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harry brown

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Posts posted by harry brown

  1. Black Preacher In Savannah ,Georgia ,Caught In A Prostitution ,Sting. Preacher Enters Room,Not One Minute Before The Preacher Gives The Woman Money,He Says To .The  Woman,I Want To See You Without Your Clothes . She Goes To Another,Room,Police Come In,Preacher Says ,He Was Not,Going,To Do Anything...Then He Weeps. I Don't Want Problems, With My Wife ,I Am A Pastor Of A Church....A Black,Preacher In Florida Was Having Sex With A Married Woman ..Her Husband Came Home ,Saw What Was Going On ,Got One Of His Guns ,Preacher Ran Outside Naked...No Clothes On....Preacher,Caught With Prostitute Is On Video...Why Do ,People Go To Church?  Some Call Churches Night Clubs And Pimp Houses...Preachers Are Predators  Wanting Women And,Money...NAACP,Black Churches ,Black Politicians  All ,Condone Church Corruption.. Long List Of Sex ,Money Lusting,Preachers.....Black Unity  Not Coming Soon..

    • Haha 1
  2. As Family And Friends Gather To Eat.. Black People Should Be,Grateful For The Black Soldiers Past And  Present. Civil Rights,Activist Who Were Beaten Up,Jailed ,Lynched For Us,To ,Have What We Have...Some Black Politicians . Black Preachers,Years Ago,When The Church , Was A Place Of Unity And Strategy . The Black Church Has Become Slave Cabins And Pimp,Houses... Enslaving The Souls Of Black Folks And Worshipping Money.....

  3. Amazing. On The News ,African Men And Boys, Being Sold In 2017. CNN News ,Went Undercover To Libya. African Man's Voice ,,Do You Need ,A  Digger Or A Farm Worker ,Hands Go Up Bids Up To  $650.00. Dollars, Some Slave Bidders On The Phone Bidding.. . The Men And Boys   Came To Libya Hoping To Be Smuggled To Europe ,For, Economic  Opportunities . The Smugglers ,Were Stopped. So The Smugglers Became The Slave Sellers ,The People  That Were Hoping To Be Smuggled To Europe  ,Became Slaves Being ,Sold,In Slave Auctions...CNN News Has Some Of ,This On Video. Some Of The Men And Boys Were Interviewed...Amazing......

  4. Hebrews To Negroes. Book Talks About Black People , Are God's ,Chosen People. . .Bible Mentions Ethiopia .Says There Is Bible,Scripture Proof. I Am Sick Of Black Preachers Who Love,Trump , After He Supported Neo Nazi In Charlottesville..On The News ,There Was A Black Preacher Supporting Trump..Hebrew To Negroes,Book By Ronald Dalton. Saw On,Book,Website...

  5. Hack Is  About Donna Brazile Claim That  The 2016 Democratic,Primary Was Rigged For Hillary Clinton Over,Bernie Sanders..She Said Democrats Are Angry With Her,She Said  Her,Critics Can Go To Hell  I Think She Is Trying To Sell Her Book. Donna Brazile Was The Former Chair Of The Democratic National,Committee . She Needs Talk About Holding Black Leaders ,And Preachers Accountable. Preachers With Prostitutes ,Preachers Killing Their Wives,Having Babies With Mistresses ,Stealing Church  Money In The Name Of The Lord......NAACP,Not, Wanting A Black Woman To Be President Of The NAACP...

  6. I Think All Are Almost All This Country's Wars Black  Soldiers Have Been In. Defending This Country , While Being Deprived,Of Freedom ,,Equality And The Pursuit Of Happiness... On Veterans Day ,We Should Honor Our Own ,With Reflecting ,Memories And Prayers.. Those Living And Those Dead, ...

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  7. In New Jersey, Racist White Police ,Charged With  Hate Crimes. He Was Caught On Tape Saying , Niggers Are Like ISIS ,They Have,No Value. He Bought A Police Dog To Intimidate Black,People At A Basketball Game. I Think He Slammed A Black,Male's Head Into A Steel Door,Who Was A Suspect..Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Should Be On The News,Now Saying ,This Is Why I Was Kneeling Down...They Need To Show How Many White Police Have Been Fired For Klan Members On The News,Those Caught Saying Racist Things...When Robert Mueller Finish Investigating Trump And The Russians ,He Should Investigate Neo Nazi,KLAN In Police And ,U. S. Military...

