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South Africa's New Coalition Government....is a loss for All Black South Africans.

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South Africa’s ruling ANC reaches coalition deal with rival parties


South Africa's ANC reaches coalition deal with DA | DW News



It is my opinion that the white led Democratic Allaince have Many Plans but one Mandate......Maintain the Land and Economy in the hands of whites for as long as possible.
South Africans voters have been distracted and misled by white owned Media ideas sorrounding ANC corruptions..
Democracy's greatest flaw is that it greatly favors those with Money....
It Appears the Constitution of South Africa does not address the consequences of Colonialism and Apartheid.
Colonialism and Apartheid are Crimes Against Humanity and must be uprooted replaced addressed and repaired.

Let me be clear when I say white people I am addressing Racist Europeans or people who see themselves as white and as different and superior to other human beings.
Section 25 of the South African Constitution must be removed and abandon
For this the constitution must be abolish... as it enshrines and cements in law ill gotten gains theft rape pillaging plunder and dispositions.

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The biggest *problem* is that far too many Black folks are complicit in maintaining the status quo. 


Human greed and corruption are powerful forces.  Especially when folks have a price at which they can be bought.  Some folks are willing to sell out for even less.😎

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@frankster  I'm curious. Why should what happens in South Africa be of  any great concern to America's black diaspora? Does that country or any of the other ones "over there" give a damn about African Americans?

Has Pan Africanism ever gotten off the ground or effectively exerted any global power? 

Whites from different countries rarely show any interest or concern about each other based on their mutual skin color. Just look at Russia and Ukraine or, say,  Germany and France, Or is color  a factor elsewhere. Look at places like North and South Korea where being of the same ethnicity doesn't seem to bring them closer together.ĺ


African Americans are America's foster children and Africa's orphans  and they can't even unite among each other in this country. Yet they continue to feed this fantasy about their African culture, imagining    they're  descended from African Kings and Queens, claiming the entire African continent as their homeland instead of Sierra Leone in Nigeria where the majority of slaves who ended up in America came from during the slave trade.

I'm just curious  I could never get into being enamored of Africa. I always thought the black history that originated in this country was more authentic and interesting and exempliary when it came to  achievement and honor.


In the present, who Black Americans cast their vote for in the upcoming presidential election  is what piques my curiosity.

But, ,obviously, Africa is literally  your first love. As if it is some kind of a role model.

Whatever. Slow day. Maybe I should direct this question to  META AI. I'm sure my remarks don't interest you. zzzzzzzzzz

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20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

@frankster  I'm curious. Why should what happens in South Africa be of  any great concern to America's black diaspora?

So Goes Africa...so goes Black America and other Blacks from the Diapora....our fate is One - sealed in our skin color.

We live in a World Lorded over by Racist....who seek to impoverish and disempower black skinned peoples everywhere.

Europe defeated Africa because Europe united under skin color...Making them a Continental power -  whilst we were still Nation/states. They Met In Berlin and devise a plan of Conquest - as a continent against nations


The Slave trade and Black Africans took their Freedom because the Haitians defeated France Spain and England The Three Great European powers and Haiti was the sole  major supporter and supplier of Simeon Bolivar Conquest of  a large swath of South American countries. This shook white supremacy to its core. Hidden from us is the full extent of the  Role Haitians played in the American Revolutionary war


Our Skin color is our Mark of Cain and says to the world.....The Oppressed The Permanent Under Class - Globally

There is a concerted effort by very powerful and connect organizations that still practice promoted and institutionalize  White Supremacy as the De facto and De jure state of Affairs on a Global stage.


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Does that country or any of the other ones "over there" give a damn about African Americans?

Most Black Africans do not like Black Americans or Blacks from the West....we are called Akata or Obruni.

The same is true for Most black Americans do not like Black African and Blacks from the diaspora.

In Short we all do not like each other.


We live in a Global Culture that teaches ALL to hate BLACK SKIN Features and Culture....We Black People are part of that ALL

We are Taught Self Hate and we express what we learn.....Hate and distrust of people who look like ourself as ugly and unhealthy.


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Has Pan Africanism ever gotten off the ground or effectively exerted any global power? 


Most African countries are politically free today...because of Pan Africanism

Many are progressing toward Economic Freedom....Because of Pan Africanism


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Whites from different countries rarely show any interest or concern about each other based on their mutual skin color.

It is called functional Unity....like when Russia and The US Allied to defeat Germany

White Supremacy is ingrained Ideology of  Western Europe...Eastern Europeans mostly learn of it when they go west or come in contact with Non-whites

European are not Oppressed based on their Skin...

Tell me if their are any Black led Country/Nations/States in NATO....do not be tricked by the name/nomenclature

They all share and benefit from those who are oppressed because of their skin color...Berlin Conference/Scramble for Africa

The Only Reason Racism still exist is because money and power is being made from and because of it


What do you think US/Western support for Israel is?

Show me a time when any socalled White Nation/State came to the Aid of a colored state against a white population or state or Nation.?

The opposite is common place.

The Exception is Russia and Communist States.


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Just look at Russia and Ukraine

That is Geo Politics....The US is Moving NATO on the Borders of Russia - Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse

Russia never practise Imperialism based on White Supremacy or Codified Institutional Racism.


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:


or, say,  Germany and France, Or is color  a factor elsewhere.

Nations and States go to war for many reason.....and because they share white supremacy in common does not mean they no longer fight among themselves and if they do that does not mean they no longer are racist.

Christians fight among themselves so do Arabs and Muslims....that does not mean they are no longer Christians Arabs or Muslims


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Look at places like North and South Korea where being of the same ethnicity doesn't seem to bring them closer together.ĺ

The Peoples of Korea were victims of a proxy war and  had little to do with the Split that was between Russia The US and China....the Koreans are victims of Cold war politics Like Vietnam almost was and Germany was for a time.


