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Posts posted by nels

  1. On 10/5/2021 at 3:15 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Which politician(s) do you suggest Black Americans get behind and support?


    If (by chance) you're stuck in the Democrat party doldrums, then perhaps it's time to start thinking Republican, Independent or otherwise. If you study history, you'll find that it was the Democrat party ideology that drove the KKK and its influence in many respects, and much more. Setting the irrelevance of race aside, think for yourself and decide if you're open to new ideas, or are you simply accepting of rehashed failures. And remember, there are a lot of people and politicians out there who will try to make you fail. Prove them wrong with independent thinking and applied intelligence that is beyond their expectation and the norm. Politicians come a dime a dozen, but true leaders are worth their weight in gold.

    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Well.....I don't trust Bernie Sanders.

    Bernie Sanders is a reckless Socialist idiot who has never ever cared about anyone but himself. If he had his way, he'd throw Jesus Christ under the bus.

    14 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    ...and you duck and dodge and ignore the question.

    It's not my job to tell anyone who to vote for. It's their job to figure that out for themselves. I'm long past trying to drill common sense into people's heads. They're supposed to be adults, so let them use their best judgment. I've been around the block many times, and I've learned to keep the flamethrower in a safe place at the ready. If you're interested in having a mature dialogue, then I'm open to that. However, if you venture out to far on thin ice, the temperature may rise much faster than you think.

  2. Re: https://www.theroot.com/our-kind-of-people-is-a-treasure-trove-of-good-writing-1847768924


    IMO, regarding Lee Daniels' TV series on Fox called Our Kind of People, the series sucks.  It's contrived erratic dialogue that drives the convoluted story line and disjointed interaction between skin color-sensitive upper-crusters and wannabees, appears to make them all come across as phony unrealistic achievers. Nearly the entire cast looks like it was assembled to mimic a geographically incorrect fake Redbone-fluid high society, burdened by the insecurity of their own existence and racial identity.  Being or being perceived or classified as black, looks like it is preventing nearly the entire cast from being themselves. In closing, as it stands right now, the show is a bust and it's not worth the time it takes to literally open one's eyes.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Should that Black mind be replaced with a White mind?

    The black mind should exercise common sense and stop looking at life through the prism of race, which is a crutch that is killing black ingenuity and excellence. If you're offended by the confederate flag, then you have a lot to learn.

  4. 7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    SEPARATE from the White and Asian populations

    Do you believe that separation is actually the reason? Think carefully, I'd say.

    On 9/19/2021 at 6:25 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    light skinned women

    Here we go again. Can life get past skin tone, for once? There's nothing anyone can do about how they were born, but they can do something about how they live.

    On 9/16/2021 at 4:32 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Joy Ann Reid

    She's the dumbest (wo)man in television, right behind (freaky) Don Lemon.

  5. 7 hours ago, Mzuri said:

    Biden  is a career liar, cheater, plagiarist and corrupt in general. 

    He only entered politics/government so that he could line his


    Yes, Joe Biden has indeed repeatedly stuck his finger right in the eye(s) of black America and the country as a whole for many many decades. Until liberal black America in particular, jettisons the mainstream media, the deep state and the blame racism mentality, things are not going to get any better.

    • Like 2
  6. COVID Vaccines: Take At Your Own Risk (?) | You Be The Judge


    “My Son is Dead, He Took the Vaccine – They’re Killing Us” – Pastor From Trinidad Mourns After Son Died One Day After Receiving COVID-19 Shot (VIDEO)




    On 10/1/2021 at 3:37 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    If we had done what the Honorable Marcus Garvey and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us to do decades ago and build OUR OWN hospitals with our own doctors and nurses....we wouldn't be in this situation right now.

    Separation will get us nowhere.

  7. Why so many morons of today continue to use the corrupt Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok platforms and services and a broad range of other mind-programming freedom-oppressing organizations and interests, is well beyond the common sense and reason of people who actually have common sense and know how to apply it. These platforms are a metastasizing social cancer that consistently and aggressively contributes to the decay of the independent thinker, which eventually leads to mental rot. A wide swath of liberal black America has blind minds when it comes to stepping back and seeing who's really operating in their best interests.