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  8. Halloween,News Says Black Licorice Not Good. Never Had,Licorice ,. Prefer Chocolate. With Almonds Or Peanuts..No,Halloween Costume Or Horror Movie ,Scarier Than,Trump .. His Demonic Followers Want Him To Fight,The Russian Investigation. His Neo Nazi Followers Are Capable Of  Doing A Lot Of Evil Things...Nazi Rallies Continue....

  9. In Charleston South Carolina ,Black Man Named Joe McGill ,Sleeps In Slave Cabins .He Talks About How He Felt ,Sleeping ,In Slave Cabins,The Experience.. .In Winston Salem ,A Black Man There ,Wants To Save The Slave Cabins,His Family History,,He Wants Contributions To Save The Slave Cabins,Slave Houses,Other People Say They Should Be  Demolished...In ,Virginia A Lost And Forgotten Slave Cemetery Was Found. So,Many Slave Cemetery Have Been Forgotten ,Abandoned .....The,Church ,NAACP,Politicians Should Preserve ,..Slave,Cemeteries .

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  10. Widow Of Fallen Soldier La David Johnson Speaks. Soldier,La David Johnson Was Killed With 3 Others In Africa. ,They Were ,Ambushed. Other 3 Soldiers  Were White. Lunatic Trump Spoke,To  La David Johnson Widow. She Said She Felt Worse ,After Listening To Trump. Trump Said ,He Knew What He Signed,Up For. Disrespectful. Trump Talking  Disrespectful,To A Fallen Soldiers Family, As He Says Football Players Are Disrespectful When They Kneel Down During The National Anthem. News ,Politicians Did Not Know U. S. Soldiers were In,Niger -Africa. Trump Is A Racist  Lunatic ,Disrespecting ,A Black Fallen Soldiers Family ,He Supported Neo Nazi With Nazi Flag,And The U. S. Flag Marching With Torches In Charlottesville In August......Soldier La David Johnson Was Looking Forward To Their Third Child,His Widow Is Pregnant. He Has A Son And A Daughter. Black Man Disrespected After He Gives His Life Serving,His Country..

  11. Search Past Silence,Book Author Argues That Educators Need,To ,Understand  The Social Worlds And Complex Literary Practices ,Of  Black Males To Break The School To Prison  ,Pipeline....Yes.,And I Say. The NAACP,Black  Churches And Politicians Should Be Mentors And Teachers To Black ,Children,Before They Get To High School..Search Past ,Silence,Book By Dr. David Kirkland...

  12. News ,Opioid  Killing White People In America. It's A Epidemic,Some Say. The Heroin Opioid Users,Should Get Counseling Not  Jail Time. Black And Brown Get Prison Time...The Crack Epidemic ,Put Black And Brown Behind ,Bars...In The White Communities Where There Is Heroin Opioid ,Is There ,Dead Bodies From Shoot Outs?Black Crack Gangsters ,,They Do Not Care About Innocent People They Shoot When There Is A,Crack Selling Territory War Battle..Crack Buyers And Crack Sellers Are The Same,Crack Buyers Bring Gangsters In Communities....White .Supremacy  Trying To Control Other Races,,White People Are Becoming Expendable..Watch The News,White People Dying From Opioid Is A National Epidemic,Something Must Be Done......Poor Black Communities,With Crack Gangsters,,Lot Of Black Leaders Do,Not,Care...

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  13. Preparing Black Youth For Success. Some Black People Are Involved With Trying To Motivate Black Children Educationally..Except The Church ,Preachers   Love Money,Cars,Poverty All Around The Church ,They Do Not Try ,To Help Black Children. The Black Football Players Trying To Speak To Politicians About Unarmed Black Males Gunned Down By Police. . They Need To Talk About White Police That Have Been ,Fired The Past 6_Years  For Being Klan ,KKK,Members..Preparing Black Children For Success Book  By  Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu..

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  14. Book About The Late Great Curtis Mayfield. Curtis Mayfield -Not,Just A Great Singer ,Songwriter But A Talented -Musician..His,Song People Get Ready Was A Anthem  During The ,Civil Rights Movement. Curtis Mayfield Was Born In ,Poverty,Raised In The Slums Of Chicago ...Saw This Book On A ,Music Books ,Website. Book By Todd Mayfield And  Travis Atris.....Did Not ,Check Out The Authors.....

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  15. In A Dove Soap .Commercial A Black Woman Using Dove Soap ,Becomes White . Yes, There Was A Uproar. .Criticism. They Were ,Trying To Represent Women Of Color. .Using Dove Soap A Black --,Woman Cleanse To Whiteness...Black Woman Uses Dove -Soap,Pulls Off Her Shirt ,A White Woman ,Appears...Amazing..Black Is Beautiful....

