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Posts posted by nels

  1. 12 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Orthodox Jews live it up on Welfare

    Is Nels White? Because these wildly errant assertions have been proffered by White racists for decades. I've read them so many times in online forums.

    Well, Nels, I am sorry to inform you that Blacks do not commit more crimes than other ethnic groups. Blacks are simply arrested in greater numbers by law enforcement and often, false testimony and evidence has been employed to imprison them for long terms. The news media, especially, when it's local, will always highlight and exploit criminal acts supposedly committed by Blacks.

    I guess Nels never heard of the Innocence Project.

    The views that emanate from this poster's mind reminds me of the nonsense from White racists I contended with for years on countless online Conservative forums. They too, always made mention of Black Crime, which is kind of hilarious since more than 86% of murdered Whites are killed by other White people, according to the Justice Dept.

    But folks like Nels only want to grouse about killings in Black communities. it's all because for White conservatives and the Blacks who love them, Black people are the main problem.


    As long as Blacks who love Trump and hate Democrats can frame the debate in terms of Black crime, Black drug addiction, Black families and Black pathology it means they can ignore the spree killers, family massacres, drug addiction and criminal pathology among White people. These days, about half of  Blacks suspects arrested for allegedly committing violent crimes are mentally ill, off their meds, delusional and should have be in institutions, not on the streets.

    Blacks support phony politicians, according to Nels? Has anybody been reading the latest news about Donald Trump? How this racist clown conspired to thwart the will of the people in the 2020 election? And some on here are forever beating up on the Democratic Party. I cannot believe I am reading such racist lies in the year 2022. And in a Black discussion forum.

    Yeah, White racists who were Democrats in the 19th Century birthed the Ku Klux Klan and did many horrible things. In fact, White racists were known as Dixiecrats right up until the time of LBJ. The major parties switched racial ideologies during the late 1960's and early 1970's. I thought most Black people knew this. If Nels is indeed Black, pray for this individual who appears full of self-hate. 

    I had only one issue with Maxine Waters. Her urging to harass political opponents while they are out in public. I thought her view was criminal, illogical and dangerous and still believe so. Black people are outnumbered in the U.S. And many of our White detractors own guns and it's no secret that those who endorse the hatred of many Republicans hope and pray they get to use them against us.

    Nel's vituperative diatribe against Black people also includes this insulting lie: That Black people VOLUNTARILY rely on government assistance to survive. As if Orthodox and Russian Jews do not. As if Chinese immigrants in New York City do not.

    In Brooklyn, N.Y., the Chinese community offered year round classes for their people to teach them how to receive Social Service money. Russian Jews became wealthy by taking advantage of welfare payouts while running businesses behind the scenes. There are entire Orthodox Jewish towns in Orange County, N.Y., such as Kiryas Joel, where nearly 90% of the residents receive welfare. Go talk to Black residents of these areas and you will discover that I am telling the truth. 

    Does Nels not understand there is no longer a lifetime reliance on social service assistance in many states? That many on welfare have to work? That many are forced to undergo drug testing? Not so for members of "favored" groups. They get to do what they want, including secretly owning companies, hiding outside income, using their homes and other properties and declaring these sites of religious teaching? This means they don't have to pay taxes.

    Yet, Nels wants to attack Black people? Is this person a plant? An undercover racial terrorist? 

    It is individuals such as Nels and those who like their comments who are dooming Black people. Because they are not helping at all. But they are hurting us.

    Not all Blacks are criminals. Not all Blacks are uneducated. It is a sin that some Blacks advance a bit, then seek to slam the door on others desperately trying to better themselves. 

    Such folks are cowards, totally afraid to face new competition and talent. Isn't that why Whites kept Blacks out of professional sports leagues for so long? They were terrified Blacks were better.

    And many of us were. 



    No, nels is black and is definitely an equal opportunity commender and offender. | "errant assertions" ? It's what I've aggregated over the the many decades of my life. If you don't agree with it, that's your right, and your problem. Time and time again, disconnected and unplugged black people try to obfuscate through BS responses when they don't like their dirty laundry aired. | "Nel's vituperative diatribe against Black people" ? Black people are their own worst enemy and I don't give flying 'F' if they can't see past the gaslighting they are enduring from the Democrats and the Left. However, they will increase their future success on an exponential scale if they jettison race and simply, pay attention to their own behaviors and what's happening around them. As for 'vituperative', stop trying to use BIG words to sound intelligent and instead, just say 'harsh, critical, scolding, etc.' IMO, your entire reply is emotional nonsense.

    13 hours ago, Mzuri said:

    This shameful disgusting behavior is embarrassing to 


    Mzuri, and also as usual, you're spot on and definitely do understand what I am trying to convey. As a black American, I know all to well that you can't holler at others when you're digging a hole that you cannot climb out of. For some (both known and unknown) reasons, black America as a whole, is (nearly) unwilling to admit that it is not perfect, and it continues to look for an escape that does not force it to face its own deficits.

