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harry brown

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Posts posted by harry brown

  1. The A B C'S Of Blackness By Neeta Black. She Says We Need A ,Black Curriculum To Repair And Restore Black Education For A Black Generation..Rebuild Black Communities ..I Say To Her ,Good Luck. Black People Are Too Divided. Having Had A Black,President ,And Now Have A Racist Lunatic As President,Still Cannot Gather For Black Unity....

  2. St Louis,People Are Protesting,Another White Police Not Guilty,Shooting ,Killing A Black Man..White Police Lined Up,In The Streets,There Was Talk About The National .Guard .Where Was The ,Fear ,Where Was The Military  Last Month In Charlottesville,?A Terrorist Organization Neo Nazi Walking Around With Guns ,And Torches In The Streets If Military Was In Charlottesville,For The ,Domestic Terrorist Neo Nazi ,The Woman That Was Murdered ,By,The Neo Nazi Car,Might Be Alive..Police Lined Up,Talk About Bringing In National Guard For  People Protesting. But Neo Nazi,Terrorist With Guns And Torches Is No Problem. Trump,Not,The Only One Who See Neo Nazi As Good People..

  3. This Year Is The 100 Year Birth Of The Late Great Writer Gwendolyn Brooks. Brooks Was The First African American To,Receive The Pulitzer Prize., She Received Many Awards .She,Was Illinois Poet Laureate .Gwendolyn Brooks,Has Influenced Many People..Gwendolyn Brooks Was A Self Proclaim,,Non Religious Person.,In Religious Allusion She ,Comments On Religion ...Actor Chris Rock ,A Black Person Who Is Christian ,Don't Have A Good Memory ..Christianity Is White  Man;s Religion Or Slave Plantation Religion Many Black People,Believe .Late Actress Butterfly McQueen,Who Played ,Scarlet Ohara's Maid ,In Gone With The Wind,,Was A Atheist ,Who Was Honored By The,Atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation..She Said,Her Ancestors Are Free From Slavery,She Is Free From Religion .Jesus,Is A Myth..If People Would Put Energy On Humanity ,Like They Do For Myth Of Jesus,They Would Be Less Hunger And,Homelessness . .She Was Puzzled,Christianity Encourages,Bigotry,Hatred And Irresponsibility..Yes,I Agree....

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  4. ESPN Sports Talker Jemelle Hill Said President Trump Is A,Racist. Whitehouse Said She Should Be Fired. Trump Said Obama Was Not Born In This Country,,Trump Supports Neo Nazi,,He Has Done,Enough To Be Impeached,Said President Obama Was Spying On Him. ESPN Accepted Jemelle Hill Apology...Trump Is,Racist ESPN Knows It ,The Whitehouse Knows It. Trump Had,Neo Nazi Friends In The Whitehouse.....

    • Thanks 1
  5. Some Black People Wonder Why Black Men Do Not Go To Church..Why Do Black People Go To Church?Only Thing Happening Is The Preachers Personal Ushers  Taking ,Up,Offering,Tithes Several Times,Preachers Buy Cars,Mansions,Gifts To Mistresses. Preachers Do Not  Try,To Uplift,The Souls Of Black Folks .Be Mentors To  Black Children,Especially Black Boys  Before. They Get To High ,School. There Is Poverty And Drifting Souls All Around The Church,Black,Leaders Condone It..Churches Are Slave Cabins,Pimp Houses In Black .Communities....

    • Haha 1
  6. Seattle Seahawk Football Player ,Michael  Bennett Says,Las -Vegas,Police Arrested Him Last Month. They Attacked Him With,Force ,Pointing Guns. When They Found Out  Who He Was,They Released Him . He Said He Was Arrested Because ,He Was Black. .Former Football Player Shannon Sharpe Said,What,Happens When The Police Camera Is Not On. Black,People Guilty Because Of Their Black Skin..They See Black,People As The N-Word...The Racist Moron President,Who,Supports Neo Nazi In America,Has Increased ,The,Racist White Police Racist Behavior....Why Are Black -Police,Silent?.

  7. News Says Tennis Star Serena Williams Gave Birth To A Baby ,Girl....On Sad Angry News ,Pregnant 16 Year Old Black Girl,Was Murdered By A Vile Violent Black Man In South Carolina ..Police,Man Hunt  Was Organized To Find This Violent Vile,Idiot...Black Leaders Talk Black Lives Matters,When Racist,White Police Shoot Black People Or Someone Not Black,Shoots A Black Person. When It Is Black Harming Black,The Corrupt Black Church And Leaders Do Not Care...Will The Next,NAACP  President Be A Black Woman?