    • Haha 1
  16. Charleston Hartfield Was One Of The 58  Victims  Killed In,Las -Vegas  Last Sunday Night. He Was A Military Veteran And A ,Las- Vegas Police Officer . He Wrote A Book Called Memoirs Of. A -Public Servant . Book About  His Thoughts And Feelings About -Being A Police Officer In Las- Vegas. People Were Saying  Good -,Things About Him . He Was The Father Of 2,  Son And A - Daughter , News Said. Another Pointless Conversation About --,Gun,Control  On The News. My Question ,Why Are People -,Allowed To Have  Machine Guns?

  17. News 58 Dead In Las Vegas. White man  Begun Shooting At A ,Country  Music Concert. White Man Killing White People. News,Was It ISIS Related Or A Lone Wolf Killer. Lunatic ,President,This Was A Evil Man. He Did Not Say Neo Nazi ,In ,Charlottesville Was Evil..Neo Nazi Terrorist Organization ,Praising,Adolf Hitler With Guns And Torches In American,Streets ..News Likes To Talk About Black Men And Violence..Hitler ,Trump,I Think Plans To Go To Last Vegas. He Did Not Go ,To,Charlottesville ,WHITE Women Murdered By A Neo Nazi,Seem ,To Condone This..Gun .Control Talk On The News ,Again...700,Dead Last Year In Chicago . Black Lives Matter ,Depends On Who Kills A Black Person. Street  Gangs Are Black -Skin Nazi. .NAACP,Black Politicians And The Church Are Afraid ,To,Take On Street Gangs That Genocide Black People. .Retired,Black FBI Agent Talking About Last Vegas Massacre. Do ,not, See Black FBI Agents Talking About White Police Being ,,,Klan,KKK,Members Or Neo Nazi In The Military,Training For ,The,Coming Race War ,They Think Will Happen......

  18. I Think The News Said O.J. Simpson Gets Out On Monday..He Was In Prison For Stealing ,Assault ,Whatever,In Prison Because,He Was Not Guilty Back In 1995...Don't  Care,About This Idiot Getting Out,He Got Black Support He Should Not Have Gotten. ..Racist White Police  Get  Racist White Support...Neo Nazi  Trump, Attacking The Football Players Not Caring About Hurricane Hit Peurto Rico......

  19. News Says, Russians Had  Facebook Ads ,Seemingly To ,Attack,Black Lives Matter,Baltimore Riots ,To Help Trump,Get,Elected ,The Racial Divide In America...News,Still,Talking About Football Players,Kneeling,Down..The News Not Saying ,WHITE Police,Have,Been Fired For Being Klan,KKK,Members,The Past,Few Years.. Neo Nazi In The Military Training Themselves,For The Race War In America..Trump Said,Football,Players Were Disgraceful ,Trump Did Not Say,Neo Nazi Were Disgraceful ,In Charlottesville,With Nazi Outfits ,Torches And Guns. FBI Not On The News,,Saying White Police Are Klan Members,Neo Nazi In The Military. White People,Have No Problem Neo Nazi In The Military, Saying Football Players,Disrespecting The Flag...No Black Police On The News,Saying White Police Have Been Fired For Being KKK ,Members..I Am Sick Of Black Preachers Supporting Trump..

  20. Lunatic President Trump Said  Football  Players Kneeling  When The National Anthem Is Played  Should Be Fired,The Sons Of,B_Word Should Be Fired. White America ,They Are Disrespecting Our Flag,They Should,Leave,The,Country. .Lebron  James Called Trump A Bum..Sports Talker Michael Wilbon Said Trump Was Aiming At,Black Men..Pro Football Owners And Players Standing Together .The Patriots Who Are Friends With Trump,Spoke Against Trump. Where Were The Patriots When Trump .Was ,Supporting Neo Nazi With Torches And Guns In Charlottesville,Last Month..White Veterans Upset Over Players,Kneeling...Are White Veterans Upset Over Neo Nazi,With Torches And Guns In The Streets Of Charlottesville?Black Soldiers Have Been In All This Country's Wars. .National Anthem,,The Pledge Of Aleigence  ,Preamble Of The Constitution,Was For White People Only...Not Heard On The News,White Police Fired For Being Klan Members,Klan KKK,A Racist. Terrorist Organization...Neo Nazi In The Military Training,Themselves For The Race War In This Country....Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Still Unemployed...There Is A Fear Of Unity Of Black Men In This Country. Then There Is,Idiot Black Preachers Supporting Trump .After He,  Supporting Neo-Nazi In Charlottesville. ....Black Church .Is  A Corrupt  Dump.....

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