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harry brown

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Posts posted by harry brown

  1. The. Bible. Says,A. Woman. Cannot.  Have. Authority. Over. A. Man?.,So,A,Woman. Cannot. Be. A. Politician,Doctor,Top. Position. In. A,Company,Military. ,Teacher??Bible Says  A  Woman   Should  Learn ,To. Be  Silent. All  The  Black  Christian  Women ,  Should  Be  ,Silent.Bible ,1-Timothy,2: 9-15.  News  Shows  Women  With  The  Me  ,Too. Movement  ,Wanting  Equality.  Who  Lives  By  This?  Bible  ,Scriptures. Are  Amazing  And  Stupid..Bible  Condoned  ,Slavery,Murder. ,Child  Rap,Stealing,Violence.  Do   Religious. People. ,Read. The. Bible?  ???

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  2. Historically Black. College ,Fort. Valley. State.  7-People. We're. Arrested,In. A. Pimp   ,Prostitution. Case..Amazing.  Read.  On. ,Newsone..  In. South. Carolina,10- Year. Old  Black. Girl. Died,2-Days,After  She  Was  Taken   To  The  Hospital. ,After  A  Fight. ,At,School. Think   She  Was  Buried  In  Wednesday. Girl  She  ,Was,Fighting    With  Is   Suspended,Not. Charged  Yet..  Dead ,Girl,Mother   Said. Said  Her  Daughter. Was  A  Victim  Of  ,School,Bullying..

  3. Brother. Where. Are. You. Going,Where. Have. You. Been?  In. Your. ,Mind. And. Soul,Is. There. A. Purpose. Destination. Within?Do. You,Walk. With.Inner. Strength,Or  Do  You  Cluelessly  Wander.?,Is. Your,Mind  In   Slave  Mentality,Or   Do  You   Have  A  Free  Mind  ,When,You. Ponder..  Is  It  The  Ghetto  You  From..  Poverty,Crimes,These  Enslavement  Chains,Did  You   Over. Come??We're  You   In   Prison   For  A  Minor  Crime? After   Release,Did. You,,Knowledge  Your  Mind.  Did  Your  Father  leave. Your. Mother,To,Raise. You. Alone?  Do   You. Plan,. To. Be  A. Better. ,Father,To. Your. Own?  Do. You.Have. Strength. To. Triumph. Over. The,Obstacles. The. Racist. White,Black. Villains. Put. In. Your. Way?  To. ,Reach. Your. Positive. Destination. Each. DAy..

  4. News,Says Rapper. Nipsey. Hustle. Was. Murdered,Maybe. By. A,Gang.  .  Have. Heard. Of. Him.  Don't. Listen. To. Lot. Of   Rap.  Music.  With,The,Chicago. Gang. Murders,Some.  People   Thought  , California,Gang  Violence  Decreased. News   Says  He  Was  Organizing,To   Do   Positive  Things  In   Poor   Black   Communities.  If,That's   True,Do  Not  Put  Anything  Pass. The   Racist  White,People..Other   News, 2 Black  Men  Was   Released  After,Serving,Over  Forty   Years   In   Prison. For    A. Crime,They  Did. Not.  ,Commit..Innocent. And. Served. Over 40- Years.  In. Prison....

  5. Which. Democratic. Presidential. Candidates. Will.  Get. The. Black. ,Votes?  Black. Or.  White. Democrats?  Black. People. Need. To. Begin,Holding. Their. Community. Leaders. Accountable.  The. Men,In,The   Churches ,NAACP,Political    Should   Clean   Up  , Black,Communities  ,Mentor    Black   Children   Before   They  , Get,To,High. School.  Especially   Black   Boys. .Preacher's  ,Motivated,By,Money,Greed,Women.  Pulpit  Pimps ..Jussie  - Smollet..Released.  If  He   Organized  The  Attack  On   Himself,Put,A. ,Noose ,  Around. His. Neck.  He.  Should. Apologize.  To.  Black. People,Past.  And.  Present.  Black.  People. Hung.  With. ,Nooses,Around. Their. Neck......Your.  Website.  Has.  Been.  Freezing,Suspect. Virus,Malware. On. It...

  6. R_. Kelly. Was. Interviewed, He. ,Got. Angry.   He. Said. People. ,Are F-Ing. Trying. To. Kill. Me.   This. Is. My. F-Ing. Career..  He, Sounded. Like. A. Mad. Man.   He, Was. Arrested For. Not ,Paying,Child. Support. This. Week... Michael. Jackson, Neverland.  Some. Males. I. Think, White. Say. Michael. Jackson. Molested. ,Them. .  Ten. Years. After. His. ,Death. They. Saying. This. On. ,The. News.   Jackson. Family, Planning. To. Sue,. Who. Is. Worse, R- Kelly or Kanye  West.. 