  8. On The News, Video Of A White Police Saying We Only Kill Black,People. Last Year In Georgia A White Police Officer Stopped,A White Woman For A DUI,White Woman Said She Was,Afraid To Reach For Her Phone,White Police Told Her We,Only Kill. Black  People ..Racist  Police Was Put On,Administrative Duty.. White Police Have Been Fired, For ,Being ,Klan Members,Klan A Terrorist Organization..White  Police Were Fired In Georgia Last Year For Targeting Black .Drivers,This Year In Georgia White Police Fired For Stomping A Black Man On The Ground...Black Police Association Silent..As The Idiot President,Showed On The News Saying There Are Some Good,People Among The Neo Nazi That Marched With Torches,In Charlottesville,...F B I Not On The News Saying White Police Are,Klan Members. ..White People Who Hate  Quarterback ,Colin Kaeoernick  Condones Racist White Police...Dallas Quarterback,Dak .Prescott  Should Listen To Racist White Police,Saying They Only Kill Black People. He Is Against Kaepernick  Protesting...

  9. The NAACP Is Talking  About Boycotting Pro Football If Quarterback Colin Kaeoernick  Do Not Get Signed To Play..Black People Should Ask The NAACP Why A Black. Woman Is Not ,President Of The NAACP. Jim Brown Says I Would Not Desecrate ,My Flag Or Anthem..There  Is A Right Way To Protest. Former Football Player Shannon Sharpe Says There Is A Right And Wrong Way To  Arrest  Unarmed Black .Men  And Women..Some Successful Black People Think They Are Another Race .If  Black Athletes Were Stopped By White Police ,They Would Say ,They Are,Pro Athletes Keep .From  Getting Shot..NAACP Should Corrupt Preachers,Crack Houses,Street Gangs,Pimp Houses,Black Men. Sex  Trafficking Teenage Girls..

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  10. White People Who Support The Confederate Flag,Who Want Confederate Statues To Stand,Have No Problem With Neo .Nazi ,Carrying The Confederate  Flag With The Nazi Flag .What I Have,Not Heard With All The News Talk About The Neo Nazi ,Rallies ,Is That White Police Have Been Fired For Being Klan Members ,The Past 7, Years. Klan, Neo  Nazi Terrorist ,Organizations. I Read That Neo Nazi Were Planning To Attack A Black  School,Murder Lot A Black People,Then Try To Assassinate Barack Obama Before The Election In 2008...

  11. News , Says Dick Gregory  Is Dead At 84. Dick Gregory Was More Than A Comedian. .He Was Friends With Dr. King And Malcolm X. .Was Involved  With Civil Rights, He Was An Activist,Writer And,Motivational  Speaker..Among His Books,Nigger ,An,Autobiography And Defining Moments In Black -History,Reading Between The Lies...Listening To Sports Talkers,About Quarterback Colin Kaepernick,White People And,The National Anthem,White People Who Are Against Quarterback Colin Kaepernick ,Support Neo Nazi Waving The,U.S. Flag  ,With The Nazi ,Confederate Flags. Neo Nazi Walking In .American Streets Wearing Nazi Uniforms Carrying The American-Flag,That Seems To Be Support By White People Who Colin Kaepernick....Quarterback Tom Brady Silent As Neo Nazi Was In Boston..White Media Not In Tom Brady Face Asking Him ,Why He Loves Trump. Maybe He Agrees With Trump,Keeping Muslims Out The Country,Putting A Wall Up,Keep Mexicans Out, ,Supports Neo Nazi Walking American Streets Wanting A Race War..Tom Brady Not Asked Why .He  Loves Trump..

  12. With The Racist White Protesting ,Talking On The News,You Would Think The White Man Is Close To Extinction..Neo Nazi,With Weapons, Guns On The News,Walking Around..Confederate Statues, Some Cities Are Taking Down..Trump Supports ,Neo Nazi And Confederate Statues..The News Talks About Neo Nazi,News Not Talking About White Police Being Fired The Last 7  Years,For ,Being Klan,KKK, Members ..Klan Is A Terrorist Organization ..Neo Nazi In The U. S. Military ,Training Themselves For The Coming,Race War..Today ,Neo Nazi,In Boston,Large Crowd Of People Ready To Protest Neo Nazi..Boston Is Racist,With Racist ,Police..Idiot Quarterback Tom Brady Who Loves Trump,Some People Think,He Just Like Trump..Will Not Admit It In Front Of ,Cameras....Black Preachers On Trump's Religious Advisory Board...Black Preachers Are As Vile ,As Street Gangs,Pimps, Crack Sellers..White Racist Can, Watch Black Men Do What,Slavery ,Southern Lynchings Could Not Do,Genocide The Black Race...

