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harry brown

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Posts posted by harry brown

  1. The. Queen. Of. Soul,Aretha. Franklin,Is. Gravely Ill.She. Is. In. Hospice. Care,She,Has. Been. Battling Cancer,8-Years,News. Says.  She. Had. Been. Visited  By. Singer. Stevie Wonder,Ex,Husband  Glynn  Turman., ,Jesse  Jackson.There  Was  A  Vigil  , For,Her  At  Her  Father's Church  In,Detroit..People   Sending Their  Prayers...She  Surrounded  By  Family,And  Friends.  News  Sounding,Like  The  Queen  Of  Soul,Is,Near  Death.  I  Hope Not.!!!!

  2. Yesterday,Gun. Shots. Sound. Near. The. Playground,Children. Quickly Fled.  Young. Jamal. Lie. Upon. The. Ground. Dead.  For. Another. Black. Child's Murder. Tears. Are. Shed..Preachers. Not. Concerned   About. Black  Children,Safety,They  Buy  Cars  Instead..Destructive  Black  Men  In  ,Gangs  Is  Widespread.  Confronting,The  Gangs,By  NAACP, Preachers,Politicians,Are  Not Led.Solutions  For  The Black  Genocide,Problem  Not  Being  Said..Black  Community  Leaders,Voices,Loud  For  Votes,But,Silent  When. Gangs. Leave,Black. Children. Dead!!!!!!


  3. Omarosa   Newman ,Former. Trump,Whitehouse Employee,Says,Trump. Is. Racist. And. Had. A. Mental. Problem..Heard. Trump,Use. The. N-Word.  She. Had a,Secret. Recording  Of  a  Private  ,Whitehouse  Conversation.  She  Says,In  Trumps  Whitehouse  Everybody,Lies!Trump  Has  Tweeted,4-Times.Angry..News  Talkers  Say  She,Is,Not  Believeable, Like  Trump,Is,Not.  Book Called  Unhinged...

  4. News,Black. Police. Officer. In. Baltimore,  In. Video. Beating   Up. A. Black. Man..I. Wondered.  If.  The. Neo,Nazi   Terrorist. Matched   In. Baltimore,With. Guns,Would  Black  ,Police  Do  Anything...More  Shootings,In  Chicago..As  Black  Men,Protest  Neo  Nazi  In  Washington,D  C ,Black  Men  Try  to  Genocide  Their  Own  People.  BlackPoliticians,NAACP,Church,  Are,Silent,Condone  It. The  NAACP ,Politicians,In  The  News  Talking About,Racist  White  Men,Will  Not  Talk,About  Black  Men  Genociding ,Black. Communities,Or. Black. Preachers. Stealing. Millions. Of. Dollars,Buying. Cars,Mansions,Instead,Of  Trying. To,Uplift. Poor. Communities..

    • Like 1
  5. On. C. N. N. News Last. Night,Spike Lee. Was. On,His. New. Movie. Black. Klansman...The. Racist. Lunatic. President. Upset.  With, Football. Players. At. Preseason. Ganes,They. Must. Have  Been. Kneeling  Down..  Do. Not  Understand  Why  Black  News,Talkers,Sports  Talkers,Do,Not  Talk  About  White. Police  Fired  For  Being  Klan  Members,Neo  Nazi  In  The,Military...I  Think  The  Neo  Nazi,Planning  To  Return To  Charlottesville...This  Weekend,1,Year,  ,Since  They  Were  Marching,With  Nazi  Flags,And. Torches..As. Black. Men. Genocide. Black. People....Black. News,Sports,Talkers,Will. Not. Talk. About.  Black. Community. Leaders,Being. Corrupt, .Preachers,Pimps , Fake. Wanting. Money....Black. People. Enslaved. By. Their. Own. People. Why. Black. Unity. Seems. Impossible. To. Have...

