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Posts posted by nels

  1. On 8/24/2023 at 3:26 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Kind of like White folks who lay out in the sun all day trying to get a tan, but wouldn't wish 1 week of actually BEING Black on their worst enemy....lol. 

    Now that's a good one. And yes, many of today's descendants of black slaves from Africa and other places are indeed mixed with other physical races, which further diverge by culture, ethnicity, heritage and so forth. Unfortunately for a very wide swath of blacks in America, they seem to have a strong yearning to be something other than who they are. Though many won't address it, the erroneous 1/32 rule, plus colorism, outmarraige, nose jobs, lip reductions, cheekbone reconstruction, hair treatments / modifications and the like, can't change your DNA, genetic profile, long head (if you have one), propensity for adverse health conditions associated with certain types of black ancestry, and so forth. In the end, an individual's ability to accept who they are and the fact that they were even born does matter, as none of us had any say in our coming into existence and this world. 

    6 hours ago, ProfD said:

    nothing I write would suggest Black people are stupid maybe with the exception of being followers of certain political figures.

    Perhaps that statement in of itself might seem to target the pro-Trump crowd. However, if it does, it's misdirected and lends itself to less credibility. And do remember, a lot of folks don't know the difference between being stupid and being crazy, but I'll challenge you to find a horse that will leap off a cliff.

  2. 16 hours ago, Troy said:

    @nels sadly given the history of this country and the emerging political climate I agree it is highly unlikely.


    Highly unlikely is not impossible and as I said I support the fight. I’m sure in 1800 those fighting to end slavery thought that was highlyy unlikely too.

    We all have the opportunity to look at life through different lenses.

    On 8/20/2023 at 2:42 PM, Jeromex said:

    Our black conmunity needs to wake up and start realizing the democratic party is using us and constantly dangling carrots to our community in the form of reparations, more welfare, and more victimhood excuses.

    If genuinely stated, this is probably one of the most enlightening and simple common sense things said in quite some time. Sadly, black America's sheer lack of basic knowledge makes it a long-term sucker for the Democrat party, as it doesn't seem to realize that it really has no understanding of the landscape that it must cross to escape its current condition.

  3. 16 hours ago, richardmurray said:

    Now, were you telling me the truth , i don't know, I am not trying to find out, but you said just noting a perspective. 

    IMO, none of what you've said makes any discernable sense. "Now, were you telling me the truth" makes even less sense. BTW, a perspective is simply the way a person sees, views, interprets or understands something, and nothing more. Perhaps it's just time to move on.

  4. 13 hours ago, Troy said:

    Was that deliberate

    It wasn't deliberate, nor was it judgmental. Seriously, I don't waste time cherry picking. I simply look at what has been said and then weigh that against any actions or outcomes that were the result of that. From what I've learned, things are often taken out of context because the source expression was not concise, accurate or properly structured, that's all and nothing more. Making an argument bullet proof is an art that very few people have ever mastered.

  5. On 8/17/2023 at 1:13 PM, Troy said:

    This has always true, but the web has made it far worse.

    "Web Based Misinformation Fuels Racisms" - One could easily discount that and say that ignorance, illiteracy and and many other relevant and related factors are to blame. IMO, only the weak-minded and gullible are consistently susceptible to misinformation, unable to discern, analyze, evaluate and conclude based on (truth-based) facts, logic, reason and iron-clad rationale. Not understanding what misinformation really is no one's fault but that of the individual who believes it.

    On 8/17/2023 at 1:13 PM, Troy said:

    Black people are running amok beating white people

    Perhaps what we do know is that black people aren't necessarily helping their cause by committing crimes at a rate that exponentially exceeds their value to society. 

  6. On 8/20/2023 at 8:42 PM, Troy said:

    I believe Black people should be compensated for the crimes protested against us and I will support those engaged in the fight. 

    I don't support reparations or compensation. However, I do support being afforded a level playing field (perhaps even as a legislated or constitutional mandate), which usurps all of the apparent nonsense that seems to be derived from DEI, EEO and many other generally misdirected and misguided initiatives, political postures, and the like. Level playing fields tend to literally take away the (judicial. legislative, economic, social, military, etc.) advantage of the elite class and as a result, which causes a tremendous amount of friction. IMO, black America needs to stop seeking redress and instead, should focus on positioning itself to seize initiatives that prioritize outcomes over race.  

  7. 3 hours ago, richardmurray said:

    explain your query in more detail

    IMO, when you compartmentalize, tier and block (so to speak) social engagement in an environment where you're trying to promote a level playing field and encourage meaningful participation, it can eventually lead to bifurcation. As a result, there is a reduced likelihood that the participants will converge at some point further down the line. Also, earning capabilities, privileges, etc. can sometimes have a tendency to discourage quality interactions. Just a perspective based on past observations.

  8. On 1/18/2023 at 3:47 PM, Cynique said:

    You're stuck in the inertia of your stupid delusions.

    Cynique, it's just too easy to get a rise out of you. Totally predictable and amusing, indeed. I am not interested in trying to get anyone on this board to leave the safety of their own backyard(s). From the beginning, it was very obvious that this was an uninformed and immovable liberal discussion platform that bounces between the guardrails of sheer ignorance and pure insanity. On reflection, if one didn't know better, they'd swear it was infiltrated by CCP trolls. Nothing here is taken seriously, nor is it a sampling of demonstrable intellectual prowess. I will say that as long as you keep reacting instead of thinking, you'll be destined for a continued long life of political, social and (perhaps) financial irrelevance, at a minimum. And yes, it's quite nice down here on the ground where slithering is indeed an art, sans dodging the clown car you're in as it blindly barrels down the highway. One more thing, you do a great job of insulting yourself.

    On 1/18/2023 at 5:54 PM, Troy said:


    Troy, the pleasure of receiving your humorous digs is entertaining. Helps pass the time, too. Remember, I'm not expecting a course correction from you or anyone else here. Only time will show you how close you are to the last fork in the road.

    • Haha 1
  9. On 1/5/2023 at 3:15 PM, Cynique said:

    Trump's influence seems to be eroding

    Cynique, I see you're still alive and kickin'. How unfortunate.

    On 1/9/2023 at 10:59 AM, ProfD said:

    There is no shortage of clowns within the GOP tent

    I knew there was a reason why I took a very nice long break from this discussion board. It's simply amusing to watch liberals and leftists self-destruct, no matter what they think about conservatives or themselves, for that matter.

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