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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I watched the first program last night. They don't have programming like this any more, do they? It was fascinating hearing James Farmer and Malcolm X debate. After listening to Farmer I also have a better appreciation for the birth of Affirmative action I also really enjoyed seeing Farmer and Wyatt Tee Walker revisit the interview 30 years later. They both recognized that they did in fact get rid of Jim Crow but were both overly optimistic about the rest of the required gains. I bet y'all did not know that Mosque #7 which Malcolm X ran and Canaan Baptist Church of Christ where Wyatt Tee Walker ministered for many years are on the same street literally a few doors from each other. I passed by Mosque #7 every Sunday on my way to Canaan most Sundays, where I was baptized by Wyatt Tee Walker about 40 years ago. What the US did to the Black Panthers was criminal. I'll check the 2nd video later.
  2. I just published the latest AALBC.com eNewsletter. You'll discover information on books, authors, events, films, services and more! Check it out. If you like it please share it with others. Peace, Troy
  3. Waterstar I may not understand your point. Are you saying that Obama's position, the numbers of Gay member in the church, and the possibility that King James was gay, might prompt the Church to embrace homosexuality in a large scale? If so, a whole generation of Black folks need to die first. I've spoken to folks who were rabid Obama supporters who are now very critic of Obama's position because of his stance on Homosexuality. So much so at least one is not gonna vote for him. They are no voting for Romney either -- they are gonna just opt out the process this go around. Also I did not mean to imply "your" logic in the post irrelevant. I was meant it would be irrelevant to a Christian, as postions, like the one anti-homosexuality is not based upon logic, it is based upon faith. While faith and logic may overlap from time to time the intersection is purely coincidental.
  4. Waterstar. It would be interesting when/if boitumelo does the reveal. There has not been this much speculation of a poster's true Identity since ABM or Thumper.
  5. The only argument over Jesus seems to be ovr his divinity. I have not read too much suggesting that he never existed at all. SO why couldn;t his shroud have been found? Also, I seem to remember is film describing the recovery of Noah's ark.
  6. No; because this assumes America has the right to confer ownership of something that she herself does not own. I did not vote as there was no option that reflected my sentiment.
  7. Sure I like it too. In fact the Dark Matter anthologies edit by Sheree Renee Thomas are some have benn some of AALBC.com's best selling books.
  8. Thanks for sharing this. lately, when I watch TV I tend to watch youtube, netflix and other internet derived programming. i will watch this soon. Recently I watched France Cress Welsing on youtube (an old Donahue segment). Her advice, also found in the Isis Papers, was truly prophetic. In the 70's she recommended that Black men do not get married or have children before the age of 35 and women 30. This was to hold off a then growing trend toward single parents, teenage parents, or parents who could otherwise not take care of their own children.
  9. I reference a well done interview with Toni Morrison in my latest eNewsletter: http://aalbc.it/newsmay2012 Please let us know what you think about Morrison's latest. There seemed to be a lot less coverage of this book (in the Black media) compared to her previous work. Morrison's work debutes at #9 on the NY Times BestSeller's List
  10. Yeah right waterstar. The vast majority of men not would watch these shows then go on line and talk about them -- even under a false identity. This risk is too great to be outted. Men don't have feminine sides, women do.
  11. As far as I'm concerned capitalists have masterfully convinced all women that they need to change something. usually it is something that never needed to be changed in the first place. Men are, unfortunately, getting on the band wagon too -- arching eye brows, tattooing skin, piercing ears, noses, and spending more time in a saloon chair than women getting their hair braided, dying, straightened, curled...
  12. Richard Wesley and Valerie Wilson Wesley are honored
  13. I hear you a Waterstar, but my point is it would not be possible to debate a true Christian on this subject. It is a matter of faith, and not up for debate.
  14. The views expressed here do not reflect those of Troy Johnson, AALBC.com or it's affiliates
  15. I don't know Waterstar. What you say may be true. As far as questioning Bible stories you may as well stop. I do know this: no one who believes them will debate you here. It does not work that way.
  16. Jesse Jacksonish? Why it doesn't even rhyme People may be hungry, but no one is starving to death and that is a direct consequence of our inordinate wealth compared with the rest of the world. I just wish that wealth resulted in better education and less incarceration for Black folks...
  17. As long a race is used as a tool to pit the masses against each other, race will still matter. I may not be a racist, but If i live in a racist environment it would be reckless of me, or anyone, to behave as if I did not. P also stands for Pontificator, Pushover, and Preacher. Cynique forget it... The language has already changed to accommodate the new definition of the words "Husband" and "Wife". It started with the redefinition of the word "Marriage". Merriam Webster will catch up shortly (assuming she hasn’t already). Waterstar, using your logic about King James is largely irrelevant with regard to those that believe in that version of the Bible. If one looked a little further back into history they would find things which might call the veracity of the whole book into question. People believe what they want to believe emotion trumps truth most of the time. Sure the gay choir director in the Black church is almost a cliché, and while the minister might be giving the old fashioned fire and brimstone, homosexuality is an abomination sermon, no one in the audience will say anything -- because people who disagreed would be somewhere else.