  6. News. Says,This. Past. Weekend. In. Chicago,12. People. Dead,Dozens,Wounded.News. Ask,Who,Is. To. Blame??  I, Say,The. ,Racist   White. Politicians,Black. Leaders  Are  Black  Slave Holders,Enslaving  Their  Own  People.Irresponsible  Black  Parents..Black  Churches,Slave  Cabins,Pimp   Houses...Black  Women,Having  Babies  With  Gangsters..Neo  Nazi,Klan  Can  Watch,The  Black  Man. Genocide  The,Black  Race!!!!!!!.Something. Scary,News  Showed  A  Idiot. White  Man,,Showing. How. To  Make  Homemade  Guns ,That. Shoot. Real,Bullets.  Sure,Neo. Nazi,Klan,Street,Gangs. We're. Watching....

  7. Young   Black. Males   ,Having. Relationships. With. Women. And. Their,Fathers. If. They. Are. Raised. In. A. Home. Where. Females ,Are. Respected,They. Might. Respect. Females,If. Not. ,They. Might. Be. Pimps,  Prostitute  Teenage  Girls   In  The  Streets.  Domestic   Violence,In  Their  Home  ,They Might   Beat  Up Females.  Absent,Fathers,They  May  Become  Absent  Non  Caring  Fathers....It,Maybe  Difficult  To  Give  Love  If  You  Did  Not  Receive,It. ..The,,,,NAACP,,,Churches,,,,Black  Politicians,,Should  Mentor. Black. Boys,Before. They. Get. To. High School.  If. They. Can. Find. Time. To,Get. Votes,  They. Can. Make. Time. To. Mentor. Black. Children,Especially. Black. Boys....Church. Is. Pimp   Houses. And,Slave,Cabins.....Preachers. Beat . Their. Wives,3. Preachers. In. Prison,For. Killing. Their. Wives,1. Killed. His. Exwife   Inside. The,Church..Why. Is. This. Tolerated????...

  8. N. B. A. Lebron. James. Has. A. School. In. Akron,    Ohio. For. At. Risk,Children.  Good.  At. Least. Lebron. Is. Involved,Trying. To. Make,A Difference.  . State. Of. Black. America. Was. On. Sunday. Night.. Saw. Some. Of. It. Did. They. Talk. About. Black. Preachers. Arrested. For,Stealing. Millions. Of. Dollars, Preachers. In. Prison. For. Killing. Their,Wives,Preachers. Having. Children. With. Mistresses ,Caught. With,Prostitutes?  If. Black. Communities. Practiced the. Kwanzaa,Principals ,Malcolm. X. Black. Economic. Speech,W.E.B,Dubois,Talented Tenth,That.  Would. ,Uplift Poor,Black,Communities.Preachers. Stealing. Money,. Buying,Rich Cars,Fancy. Suits,Mansions,NAACP,Black. Politicians ,Church,John. Lewis,Silent ,They. Condone. It.  They. Watch. The. Black. Genocide,Street. Gangs. Slaughtering. Black. People in. The. Streets,Black. Men. Prostututing. Young Teenage. Girls. In.  The,Streets.Crack Houses..Dallas. Cowboys. Dak. Prescott ,Against,Football. Players Kneeling. Down,What. Does. Dak. Pesscot,Think. About. A. Texas. White. Police. Fired. For. Being. A,KLAN,Member. A. Few. Years.  Ago?....Kindle. Fire. Battery. Went,Dead,Reason. I.  Was. Not. Posting...

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  9. Last. Sunday.  Scrolling. To. See. What. Was. On,Oprah. Winfrey. Was. Interviewing. That. Idiot. Football. Player,Tom. Brady.  Did. Not. Waste. My. Time. Watching.  . Do. She .Plan,To,Interview. Colin. Kaepernick ,Richard. Sherman,Other,Football. Players. To. Ask. Them. Why. They. ,Were. Protesting?If. Someone. Watched. OPRAH. Interviewing,That. Idiot. Tom. Brady,Did. OPRAH. Ask. Him,Why,Do. You. Like. Trump,Do. You. Support. Trump. ,Supporting ,Neo Nazi ,,.,Does. He. Support. Neo-Nazi. Waving. U.  S.  Flag. And. Nazi. Flags,As. Football. Players,Hated. , By. White. People. For. Protesting. Racism. In,This. Country..  ...Have. Heard. OPRAH. Puts. On. Stupid. Preachers,Like. T.D._Jakes ,John. Gray. Whatever. His. Name. Is..  Will.  She put ,On,,,Black. Hebrews,Nation. Of. Islam?.  Making. White. Viewers ,Comfortable.......