  7. If. Jussie   Smollett     Is. Guilty. Of   Organizing. The. Attack. On. ,Him,Putting. A.  Noose ,Around. His. On. Neck,He. Should. Appologies,To. All  The. Black. People.  In. This. Country,Our  Black,History   Of   Hangings,Lynchings,Black   Women   Were. ,Also,Hung    From   Trees.   The     Picture  Of  Emmett. Till.   Brutal-Murder.  The   White   Trash   Woman   Who  Lied  Accusing  Emmett-Till,,She  Is   Alive,Living  In   Mississippi.She   Admit  She   Lied..Neo, Nazi   Police. Uniform    Have  Murdered. Black  People, Deliberately...In ,front.    Of,The. News,Cameras ,,Jussie   Smollett Should. Apologies.  To,His. People. Those. Alive. And.   Those   Dead.....Read. In. Black. ,New s,Site. About.  The. White. Trash. Woman Who.   Accused. Emmitt-Till..  2. more Accusers. Of   Singer  R. Kelly.  Women. Now,But. When,They. Were,15-16 Year. Old. Girls,They. Had. Sex  With. R. Kelly.,. A. Black. Man,Was. Sentenced. To. Over 100-Years. In. Prison.  For ,,Getting.  A 10- Year. Old.  Girl. Pregnant.  He. Had. Been. Molesting ,Her.  Her. Mother. Is.  This. Monsters. Girlfriend.  Mother. Knew.  She,Will. Be.  Charged. With. Neglect,Helping. A Criminal.  He. Needs,To,Be. Best.  Up. ,In. Prison....

  8. White. Man. In. The. U.  S.  Coast. Guard. Was Planning. Terror. Attacks...  After. He. Was. Arrested,Lots. Of. Guns,,Ammunition. Was,Found. In His. House.  He. Wanted. To. Make. This. A. White-Country.  He  Liked  Neo  Nazi,Neo  Nazi,Klan   Are  In  The  U.  S.-Military.He  Planned  To  Attack  Democrats. ,Including  Corey-Booker.  News,Anchors  Including   Dom  Lemon,Journalist. .People  ,Against,Trump. .Actor. Jussie Smollet ,Is  Now  A  Suspect..  The  ,Actor,Said  He  Was  Victim   Of  A  Hate  Crime  In. Chicago.. A. Noose ,Was. Put. Around. His. Neck,Called. Names.  2-Black. Men.  Said. The,Actor. Organized. The. Attack. On.  Him.. Find. Your. Roots,Most. Of,The. People. Seem. Interesting.But. Professor. Gates. Had. Racist,Morons. On,Bill O'Reilly,Paul. Ryan,Marco. Rubin,Did. Not. ,Watch,Those. Morons. I. Suggested. Legendary. Actress. Cicely  - Tyson,Legendary. Singer. Mavis   Staples.I. Do. Not. Know. Whether,They. Have. Been. On,Do. Not. Always. Look. At. It...  ..

  9. White. America's. Dream. Of.  A.  All. White.  America. Only. Would. Be,Prehistoric. ,Gloomy.  Take.Away. The.Inventions. Of. Black. People.  White. America.  Would. Be.  Without,Potato. Chips,Clock,Bicycle  ,Frames,Crop. Food Problems,No  Slaves  Pick,Tend  To   The   Crops,No,George  Washington   Carver ,No   Elevator,No   Traffic-Light,Signals,,No   Gear   Shift   For Cars,No  Pencil   Sharpener,,Type-Writer. Machine,  No   Combs   And  Lawn   Mowers.  Many   Other,Inventions.  By   Black.  Inventors.  That.   The.   World.  ,Uses,Each. Day..Black.  Inventors.  Inventions,Should.  Be. Taught. ,In,Every. School.  In.  This. Country. .  For.  White. People.  To. Say ,,Black. People. Did. Not. Contribute. To. This. Country. Is.  Racist. And,Ridiculous....

  10. Listening. To. The. Four. Tops,  Singing. Light. My. Fire.  Rising. Is. Our,Passion. And. Desire.  Putting   Rose. Petals. Upon. Her, ,Love,Poems. To. Her. I. Recite..We  Begin  Making. Love  On  A  Rainy,Winter   Night.  Loud. Is  Our  Moans,Soft  Is  Our  Sighs.  Erotic,Whispers,And  Love  Cries...Roses  All  Around. And  Candle-Light.  As  We  Make. Love  On  A  Rainy  Winter  Night..Each  Touch,Caress  And  Kiss.  Brings  Such  Warm  Bliss...Sounds  Of  ,The,Storm. Bring  Extra  Delight.  Making  Love  On A. Rainy. ,Winter,Night...