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/21/2022 at 8:00 PM, Dr Francis Welsin said:

    Still waiting for an example.

    Let me make this clear again, I said RACISM not discrimination. RACISM is what im talking about



    What part of racism drives discrimination do you NOT understand?

    9 hours ago, Dr Francis Welsin said:

    Am I going to get an example of HOW black people practice racism?

    You're beginning to behave like a scarecrow trying to take a shortcut through a brush fire.

    18 hours ago, daniellegfny said:


    Again, IMO, race is very complex and nuanced. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here on this board wasting keystrokes on it over and over again.

  3. Why is black America always complaining about how it feels it’s being treated by other groups, when what it really needs to do first, is get its own house in order? Let’s take a step back and a brief look at black America’s self-inflicted damage.


    From the top, black Americans:


    -- Chronically blame their problems on others.

    -- Don’t practice good study habits, score low on basics tests, and discount the value of getting a good education.

    -- Are physically unfit, eat poorly, and smoke and consume alcohol heavily, which contributes to a disproportionate suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, emphysema, and kidney, heart and liver disease.

    -- Exponentially commit more crime and are incarcerated, accordingly.

    -- Often, refer to each other as the N-word daily, without even flinching.

    -- Refer to their women as b!tches, hos and c-words in condescension within their own households, business venues, and in film, TV, stage and other productions.

    -- Abandon their children and leave them fatherless and in poverty.

    -- Consume and share fentanyl, cocaine, crack, heroin, ecstasy and other regulated drugs at a phenomenal rate.

    -- Hate their own self-image and resort to plastic surgery, skin lightening and so forth to escape their blackness.

    -- Deceive each other by pretending to be a race or racial composition, that they’re not.

    -- Religiously follow the (yes) Ku Klux Klan-founding Democrat party, which is using and abusing them to its own advantage, leading them right off the proverbial cliff.

    -- Willfully remain ignorant of finance, economics, geopolitics, pharmaceutical, and other very critical areas.

    -- Laugh and chuckle at the buffoonery of how they are grossly depicted and portrayed in television, movie, advertising, radio, and other mediums.

    -- Fail to gain a solid command of their native language (English) and as a result, resort to Ebonics and poor grammar and diction to showcase their non-conformity, which impedes their ability to effectively communicate.

    -- Frequently give their children distinctly black names, which only compound the child’s ability to succeed in the business world they generally, need to be part of.

    -- Criticize blacks who to them, don’t seem to be black enough.

    -- Support phony, manipulative and bellicose black leaders and race hustlers who are wholly incompetent (e.g., Al Sharpton, Bennie Thompson, Maxine Waters, Jim Clyburn, Lori Lightfoot, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Letitia James).

    -- Are more interesting in bling, than brains; got to have those Nike shoes, etc.

    -- Voluntarily rely on government assistance to sustain their standard of living, instead of getting a job, working hard, becoming entrepreneurial, and setting a positive example.

    -- Continue to blindly succumb to the trappings of the professional gaming, entertainment, media and sports (GEMS) industries, which are explicitly designed to separate people from their hard-earned money, while adding (absolutely) NO value whatsoever, to the lives of the average everyday person.   


    Obviously, anyone anywhere could go on and on and on about black America and its parity with the rest of society and the world. For the (black) everybody haters out there, don’t trip over your lips while you’re losing your mind over the black condition. Instead, figure out a way to wash your dirty laundry so you don’t smell when you walk across the threshold of reason, dominance, success and self-fulfillment.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Dr Francis Welsin said:

    Let me make this clear again, I said RACISM not discrimination. RACISM is what im talking about

    Racism: "Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity."


    Like everyone else, I know what racism means. You're not educating anyone here. Save it.

    4 hours ago, Dr Francis Welsin said:

    Still waiting for an example.

    Let me make this clear again, I said RACISM not discrimination. RACISM is what im talking about



    "Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity."


    Splitting hairs will not help you.

    • Haha 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Dr Francis Welsin said:

    asked HOW black people can be racist. Can you explain HOW? 

    How much time do you have? Keeping it very short, I have personally and directly witnessed and observed black people discriminating (personally, physically, socially, financially, economically, employment-based and otherwise) against each other and against other races, ethnicities and the like including Latinos, Arabs, East Asian Indians, Jews, Bermudans, Bahamians, Jamaicans, Indonesians, West Asian Orientals, East & West Block Europeans, Russians, and Brazilians. It's very ugly out there.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Stefan said:

    The only problem is that professional pollsters and news organizations say differently. 