  10. Black. Republican. Preacher. Jessie. Lee. Peterson,Says,There. Is. No. White. Privilege  In. America.  That. Is. Not. What. Holds,Black. People. Back..  He. Sounds. Like. He. Believes. ,There. Is. No. Racism. In. This. Country..  The. Black. Church,Is. As. Vile,Evil,As. Crack. Houses Pimp. Houses.  Church. Used. To. Be. A. Place. Of. Unity. And. Strategy....Gangs. Slaughtering ,Black. People. In. The. Streets,Crack,No. Black. Unity,NAACP,Black. Politicians,  Terrified. To. Confront. Corrupt,Money. Stealing. Preachers.  The. Racist. White. Can,Watch. Black. People. Genocide. Their. Own. Race......

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  11. Cora. Daniels. Writes. About. African. American   Culture.  Her,Book,Ghetto. Nation.  ,She. Says. Ghetto. Not. Where. You,Live,But. How. You. Live..     The. Ghetto. Persona,Is,Very,Demeaning. To. Black. Women ,Devalue ,Education,Celebrates. Stereo. Types....  I. Will. Add. Rap. Music,,Calling. Black. Females. Vile. Names,Glamour  Of. Crack-Cocaine,Gangs,Gang. Wars,Pimps ,Prostitutes...My. Opinion ,A,Culture. Of. Genocide.....

  12. Meeting. Of. The. Minds,Different. Opinions.  If. Our. Black. Leaders. Got. Together,Talking,We. Might. Have. Solutions,For. Black. Community. Problems.  Did. Not, Mean. To,Post. Twice. Yesterday.  Posting. On   this. Website. Was. Being. Blocked..  .I. found. It. Amazing. That. A. Gangster,Was. Getting.  Female. Guards. Pregnant..  Drinking. Champagne,In,The. Cell.  Baltimore. Jail. Sounded. Like. A. Pimp. House...Black. guerilla   Gang. Family......

  13. Came. Across. This,Yesterday.  In. 2003,Gangster. Tavon. White,Got. 4. Female. Guards. Pregnant. At. The. Same Time.  .It,Seems,Female. Prison. Guards. Like. To. Have. Sex. With. Gangsters.  In. Prison...The. Female. Guards. We're. Helping,Smuggle. In. Cell. Phones. And. Drugs,Gangster. Tavon   White. Sold. To. Prisoner.  He. Said. He. Made,14,000.A.   Month...He.  Was.  Drinking. Champagne,Eating,Shrimp,Having. Sex. In. His. Cell.  The. Female. Guards. We're. Smuggling. Cell. Phones,Drugs. ,In. Their. Shoes. And. Hair.  Amazing.  2. Years. Ago. FBI,Took. Down,  The. Black. Guerilla. Family. In. Baltimore. Jail.  2-Years. Ago. Gangster. Tavon. White. Was. A. Key. Witness. For. The. Feds,In. A. Murder,Attempted. Murder. Case......Amazing,All,Jails. Are. Corrupt.....

