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Hunter Biden Found Guilty

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As the trials turn, 1st son of the United States, Hunter Biden had been found guilty on all 3 counts in his federal trial for lying about his drug use on a gun permit application.  


Remains to be seen whether or not Hunter Biden (HB) will be sent to prison.


I don't believe the son of the POTUS will serve a day in a cell.


HB will get probation and community service and a fine.😎

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I don't really think this guilty verdict will do much damage to Biden's  campaign. By accepting it and refraining from ranting about witch hunts, rigged rulings, dirty politics etc. and by giving no indication that he plans to pardon his son, emphasizing that no one is above the law, Biden -  and the Democrats have taken the high road and set a good example. They make the sore losing Trump gang look like the amoral, unscrupulous morons that they are.


It's encouraging that the latest polls show that 75% of Independent voters are now against a convicted felon  like Trump running for office and don't intend to vote for him if he does. 

Also, Trump's statement to TIME magazine, claiming that America is becoming "anti-white" and his repeated vows to punish his prosecutors if re-elected, could drive Blacks away from voting Republican. Especially after Byron Donalds, a black state Representative from Florida, who is married to a white womsn and who is among those beiing considered as a running mate for Trump, was recently quoted as saying Blacks were better off during the Jim Crow era because they were more family-oriented bsck then. ???


If, however, there is strong evidence that Hunter Bidrn is a liability for his father's candicacy that could become an excuse for ol Joe being asked to step down. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

 We shall see...


Back to the peanut gallery. Good Night. zzzzzz


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The HB conviction could provide POTUS PJB with a way out of running for re-election. 


The Democrats would have to come up with another candidate PDQ (pretty d8mn quick). 


I'd bet the Dems would look to Gavin Newsome, Governor of California, to be that person.  Definitely not  VP Kamala Harris.


Too many polls to pick from but the general consensus is that many voters will be holding their noses whichever way they vote. 


Despite their experience, neither party nominee is the best qualified to run this country.   Unfortunately, nobody else seems to want the job.


Younger people are sitting back and observing this sh8tshow.  With the next 10 years, better POTUS candidates will emerge.


In the meantime, it's back to American politics as reality TV filled with a circus of clowns including insults, scandals, convictions, etc. 


There are guardrails in place to keep the country from going off track despite the foolishness.


That doesn't prevent America, that beacon on the hill from currently being the laughingstock of the world because it looks like this guy:





7 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Especially after Byron Donalds, a black state Representative from Florida...being considered as a running mate for Trump, was recently quoted as saying Blacks were better off during the Jim Crow...

There's no shortage of Black shills and bootlicks.  Rep. Byron Donalds and Sen. Tim Scott are prime examples of why we need a drop squad.😎

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9 hours ago, Troy said:

President AOC is feasible in 5 years. 

Anything is possible. 


I wouldn't be surprised if she tossed a sombrero into the POTUS ring. 


AOC as a VP pick maybe.  But, right now, I can only see as a cabinet-level appointment at best.😎

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On 6/16/2024 at 1:58 AM, Troy said:

Autocorrect changed my apparent “few” typo to “five.”


AOC ain’t gonna be on the next ticket. But in a few more years who knows

Understood.  AOC is definitely making a name for herself in American politics. 


But, I'm not so sure that whatever AOC is selling has enough appeal to the PACs responsible for putting folks in higher places. 😎

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