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  13. Lebron James Says Trump Is The So Called President. After,Charlottesville ,Race Riot,He Calls For Unity,Love Is The Path,For Society.. .I Watched The  News,Have Not Heard Anyone,Talk About White Police Fired For Being Klan Members..Neo Nazi In The U. S. Military Training Themselves,For The Race War. Klan Politicians ..Republicans Supported Trump,Saying President Obama Was Born In Africa..Marco Rubio,Criticizing Trump Supporting Neo Nazi. Did Marco Rubio,Talk About White Police Fired In. Florida For Being Klan,Members? Or Neo Nazi National. Guard Soldier Training,Neo Nazi In Florida For The Coming Race War?..Politicians ,Support Police Being Klan Members,And Soldiers Being Neo Nazi. Black Church Could Be Attacked At Anytime .2008,Neo Nazi Was Planning To Attack. A Black  School ,And Try To Assassinate ,Barack Obama Before The Election ,I Read...Minnesota Mosque ,Was Bombed 2 Weeks Ago..

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  14. On The News In Virginia ,Neo Nazi,KKK, Protesting ,People In Virginia Planning To Move Statue Of Confederate Robert E. Lee. .Protesters  Ready To Fight The Neo Nazi. Truman's Mouth Shut,So Far. Steve Bannon ,Who Trump Appointed To  A Whitehouse Position Is A Neo Nazi ,News Says. White Police Have Been Fired For Being KKK ,Klan Members. That Is Terrorist,Organization Not A Hate Group. Neo  Nazi In .U ..S.,Military..Steve Scalise Who Was Shot At The Politician Baseball Practice ,Is A Neo Nazi,Friends With Neo Nazi Grand,Dragon David Dukes..White People Who Hate  Quarterback,Colon Kaepernick ,Condone  All This.....Not Surprised,Neo Nazi Had A Rally,Surprised The Rally Is Not,In Front Of The Whitehouse. As This Country Talk About North Korea ,Middleast  Terrorist,Neo Nazi In This Country,Planning A Race ,War ,is Okay...Black Street Gangs Like The Neo Nazi Is ,Domestic,Terrorist...

  15. Heard On ESPN ,Film Maker Spike Lee Planning A Rally For Quarterback Colin Kaepernick This Month..NFL Is 75% Black. Some Say Black Football Players Should All Support Kaepernick..White People In This Country Support ,Klan Trash ,Politicians ,Klan Trash Police,Neo Nazi Trash In The U.S. Military..Few Years Ago National Guard- A New Nazi ,Was Training ,Neo Nazi's In Florida For The  Coming Race War..Most White People Support A Race. War. .Idiot Quarterback Tom Brady,Was Not Asked Why He Loves Donald. Trump .Is It Because Support Trump,He Agrees Muslims Should Be Kept .Out The Country,Wall To Keep Mexicans Out. Maybe Tom Brady Want Admit He Is  Just Like Trump,In Front Of The  Cameras, He Does Commercials...He Not Going To Say Keep Out Non White People..Does  Tom Brady ,Support,Unarmed Black Men,Black Boys Shot. And  Killed By Racist Police,Like His Hero Trump...?

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  16. NAACP  Says To The  Stay From The State Of Missouri,They Can Fire You From A Business Based On Discrimination ,And Get Away With It ..Is The  New NAACP President A Black Woman? Quarterback Colin  Kaepernick ,The  Lunatic President Trump Says He Is The Reason Kaepernick Is Not A Quarterback Yet..Football. Players Caught With Drugs, Steroids, Sexual Assault,Domestic Violence Playing .Pro Football,After Being ,Suspended. Mike Vick .Says Colin  Kaepernick Should Cut  His,Afro. His Afro. ? Colin Kaepernick Afro Has Nothing To Do With. Why  Kaepernick Not Being Signed With .A Football Team..Mike Vick Dog Fighting ,Dog Killing ,Got .A  Quarterback Job With Philadelphia Eagles..After He Got Out Of Prison..Police, Are Being Rehired After Being Fired. Police Involved In Unjustified,Shootings. .White Police Have Been Fired For Being,Klan Members. Klan .Is  A Violent Terrorist Organization..White Police Fired For Targeting Black .Drivers,Last Year. This Year White Police Fired For Stomping,Kicking A Black Man On. The Ground.....They Should Talk. About This ,When They,Talk About Quarterback Colin Kaepernick...