    • Haha 1
  14. Came. Across. This, 2003,  Baltimore. Prisoner. Tavon. White,Of. The. Black. Guerilla  Family. Got. 4. Female. Officers,Pregnant. At. The. Same. Time..  Tavon. White. ,Controlled. , Some. Of. The. . Female. Officers,,And. The,Jail.  He. And. His Gang,. Was. Selling. Drugs,Cell. Phones,Inside,The. Jail.. Female. Officers. Smuggled. In,Drugs,Cell. Phones. For.  Gangster. Tavon White.  White,Said.  He. Was. Making. 14,000 A. Month,Tax. Free..He,And. His. Gangsters. Was. Drinking. Champagne,Eating. Shrimp,In. The Cell. The. Female,Officers,They. Should. Have. Smuggled. In. Condoms..He. Can't. Pay. Child. Support. Will. Be. The   Tax,Payers..  FBI.  Took. Down. The. Black. Guerilla. Family.. 2,  Years. Ago,.Tavon. White. Was. In. Courtroom. As. A. Top. Witness,For. The. Feds ,His. Guerilla. Family. Member,Killed,Someone,,Tavon. White. Told. His. Members,To,Kill. His. Member,That. Killed. Someone. Else.  I. Think. He.  Is In.  Prisoner. For. Attempted. Murder.  Black. Female. Officers. ,Want. To. Have. Babies ,. With. Violent. Thug,Prisoners,Amazing....  Female. Officers. Guarding. The,Prisoners,  Smuggled. Cell. Phones. ,Drugs. In. Their. Shoes,and. Hair.  Gangster. Tavon. White. Maybe. Used. Mind,Control...25. Officers. We're. Indicted.......

    • Haha 1
  15. Declaration. Of. Independence.  Histories. Words,We. Hold. These. Truths. To. Be. Self-Evident. That. All. Men. Are. Created,Equal,Slavery. In. The. Country. They. Are. Endowed. By,Their. Creator,Equality,Life,Liberty  And. The. Pursuit. Of,Happiness.  First. Question. Who. Is. The. Creator,God,Creator. Of. All. Races. Of. People... Those. Words,For. White. Men. Only...Black. People. Celebrate 4th,Of,July. As .Unarmed. Black. Males. Are. Shot. Dead,In. The,Streets,Racism. In. The. Country,Led. By.  A. Racist. Lunatic,President.  On. Slave. Plantations,Black. People,Seemed,To. Have. More. Unity. Back. Then. ,Than. We,Have. Now.  .  .  Black. People. Should. Celebrate. The,Black   Soldiers. Serving. In.  All. This. Country's Wars,Black. Civil. Rights. Activist,Who. We're. Beaten,Murdered,,Jailed. Trying. To. Have. Equality. For. Their,People....The. Racist. Lunatic. President. Do. Not. Want,Football. Players. Kneeling. Down,But.  Supports. Neo-Nazi.  Walking. The. Streets. With. The. U. .S. Flag,And Neo-Nazi ,,Flag......

  16. Revolution. Will. Not. Be. Televised,What. Revolution?Black. Politicians ,Preachers,NAACP. ,Are. They. Mentoring. Black,Children. Before. They. Get. To. High. School?The. Rich,Cars. Preacher. Drive. Around. In   From. Stealing. Church,Money. Can. Send. Black.  Children. To. College....Benjamin. E. Mayes ,Said. Black. People. Should,Pool,Their. Money,Together,Kwanzaa. Principles,Malcolm. X.  Black. Economic. Speech,Black. Leaders,  Do. Not. Practice. In.  Black. Communities....

  17. Former. First. Lady. Michelle. Obama. ,Is. Working. On,. A. Book. ,Called,Becoming.  She. Was. On. Tv. Last. Night.  Talking,About.  Her. Live. In.  The. Whitehouse..Raising,Her,Daughters ,Among. Other. Things..Book. Will. Be. Published. This. Year.......

  18. To. Your. Family. And. Friends,Have. You. Given. Love.  ? ,From. Your. Family. And. Friends. Have. You. Received. Love?.Loves. Warm. Feeling,Like. Feeling. The. Warmth. From. The. Sun,, Above..  The. Greatest. Joy. In. Life. Is. Being. ,Loved.....