    • Haha 1
  8. On 10/1/2021 at 11:13 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    I support the right of a woman to CALL herself a man and dress like one if she wants to.
    I support the right of a man to CALL himself a woman and dress like one if he wants to.

    It's all a part of freedom of expression.

    From my perspective, it's pure insanity.

    On 10/1/2021 at 12:57 PM, ProfD said:

    The alphabet soup movement is being used by white supremacy to marginalize other groups and issues. 

    “LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ: Gay Rights Movement or Alphabet Soup?” — by Eric Marcus | December 10, 2008 | Hmmm... Which one is it? White supremacy has absolutely nothing to do with this analogy.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Guest Mark Hatburg said:

    Black people are the original people of the Americans. They are the natives


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Mark Hatburg

    The ORIGINAL Black people are the natives of the entire planet.

    But those aren't the same type of Black people are most of us who call ourselves AfroAmericans.

    Those ORIGINAL Black people are closer to those who are called Dravidians in India today.

    Having said that..........

    There is a lot of confusion and mis-information going around on social media today where a handful of confused negroes are running around sticking feathers in their heads and calling THEMSLEVES the "real Natives" and "real Indians"....pissing off the traditional Native Americans.

    If it's not enough that these racist White folks have been trying to steal the identity of the Native Americans for centuries by being $5 Indians...now you got some confused Black folks adding insult to injury and trying to do the same.

    They use the fact that SOME Africans were already in the Americas before Columbus and had bee here for thousands of years already and dwelt peaceably with the Native Americans....they use THAT fact to now make the claim that ALL of the Native Americans were really African Black folks.
    Some even go as far as to say that slavery never happened and that we Africans were always here and not brought from Africa.

    The truth is in between the extremes.


    = = =


    "They use the fact that SOME Africans were already in the Americas before Columbus" | Really? Source? Clarification?



  10. 3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    White folks aren't the problem.




    I just hope white folks don't blow up the world. 

    That's reason they developed nukes in the first place.
    It wasn't for them to use on EACHOTHER (America and Russia)....it was designed to hold the planet of dark humanity "hostage".

    Some of them are so crazy, they think they can threaten to nuke the planet if any Outside force attempts to come here and rescue the darker humanity from their evil grips.  That's what Ronald Reagan tried to do with his Star Wars program.
    But according to their own papers, the so-called "UFO's" routinely disarm and disable their more sophisticated weapons. 


    Their plans were and still are to use against a darker nation that dares to develop the strength and courage to challenge them.



  11. "I think intelligent politically active AfroAmericans should come to a table of agreement with each other to nail down what exactly our values are and what would be best to move our community forward WITHOUT the interference of Caucasian Conservatives or Progressives." I'm a solid conservative. Also, what is accomplished by referencing "Caucasian Conservatives"? In my opinion, absolutely nothing. Furthermore, there are many so-called black Americans who have (a little to a lot of) Caucasian ancestry. Alienating them doesn't seem to bring anyone closer together.

    10 hours ago, ProfD said:

    IMO, the last "tie" that bound black folks (those who identify as AfroAmericans to co-opt brotha Pioneer's term) to a significant degree was the Civil Rights movement.  That's the last time we were unified in our "politics".  Murder and bribery  has silenced black leadership over the past 50 years and counting.


    Since affrimative action and a few other carefully constructed initiatives, our people have "arrived" in ways that have us all over the place" in every area of human activity.


    Black folks have to codify our goals and objectives in the area of politics before we can begin to peel back the layers of the proverbial onion.  Rest assured, there will be plenty tears.😁 😎



    Black leadership hasn't been silenced, it's been absent of complete reality, relying on plantation mentality to catch the next bus on the way to the pink slip line.

  12. After seeing the video referenced below, any sane person would understand why taking the vaccine could be extremely dangerous in more ways than one. Big Pharma and Big Tech are jointly experimenting on the American people in order to control them and line their pockets. #COVIDVaccinesKill


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