LMAO :lol:


    LMAO :lol: Serenastupid can't sit down. "Its" penis might get swallowed up by "its" vagina and "it" might get pregnant - while "it" continues to relegate to a fifth grader everything that accurately points out how truly dumb he/she is. Such a flawed thinker. Like a broken record, defending black women who are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves. But ol Serena thinks they are all too dumb to do so, as "it" goes into the tired ol spiel that has become a part the problem instead of a part of the solution. Just an example of how misguideded this fool is.

  20. ORLY, Mister Xeon? May I remind you that I warned this board that I was "dysfunctional" when I came here? Cyclothymia is to blame for any "compulsive noodlings" I dish out--for at least a little while to come. You really aren't hurting my feelings by pointing it out. You're just making yourself look like an insensitive ass. :(

    I've given you a mountain of evidence in my favor. I've given you my face. My voice. My Facebook. An .edu address that requires you to be either a member of the faculty or a student (and I don't think that Kola's so tight that she can just demand a school to give her rights to an ID for a school that she doesn't belong to). And yet, you still carry on with this. You've made absolutely no attempt to contact me via my address, or view my webpage. What the hell will it take? I can't give you my home address or my phone number. You've done nothing but tell me that you know who I am when you really don't (which is a really bizarre experience). My question is this: If you're so sure that I'm a lying weasel, then why have you made absolutely no attempt to check out any of my sources? If you don't want to use your real email address to contact me--use a jenky yahoo account or just wait for me to get you back. I check my email every four hours on the hour, so you won't long be missed (I've also been checking to see if anybody from this site bothered emailing me, but alas!). Same thing for the Facebook account. Better yet, just ask the guy who runs the website to check my shit out. I did register this account on my school email address, so that would be helpful.

    But you ain't gonna do that, are you? Nope. You're going to sit and contemplate some snotty snarky remark to type and ignore everything else that I wrote because you suffer from a vicious case of selective obliviousness. You're the type that ignores anything and everything that's to the contrary of what you believe to be true, no matter how weak the foundation of the belief, no matter how logical the evidence that undermines it. Because you like heckling people you think are stupid or who you believe to phony, and being outed as wrong ruins all your fun. (And yes, I can already tell how predictable you are.)

    Seriously. Back out of this gracefully or be a man and admit that you're wrong. You're grating on my nerves.

    Boy, this 19 year old girl really astounds. Sooooo articulate. Hard to believe she's a seven sister fugitive. Puleeze. Her clever patented dialogue, is just that; clever patented dialogue, - words that an author would put into the mouth of a character.

    I agree with Xeon; "methinks the lady doeth protest too much". Too eager to present the trumped-up evidence she has compiled. Talk about somebody grating on people's nerves. Why doesn't the flake just give up and play out her designated role, which will gradually become evident. Ho-Hum. :o

    Too bad ol Erzie doesn't have the money to attend the Black writers conference in Harlem so she can introduce herself to Troy. Maybe she can borrow the money from Nafisa Goma. But I'll bet she'll attend Kola's book event. How can she not??? LMAO. :lol:

  21. in all fariness Kola you talk about your WHITE BOYFRIEND on

    Twitter more than enough so ofcourse you dont care anymore.

    I know Serena isnt you we all do but that was uncalled for

    and mean. Hes been loyal to you for years.

    For record I dont believ the other person is you either. if they

    are your losing your touch **boring** yawn is not a Kola trait.

    I can't believe people think that Kola would exhibit her "style" when she takes on her troll persona. If she did, she would give herself a way. No wonder you dummies are so easy to deceive.

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