  17. Sisters In The Wilderness ,Book About ,Black,Female,Preachers..Are They Less Corrupt Than The Men,I Doubt It. It's Profitable Controlling ,The Souls Of Black. Folks..The Black. Church,Crack .Houses And Pimp Houses..Slave -Cabins,..Black Lives Matter,Only If. The Racist. Trash Police,Or Someone Not Black .Does The Killing..  Black Harming Black,Church, NAACP ,Politicians Don't Care. Sisters  In The Wilderness Book By,Delores Williams..

  18. Book, African American Women,The Forgotten Asset. Author,Talks About Wanting To Rehabilitate ,And Amend,Black,Women In America. Author Says Stupidity,Reigns,Over Knowledge,Foolishness  Is The  New,Cute. Black Women . I Add On Black Women Do Most Of The Child  Raising Alone. Some Black. Women They Love Gangsters, Crack Sellers,Thugs, Pimps,Men Who  Have Several,Children With  Several Men. This Will Not Change Anytime Soon..Book By  Amia P. Wright...

  19. In Baltimore, White Police Caught On Video ,Planting Drugs,Not Surprised. FBI Has Said White Police Are KKK,Klan Members..White Police Been Fired For Being Klan Members,Past 6 Years..Black Men Are Guilty Of Buying Selling,Drugs,Crack Cocaine. I Believe A Lot Of Racist Klan,Hitler Police Plant Drugs In Black Communities..San Francisco White Police Said,Black People Are Animals,Not,A Crime. To Shoot Black People. News,O. J .Simpson Gets,Parole,Leave Prison In October,White People Upset...

  20. In Minnesota ,Black .Police Officer Shoots,Kills White ,Australia,Woman. Police Camera ,,Not Own. I Wondered If A Black,Police Shot A White Person ,How White People,Would,React. ..New York,Video Of .Eric Garner ,Choked To Death By White Police,Video Of Walter Scott,Murdered By,White Police In South Carolina,Mcdonald In Chicago,Castille,In Minnesota ,On Video,. Michael Brown,Murdered By Racist White Police In Fergurson..Want To See White Police Come To The Black Police Officer Defense,Like  They Do With White Police,When They Murder,Unarmed Black Males..11 Dead In. Chicago,Including 10,Year Old,White Police Officer Indicted In. Texas,For The Murder,Of 15, Year Old Black. Boy..White Police Say It Happened, One Way, Video Camera Say Different .White Police ,Officer Was Fired...O. J.  Simpson  Might Get Out. Soon??..

  21. Chicago Death Land ,10 Year Old Boy Dead..Mayor Is A Democrat. White Politicians Are The Same,Neither Cares About ,Black Genocide..Democrat Or Republican..Klan ,Can Step Back,And Let The Black Race Genocide  Themself..Street Gangs, Are Domestic Terror..Black Lives Matter,Depends On,Who Takes The Black Life. When Police,Or Someone ,Not,Black Does The Killing ,Protest Time,When Street Gangs ,Kill Someone Black,That's Okay. NAACP,Church,Black Politicians ,Will Not Say Street Gangs Are Domestic Terror..Black People Are Doing What Slavery And Southern,Lynchings,Could. Not Do. Violent Stupid Black Men,Are Doing, What Demonic White Men Could Not Do,Genocide,The Black Race...

  22. Preacher Craig Davis Is In Prison For Having Sex With Women,Not Telling Them He Was HIV,Had  HIV.I Think One,Woman He Had Sex With Tested Positive For The HIV,Virus.. Preacher Craig Davis Put In Prison 3, Years Ago. Preacher Demetrius McFarland Has AIDS ,He Was Having Sex,With Women. Knowing He Had AIDS .Read This On,Websites. Black Community 44% ,With HIV,More Than ,Any Other Race In This Country .Reasons, Poverty,Health Care,Someone Like These Preachers Having Sex With People,Not Telling People They Have It Knowing They Have It.Amazing,These Preachers Having Sex With  Women In Their,Church Congregation. Amazing People Having Sex Without, Protection...Black Population 12%,In This Country..Sex ,Aids,HIV,Gangs,Crack ,Racist Trash Police...Black People,Cannot Come Together ,To Save Our  Race..





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  23. Read On Black News ,Hip Hop Rapper JAY-Z On His New Album, Holds Black People Financially Accountable. . Amazing Me How Black People Will Not Put Any Blame On The ,Fake,Preachers Who Worship Money . Buying Cars,Mansions,Instead Of Uplifting The Community..Bill Cosby,Blamed The Black Poor In 2006 ,At The NAACP,Meeting ..White People Have Farm Aid Charities Helping Veterans., I Was,Scrolling Channels,,Seeing What's On ,The White Christians Have Telethons,..Black Unity Is Years Away....

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