  11. Black. History. Month,Created. To. Observe. Important. Events. And,,People. In. The. History. Of   Black. People,Celebrated. In. America, Canada. And. Europe.  Black. Sacrifices  Are  Disrespected  Every Day...Black  History,Major  General  Marcelite Harris  ,Frst  Black. -Female. Major  General. Was  Buried  This  Month  At  ,Arlington,Cemetery.  She  Was  The  Highest  Ranking. Black  Woman,At,The  Defense. Department.  .Baseball,Frank  Robinson,First,Player  To  Win  MVP,  In  Both. American,National,Leagues.  He. Lead. Baltimore. To. Two. World,Series,Titles,First. Black. Manager. In. Baseball...As. Black. History,Is Discussef,There. Is. No. Black. Unity...It. Amazing. Me. How,Black. Po!iticions,NAACP,Black. News. Analyst. Talk. About. The,Virginia. Governor. In. Black. Face,Attorey. General. In. Black. Face,Black. Lieutenant   Governor. Sex. Scandal,Not. Talk ,About,Preacher. Henry. Lyons. Suspected. Of   Burning Down. His,Own,Church,Preacher. Getting.  A 14- Year. Old. Girl. Pregnant,Preacher's. Arrested. For Stealing. Millions. Of. Dollars,Ignoring.  Black. Poverty,Black. Men.  Putting Crack. ,Houses,Pimp Houses. In Black. Communities. .  Street. Gangs,Slaughtering.  Black.  People. In. Streets.  Black. Men. Having,Multiple. Children,With. Multiple. Women.  ...


  12. Love,Peace. And. Soul,Book About The. Behind. The. Scenes. Of,The,Creation.  Of.  Soul. Train. And. Don. Corneilus..  Famous,Soul,Train. Dancing. Line.  A. Drama. Called  American-Soul,On,BET. Is  About   The  Creation  Of    Don   Cornelius  ,Dream,Of,Soul. Train,Came. On   Tuesday   Night..Book  By. Erica-Blount Danois  .  Read  She  Is  An  Award. Winning  Journalist...

  13. Black. Senators. Corey. Booker. And. Kamala   Harris. Want. To. Be. The,Next. President. If. This. Country.  In. 2008 , Neo. Nazi. ,Were,Planning. To. Assassinate. Barack.  Obama. Before. The,President,Election.  The  Neo  Nazi  Were  Going  To  Attack  A,Black,School  First,Kill  A  Lot  Of  Black  People,Then  Try  To  ,Assassinate  ,Barack  Obama. Before  The  Election .In  2008!. On The,News.  Virginia. Governor  In   Black   Face.  35. Years  Ago.   White,Man  In   Black  Face. Next  To  White  Person. In. KKK,Klan,Outfit,Hood....In.  A.  College. Year   Book.  Picture.  He. Says,It's. Not. Him.Hopefully. Rams. Win. Super bowl,And. Stay,Away,From. White. House.  The. Black. Patriot. Football Players,Would. Joyfully. Crawl.   To. See. Trump.  News. Media ,Should,Ask. That. Idiot.  Tom. Brady. Why. He. Loves. Trump. After,Charlottesville. Billionaire. Team.  Owners. Should. Be. ASked,Why,They. Support. Trump. After. Charlottesville....Read,On,The,News.  There. Is. Fear. If. A. Coming. Race,War...

  14. Black. Man. Was. Murdered. By   A. Racist.  White. Man. In. New-York..The. Racist. White. Man. Admitted. Murdering. The. Black. ,Man,With,A,Sword.  Racist.  White. Man. Was  Going  To.,Start, Murdering ,Black,Men. To   Start  A  Race   War.  He  Wanted    To  ,Exterminate,Black. People   Everywhere..  He  Wanted  ,Other,Racist   White  Men   To   Start   Murdering   Black   Men..Several,White    Police  Have   Been   Fired    For   Being  Klan,Members.    Racist   White    Police   Usually   Get   Away  With,Murdering. Unarmed Black.  Males.  As. Black.  Police.  Are,Silent.   .Black.  Gangs, Killing.  Black.  People,Crack. Houses,Pimp  , Houses,Black. Men. Not. Being. Fathers,Church.  A.  Disgrace. . Preacher's. Caring. About.  Money,  Nothing.  Else..Church,NAACP,Black,Political ,Black. People. Helping   The. Racist,White. With. Black. Genocide......