  19. Chicago. Street. Gangs,  News. Says,21. People. Shot,2 Dead,I. Think. Past. Weekend.  Some. Black. Males. In. Gangs,Are 2nd ,3rd. Generations. In. Gangs,Black. Man. Said. On. The. News..High. unemployment ..  As. Church. Preachers. Drive,In. Rich. Cars,Bentleys,Merceds Benz ,Lexus,Preacher. Creflo -Dollar,  Had. 2. Rolls. Royce Cars,I. Think.  T.  D.  Jake's ,Private,Jet.  Preachers. Do. Not. Care. About. Children,Poor,Communities ..Politicians,NAACP,,Preachers ,Controlling. Black. Votes,Wanting. Black. People. Money,Church. Money. United. Could. Help. Start. Black. Businesses ....Send. Black. Children. To. College. From. Poor,Inner. City. Schools.  We. Need. Black. Leaders. With. The,Kwanzaa Principle. Thinking....Black. People. Enslave. Themselves.  Black. Leaders. Enslave. Their. Own. People..  On,The. News. Elijah. Cummings. Close. To. Tears. Last. Week,About. Trumps Children. Jail. Cages .  Maxine. Waters,Saying. People. Should. Confront. People. Who. Support. Trump.  Waiting. For. Maxine. Waters. To. Talk. About,Confronting. Street. Gangs,Crack. Sellers,Pimps. Who,Prostitute. Teenage. Girls. .Preachers. who. Steal,Church,Money. To. Buy. Cars,Fancy. Suits,Mansions ,Women   Preachers. As. Vile. As. The. Men...Moral. Voice,John. Lewis. ,Silent..  Maxine. Waters,Elijah. Should. Talk. About. Black. Police. Silent,As. Innocent. Unarmed. Black. Males,Shot,Dead. By. Racist. White. Police.....

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  20. Beneath. Africa's. Sun,Relentless  Heat. Beams. Down. Upon. The   Sahara. Desert,Scorching. Sand..  Beauty. And. Danger,This. Naked. Land.  Ancient. Tribes. Found. Away. To,Survive.  Amazingly. In. Some. Places. Plants. And. Animals,Thrive..Like. The. Waves. Upon. The. Ocean..  Sahara. Sand,Shifting. In. Motion.....From. The. Scorching. Sand,Toward,A. Tree,An. Egyptian. Cobra. Slither..Upon.   A. Animal. Carcass,Are. The. Vultures... When. Travelling. The. Sahara. ,Parched. Tongue,Parched. Skin,So. Many. Miles,To. Cross..  Death. For. Someone. Alone,Or. Someone. Who,Gets. Lost.....Tribe. Women,  Ancient. Tribal. Songs,they. Sang..  While. The. Tribal. Elder,To. The. God. Of. Their. Ancestors,He. Prays. For. Rain.....

  21. Forgotten. Murder,17. Year. Old. Kendrick. Johnson. Body. Was,Found. Rolled. Up. In. A. Wrestling. Mat. In. The. Gym,In,A. High. School. In. Valdosta,Georgia...Homicide,Suicide,Accident...Family. Believes,Homicide,  So. Do I.  There. Will. Be. A. Third. Autopsy,His. Body. To. Be. Exhumed...  Where. Is. The. Protesting. For. This. 17, Year. Old. Black. Male?  This. Happened,In,  2013.  In. Pittsburgh,Police. Shot. And. Killed,A,,17. Black. Boy,Antwon  Rose.  People. Protesting...Why,Is. Black. Police. Silent,The. Boy. Was. Unarmed..  What. Would. White. People. Do. If. Black. Police,Start. Shooting. At. Neo. Nazi. Walking. Down. The. Street,With. Guns. And. Nazi. Flag,Neo. ,Nazi,KLAN,Domestic,Terrorist. Organization.  Klan. With. Faces,Covered. Up. Walking. Around. With. Rifles.....The,Neo-Nazi. Planning. A. Rally  Near. The. Whitehouse....Hispanic,Children. Being. Rounded. Up. Like,Cattle. ,Neo-Nazi. Planning. A. Rally Near. The. Whitehouse..  News. Says,White. Population. Shrinking ,Whatever..The. Browning. Of. America.  Trump. Doing. What,,The,Neo. Nazi. Want. Him. To. Do....

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