  18. Well I can say Obama and Romney coming down on opposite sides of this issue will force the Black church and others to come to terms with this issue. The Black church's beliefs are actually more in line with the conservative positions expressed by right, but the Black Church like the majority of Black folks of course vote democratic. This is perhaps why there has been no overt actions by the government to directly help eradicate the problems confronting the Black poor and middle class in several decades. This is not to suggest that the Republicans offer an alternative. The next 4.5 years will be crucial for our country.
  19. ...repeated in so many different variations, across the nation, for generations When the Pruitt-Igoe housing project opened back in 1956, its 33 high-rise towers were hailed as a symbol of the future of American urban renewal. Located on a 57-acre tract on St. Louis’ north side, the federally-funded development was created to provide shelter for 12,000 African-American refugees of the city’s crumbling slums. Read the Rest of the Film's Review
  20. Black Women and Fat By ALICE RANDALL Published: May 5, 2012 FOUR out of five black women are seriously overweight. One out of four middle-aged black women has diabetes. With $174 billion a year spent on diabetes-related illness in America and obesity quickly overtaking smoking as a cause of cancer deaths, it is past time to try something new. The was a very popular article as illustrated by the tracking on the bit.ly link tracking (which is justr a subset of the social media lift https://bitly.com/Ix8Vh2+ Most of the conversation online was in reaction, to the reaction, to the article. I can't tell most people never read the actual article. You might rememeber as the noveleist who wrote "The Wind Done Gone" Randall also has a new novel: Ada Rules about an overweight women http://aalbc.com/authors/alice-randall.html
  21. LOL! You are right about sports fans are often masochists -- they are heavily invested in something they can't control. That is a perfect recipe for stress. Of course money does pervert the sports on every level. The profit driven impact on college campuses is almost criminal. Unlike you, I enjoy watching the ends of games that are very close -- which is why I took a break from working and sat down with the family and watched the end of the game. It was fun watching Carmelo Anthony King James putting up clutch 3's or just making magic on the court. Of course if Dwayne Wade would have made the buzzer beating, hail Mary 3 point shot he put up and swept the Knicks on their home court -- that would have been on highlight reels for weeks. The blowouts are a waste of time (to me). I watched USF blowout FAMU recently in football. USF 2nd and 3rd stringers made a touch down every time the got the ball. FAMU, almost in retribution to the shellacking they were being served, killed during the halftime show -- completely covering the field with musicians and dancers. Shortly thereafter one of the members of FAMU's Drum Line was killed as a result of hazing...
  22. Question: How many po-po does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: None, they kill the room for being Black.
  23. I just read Cynique's lamenting I also watched the last few minutes of the Knicks win over his royal majesty Lebron James' Miami heat. Spike Lee was in the audience giving birth over the games -- sitting in a seat worth a mortgage payment. The Knick's game was close and kept the injury prone team from breaking their own record 13 straight playoff losses and a 0-7 season spanking by the Heat. But other than those observations the game really meant nothing for me. Sure there were some great shots and moves made, but the game could have been played by two completely different teams and I would have been just as unmoved. I did not care who won or lost -- the only time I do is when I have money on the game. Sometimes I think I would care more if all the Knicks actually came from and lived in New York. But maybe not. The coaches and the players come and go, switching teams so frequently it is hard to become invested an any given team's outcome. I just accept the fact I can never get very worked up over a game that I'm not actually playing in. It also makes me think about all the recent coverage over the idea of getting rid of college athletics. As a former D1 athlete I agree with the idea. I have kids at Syracuse University and Williiam & Mary. SU has a huge arena were ticket prices can exceed $100. W&M has a field that a High School might brag about. Student attend for free and Tickets cost $20. I think, net-net, W&M's system benefits the students/athletes/alumni/university more as it pertains to academic achievement. SU might send more students to the professional ranks. But the numbers are too small to really matter and SU should not be in the business of training professional athletes. The University of Chicago got rid of there football program. Was there any ill effect? What is with our nation's obsession with sports? The obsession is not explained by our concern for fitness or participation because we are a nation of overweight couch potatoes. Is it that our lives are so empty that we live vicariously through the lives of the competitors? Men seem to be effected more than women. I go to pro football games from time to time and it is mostly dudes there. Dudes who talk about the game as if they were actually in it. "We" should have done this or "we" should have done that. Or this was a great win for "us". Some people dedicate entire rooms in their homes to the activity of watching sports. Entire weekends are dedicated to watching games. I know guys who barely graduated from a low performing inner city high school but can speak with great alacrity, depth and insight on why one team is better than another. I don't get it would anyone care to explain?
  24. Gregg Burton Author of What Happens Overseas Stays Overseas Stephanie Johnson and Rush Reid authors of Dying For Life
  25. Dr. Joel Freeman Talks about the "Rosetta Stone", the first ancient bilingual text recovered in modern times. Rahiem Brooks author of the crime thriller "Con Test: Double Life" DeVaughn M. Lilly author of The Magnificent Life of Gravvy Brown
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