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Fediverse Compatibility the Future of Discussion Forums

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There are so many things to consider running a website.  This discussion forum has always been just one of my many challenges.  Over the course of 25 years, I have only used 3 different platforms; it may be time for a change.


There is the concept of the Fediverse it addresses most of the problems I have with social media and the limitations of isolated indie websites.  My thinking is that the Fediverse with reduce our collective dependence on the massive social websites and increase engagement across the internet as the federation of platforms will be connected (think: the original concept of the world wide web).


The text that follows was generated by Chat GPT and is helpful if the idea of the Fediverse is new to you:


The Fediverse, short for "federated universe," is a collection of interconnected servers used for web publishing (like blogs and microblogs) and social networking. It is unique because of its decentralized and federated nature. Here are some key aspects of the Fediverse:



Unlike traditional social networks which are typically hosted on a single set of servers owned and operated by one organization (like Facebook or Twitter), the Fediverse consists of numerous independent servers. Each server can host one or more services and is managed by different organizations or individuals.




The servers in the Fediverse can communicate with each other through a process known as federation. This means that users on one server can follow, interact with, and share content with users on another server seamlessly, as if they were on the same platform.


Diverse Platforms:

The Fediverse includes a variety of different platforms, each with its unique features. Some popular ones include Mastodon (for microblogging, similar to Twitter), PeerTube (a video sharing service), Pixelfed (an image sharing platform), and Friendica (a social networking service). Despite their differences, these platforms can interact with each other because they use standardized communication protocols.


Open Standards and Protocols:

The Fediverse relies on open web protocols like ActivityPub and OStatus. These protocols are what enable the different services and platforms within the Fediverse to communicate with each other.


Community Governance and Self-Hosting:



Many instances (servers) in the Fediverse are community-run and often have their own set of rules and moderation policies. Additionally, because the software used is typically open-source, individuals and organizations can self-host their services, giving them full control over their data and platform.



Privacy and Control:



Users in the Fediverse tend to have more control over their privacy and data compared to traditional social media platforms. This is partly because of the decentralized nature of the network, which reduces reliance on a single entity for data storage and management.



The Fediverse represents an alternative approach to social media and online interaction, emphasizing decentralization, user control, and interoperability across different platforms and services.




These are some of the best Fediverse-compatible discussion forum software options that I will be considering:


  1. Pleroma: A lightweight, Fediverse-compatible social networking software that can be configured for forum-like discussions. It is compatible with various other Fediverse platforms. Official website: pleroma.social.

  2. Friendica: Known for its decentralized architecture, Friendica supports extensive discussions and can interact with many other social networking platforms in the Fediverse. Official website: friendi.ca.

  3. Mastodon: A popular free and open-source software for social networking. Mastodon servers are independent but can communicate across the Fediverse, and the platform supports various forms of content sharing. Official website: joinmastodon.org.

  4. Lemmy: A newer addition to the Fediverse, Lemmy is designed as a link aggregator and discussion platform, similar to Reddit. It supports community groups and threaded comments. Official website: join-lemmy.org.

  5. Hubzilla: Offers a range of features including social networking, forums, and file sharing. It operates on a special kind of web server called a "hub," which connects to other hubs in a decentralized network. Official website: hubzilla.org.

  6. Misskey: A decentralized social networking software, Misskey is another option for creating a discussion forum within the Fediverse. Official website: misskey-hub.net.

  7. Prismo: As a federated link-sharing platform, Prismo can be used for discussions and is akin to a federated version of Reddit. However, the official website for Prismo was not readily available in the search results.


These platforms vary in terms of features and focus, so you may want to explore each to determine which best suits your needs for a discussion forum.


The original forums were lost the 2nd version was started in 2003 and ran until 2010 (through right now I can only find 2009's archive).  This forum's is actually the one I've used the longest--14 years!  


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On 1/1/2024 at 4:58 PM, Troy said:

Mastodon: A popular free and open-source software for social networking. Mastodon servers are independent but can communicate across the Fediverse, and the platform supports various forms of content sharing. Official website: joinmastodon.org.

I had a Mastodon account - I've since deleted it, and unfortunately, I can't remember who hosted it.  Medium dot com offers members an account through their hosting site, but I'm just burned out on social media platforms.  But I will always follow AALBC.  So, if I understand correctly, and you do an upgrade, I'll probably go through medium dot com /mastodon since I have an account there.  

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