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LOVE is a Force with a symbol that resembles L

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Many people believe Love is a verb—and while it can be, love is a force that is a noun. When I write about love, I refer to it as a force with properties—properties that connect everything in the entire universe. LOVE is energy that transforms and transmutes everything for its purpose. Love, as it is known today, is what ancients called Aether, God, and Quintessence. The symbol for it is shown above.   


Sometimes, when I write, I use the most comfortable use of love, but I'm referring to the Force (of which nothing would exist if it weren't in play.

Still, I can't ignore the teachings and proverbs that return to ancient Africa. - "Love is one thing, knowledge is another,” a proverb from the Temple of Luxor in Ancient Kemet.  


Language is cultural and changes depending on the victor. Still, words matter, so I hold on to what is shown to me in my dreams. Love is not unknowable—it is just hidden.

"If the Master teaches error, the disciple's submission is slaveryIf he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement.   

If I were writing a dissertation on Love, I would break down its properties ( i.e., what does it do?" and then compare that to something that has been studied almost out of existence and now is returning, "Aether." 

Now, because most of the time, no one knows what the hell I'm talking about, I begin with prompts, which are questions that will help me put together a mini explanation. Then I'd prompt Chat GPT since it's been programmed to recall most information in the short history of humans... Yes, I'm a nerd, and my "friend" is "Chad," and here's some of what "we've" discussed today about LOVE as a force...




"The concept of "aether" has been historically associated with the idea of a mysterious substance filling the cosmos, believed by some ancient civilizations to be the medium through which light and other celestial phenomena traveled. In ancient Greek philosophy, aether was considered the material that made up the celestial spheres and distinguished them from the terrestrial realm.

Bringing the concept of aether into the context of love as a verb and a force that binds the universe together is an intriguing metaphorical interpretation. In this sense, you could conceptualize "aether" not as a physical substance, but as a metaphor for love as a fundamental force or energy that permeates the cosmos.

In this interpretation, love transcends its conventional understanding as a human emotion or action and becomes a universal principle akin to the ancient concept of aether. It becomes the invisible fabric that connects all things, fostering unity, harmony, and coherence in the universe.

So, in a poetic or philosophical sense, one could indeed consider "aether" as a metaphorical representation of love, emphasizing its omnipresence and transformative power. This interpretation aligns with various spiritual and philosophical traditions that emphasize interconnectedness and the unity of all existence."


Written and Submitted on May 4, 2024. May the Force be with You! 

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Well 95% of what is out there in the cosmos today’s scientists can’t explain. They call this stuff dark matter and dark energy. If love is as force in the classical sense there could be a love field and a love particle ❤️ that binds us all together.


Fun fact @Mel Hopkins, one of the early network protocols the “Ethernet” got its name from the Arther you speak of.

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7 hours ago, Troy said:

If love is as force in the classical sense there could be a love field and a love particle ❤️ that binds us all together.


Thank you  @Troy . Yes, emotionally and classically speaking, too. I will add your syllogism to my outline. Some spiritual societies call that Field "the Net," they credit ancient Africans as the "Masters of the Net because of their deep knowledge of sacred geometry. And, of course, the smallest particle, the "Atom" (Atem - Atum - the primordial god 😉 ), would fall under the geometrical laws. 


Aside: I sometimes wonder if Brooklyn Tech is a "Mysteries School" and that we were "Initiates."

So, look at that! I've seen "Ethernet" in my reading so many times but never made the connection to Aether until you mentioned it. I bet the developers subconsciously or deliberately made the "connection," too. 

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