  15. In. D. C. There. Is. A. Free. Minds. Book. Club. In.  The. D. C. Jail.  They,Try.   To. Encourage. Young. Criminals. To. Read.  ,Books,To,Change.   Their. Lives.  They. Showed.  Several. Black,Males.  One  Of  Their  Favorite  Books,Make  Me  Want   To  Holler,By  Nathan-Mccall..Read   That  Nathan  McCall   Was   First  Time  Best  Selling  ,Author  On  AALBC.com.  Saw. The  DC  Free  Mind  Book  Club,On,C-SPAN.Read  About  Free  Minds  Book  Club   On  The  Internet....

  16. On. Dr.  Martin. Luther. King. Holiday. ,Black. Preacher's.  Will. Be. On ,The. News. Talking.  About. Him,Parades.  Black. Church. Is  A. Disgrace,.  Black. Preacher's. Stealing.  Money.  Buy Cars,Mansions ,Not,Trying    To   Uplift   The   Spirits  Of   Black   People   Or. ,Communities.  Preacher's   Arrested   For   Stealing. Hundreds  ,Of,Thousands  Of   Dollars..  Preacher's  Killing    Their   Wives,Caught,With   Prostitutes,Children   With   Mistresses...  Black-Political.  John  Lewis    Silent.  John.  Lewis.  Personally. Knew. Dr.  King...On.   The.  News.  In.  Ohio. At.  G M Plant,Nooses. We're. Found.   The.  Word. Nigger,Sawastika. Sign. Writtten..  .The.  Racist. Lunatic,President. Supporting. Neo. Nazi,Racist   Klan. Police,.. Dr-King's,Idea. For.   A.  Racial.  Equality. Country. Want. Happen. Anytime,Soon.  Then.  There. Is. Black.  Genocide.  Street.  Gangs,Crack,Houses,Black. Men. Prostitution. Teenage.  Girls. In Streets..  Civil. Rights.  Activist. Could. Not. Envision. Black. People,Genociding. There.  Own.  Race. Street. Gangs. Are. Terrorist,Like. Neo. Nazi. And  Klan.  ...

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  17. Saw. A. Young. Black. Female. On. The. News ,  Talking. About. R. Kelly..  The. Documentary. Surviving. R. Kelly,  Talks. About. His. Sexual. Abuse,Misconduct. With. Teenage. Girls!.  For. Decades. He. Has. Been,Having. Sex  With  Teenage  Girls,Abuse   Them. ,Holding  ,Them,Hostage.  Read  He  Married   A  Singer  When  She  Was  15_.  ,R-Kelly  ,Sex  Addict   ,Abusive  Sex  Fiend  Who  Is  Obsessed  With  ,Teenage. Girls.  Don't  Know. Who  More  Lunatic   R  Kelly   Or  Kanye-West??????

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  18. It   Is. Time. For. Black. Unity.  Time. To. End. The. Slave. Mentality.  A. ,New   Year. Has. Begin.  In. Black. Communities,Is. There. A. Few. ,Courageous. Black. Men??There. Needs. To. Be. Voices Of. Self-Determination. And. Purpose.  What  Holds  Us. Back  Is  Us...  Time,For,Black  Genocide  To  End.  In   Black  Communities,Is  There. A,Few  Courageous. Black  Men?.  The. Black. Youth ,Encourage. ,Them,To Embrace. Knowledge  And  Stay  In  School..  Teach    ,Them,The   7-Kwanzaa  Principals. Time  For. Uplifting. Communities,To,Begin.  In. Black. Communities. ,Are. There. A. Few,Courageous. Black. Men...?

  19. 7- Year. Old. Jasmine. Brown. Was. Riding. With. Her. Mother,When. A,Man. Drive. By. Them,Started. Shooting,Jasmine. Was. Shot. And. Killed.  Mother. In. Hospital. ,Will  Survive.  They   Thought   The   Killer,Was  A  White  Man.  Fear  Of   Race  Killing.  But,They   Arrested,A  Black   Man.  I'm  Sick   Of  Black   Men   Murdering  ,Their,Own   Peop!e.  Neo  ,Klan   Can   Watch  Black   Men   Genocide,Black  People.  Where  Is  The  NAACP, ,Church,Black  Po!itical?. They   Were. All   On   The   News   Before.  Last.  Year,Elections......7- Year. Old. Girl. Dead....

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