    If you rely on professional pollsters and MSM news organizations as sole and credible sources of information, then I cannot help you. Sometimes in life, you just have to let things be because as a former Democrat, I've seen first hand what is really occurring. If you're interested and open-minded, I can message you with some very interesting details.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Stefan said:

    I have never read anything more ridiculous in my life. Not all elected officials give jobs to their relatives. Just on that one statement alone, I will dismiss your rant. 

    If you want to engage me, then be logical, sensible and truthful. I abhor nonsensical writing. In other words, be accurate. 

    Sounds like it's getting hot in the kitchen.

  8. On 1/20/2022 at 1:56 PM, daniellegfny said:

    Explain how black people can be racist?

    It's a well-known 'fact' that black people in the U.S. are some of the most racist self-hating people on the planet, and manipulative liberal Jews and white liberals know it, without a doubt.





    Race is a very complex issue.

  9. 19 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    Precisely why confusion reigns in our communities.

    Confusion? No. Indifference? Yes.

    18 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    AMNH Excerpt: “I don't think any educator in New York City would describe Roosevelt as a racial unifier. In fact, quite the opposite. And the portrayal of the superiority of his figure on horseback [with] half-naked African and Native American [men] carrying his rifles on foot is a very stark illustration not of racial unity but of racial hierarchy.”


    IMO, when social-diving authors make these kinds of comments, they tend to bend the mind to conform to their subversion of the sculptor's true intent. If you flip the script, the very muscular Native and African could actually be there to buttress, secure and protect Theodore Roosevelt, who without their flanking, would not stand any chance of survival or success, at a minimum.

  10. 4 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Bernie supporters likely put Trump over the top

    After seeing what the Democrats were doing to America(ns) election after election after election, I bolted from the party decades ago and never looked back, watching a fatigued and suffering black America (- that wouldn't listen, succumb to the Democrat's gaslighting -), in the rear view mirror. As a former election official in (then) a major metropolitan area, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Bernie supporters didn't put Trump over the top. Trump won outright.


    "Red states preparing their own voter suppression laws" | No - voter and election integrity efforts and laws are not voter suppression. Until black America wakes up and realizes that it has been taken to the cleaners since the creation of the Ku Klux Klan-founding Democrat party, it will continue to suffer through the misery of being marginalized and taken for granted as nothing more than minstrelized suckers chasing a wrinkled $100 bill in the wind across a busy highway, while blindfolded.

    • Haha 2
  11. 4 hours ago, Chevdove said:

    I may be one sided. I just don't feel that the vote really represents the whole.

    I don't know everything and I don't want to knock you on this, either. I just strongly believe that the vote only represents the whole when the vote is genuinely legitimate and not made under coercion, duress, deceit, gaslighting, and worse.

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 1/12/2022 at 8:10 PM, Cynique said:

    since I made my last departure

    Are we running out of fingers to count on? As fake president Joe Biden frequently says. 'c'mon' ya'll, let's lighten things up a bit! In all honesty, nobody gives a crap about what people say; but, they really care about what people actually do. In the end, comments are just social noise; it's the real bullets that you have to watch out for.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 19 hours ago, Cynique said:

    Hard to imagine, however, about somebody who thinks the  party of Libertarian white supremists and thick skulled Neanderthals  is the answer to America's dilemma.

    Cynique, do you realize how small the statements you've made make you look / appear? They are the kind of minute retorts I used to see and hear from others, as far back as the 8th grade. The circular hyperbole you've laid out makes absolutely zero (0) sense (- , at least to me, that is -). Let's fast-forward on the IQ scale... How many physical points does it take to make a minimal (real) three-dimensional object? If you get this one right, you might get an 'attagirl'. On the other hand, if you get it wrong, watch that next step; it's a long way to the bottom. | white supremists? DYM white 'supremacist'? | thick skulled? DYM 'thick-skulled'? | Just sayin'. (?)

    19 hours ago, richardmurray said:

    Do you know if said nephew had any financial loss from the removal?

    Actually, I do not know. However, there are many more relatives of the Aunt Jemima legacy who have something to say.




    In the end, it's all about money. True or not, we'll all probably find out when the litigation clouds clear.

    • Like 1
  14. 21 hours ago, Dr Francis Welsin said:

    No it doesnt

    In a nutshell, this misdirected pushback is not only from the looney bin, it has no basis in rational empirical truth-based facts. Being anti-White will get black America absolutely nowhere. Black Americans have been swimming in the same intellectual quicksand for more than 100 years. You know, PhDs (both real and phony,) just don't seem to generate the yield that they used to. After getting out of undergraduate school, I seem to remember quite a few of them who just couldn't see the real world beyond the theoretical rim and as a result, they literally ended up flipping burgers to make a living for quite a while. Big dupe coming? Oh, and you forgot the apostrophe in 'doesn't'. Yup.

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