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:


African Americans are America's foster children and Africa's orphans  and they can't even unite among each other in this country. Yet they continue to feed this fantasy about their African culture, imagining    they're  descended from African Kings and Queens, claiming the entire African continent as their homeland instead of Sierra Leone in Nigeria where the majority of slaves who ended up in America came from during the slave trade.

We came together for Civil Rights....Functional Unity

The Black Peoples of Africa fought together for their political sovereignity....Pan Africaisn

African Culture is not a fantasy....if it was it would not have been outlawed in the West.

Prior to the 1900 all people where part of a Kingdom and as such the King or Queen was the Official and Constitutional Father and Mother of the Nation Tribe Clan or Subjects.

Africans were here in great Numbers before Columbus set sail....These Pre- Columbian Africans were all over The Caribbean and North and South America


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

I'm just curious  I could never get into being enamored of Africa. I always thought the black history that originated in this country was more authentic and interesting and exempliary when it came to  achievement and honor.

That is because you do not know African History.

In Short Africans had a Global Civilization all over the World based on Trade.

Civilization was founded by Africans....Africans brought civilization to Europe.

We are no longer a Civilization...in a civilization commerce reigns supreme - Reason and civility

We are living in a Barbarization...in a Barbarization Conquest reigns supreme - Violence and greed


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:


In the present, who Black Americans cast their vote for in the upcoming presidential election  is what piques my curiosity.

As it should and you are entitled to your own interests..

Blacks in the West because of Racism mostly vote out of Fear or Desperation hoping that thats whats best for themselves and the country.

Elections are One every 4yrs...The Power of the Vote is so ephemeral it should be considered a Distraction a ceremony of lies and promises.

Real Political Power is in Agitations Organizations and Institutions


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

But, ,obviously, Africa is literally  your first love. As if it is some kind of a role model.

Africa and African at Home and Abroad in the Diaspora and their Descendants...The Whole World is Africa - All Peoples are Africans Descendants.

Yes Africans and Africa is my first Love


20 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Whatever. Slow day. Maybe I should direct this question to  META AI. I'm sure my remarks don't interest you. zzzzzzzzzz

Please do check out META AI

Your Questions are the best and most interesting I have Had in Years....and thats not an exaggeration.

My fear is that I was not adequate for the task they required.

Please I love these queries....I live for them - bring it on

Thank you.

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17 hours ago, frankster said:

We live in a World Lorded over by Racist....who seek to impoverish and disempower black skinned peoples everywhere.


Our Skin color is our Mark of Cain and says to the world.....The Oppressed The Permanent Under Class - Globally


There is a concerted effort by very powerful and connect organizations that still practice promoted and institutionalize  White Supremacy as the De facto and De jure state of Affairs on a Global stage.


We live in a Global Culture that teaches ALL to hate BLACK SKIN Features and Culture....We Black People are part of that ALL

We are Taught Self Hate and we express what we learn.....Hate and distrust of people who look like ourself as ugly and unhealthy.


The Only Reason Racism still exist is because money and power is being made from and because of it


Blacks in the West because of Racism mostly vote out of Fear or Desperation hoping that thats whats best for themselves and the country.


The Power of the Vote is so ephemeral it should be considered a Distraction a ceremony of lies and promises.


Real Political Power is in Agitations Organizations and Institutions

@frankster strikes again. 👏🏿


The most powerful force on the planet is racism white supremacy.  It is a prison for non-white people.


Nevermind fighting it...the  weight of racism white supremacy is too much for most to bear.


Because of racism white supremacy, most people will ultimately throw up their hands and/or bury their heads in the sand and look for an easy way to survive within the prison of it. 😎


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@franksterThank you for correcting my opinionated views. AI could not have given a better or more detailed reply, and I'm sure it will find a way to incorporate all that knowledge into its repertoire. 

There is nothing I would challenge in your explanations because I know when I'm out of my league. You are obviously an authority on this subject.

In adopting an overview, however, I can only wonder why, in the grand scheme of things, black skin has fallen heir to an ongoing fate of being "cursed". It seems so unfair but is certainly a testimony to Life having no rhyme nor reason. 

So much for trying to get over the chronic pessimism that is complicated by my persistent cynicism.  I thought I might outgrow all of this. But no such luck.  


@ProfD  Your perspective on and  prediction about white supremacy says it all.  Small consolation that Blacks are  innately superior when it comes to coping with and enduring adversity.   

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2 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

@ProfD  Your perspective on and  prediction about white supremacy says it all.  Small consolation that Blacks are  innately superior when it comes to coping with and enduring adversity.   

I really wish that Black folks were less passive and more aggressive and willing to overthrow the system of racism white supremacy by any means necessary. 


Of course, I'm also aware of the disadvantages and ultimate outcome we would face too.   


White folks would wipe Black folks off the face of the Earth or destroy it in the process in a war.


In the meantime, Black folks keep hoping and praying for the situation to self-correct and/or a miracle by way of the sky fairy.😁😎

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@frankster & ProfD: Motivated by franster's invitation to "bring it on",  and emboldened by the emergence of my after-midnight-alter-ego, my final thoughts on this subject are that as bad as you portray the situation, Blacks are not unique when it comes to being oppressed. As Troy often reminds us, class is a factor in the equation, and poverty does not discriminate. 

 In reality, power corrupts and I've always wondered if the situation were reversed and if Africans were the kings of the hill, would they enforce black supremacy and emulate the ruthlessness of white dominance? Absolute power corrupts absolutely no matter the skin color.  I'm curious if getting even is the bottom line when it comes to the black struggle? Lol


Finally, I would also make the observation that when it comes to African Americans, materialism is almost as pervasive as racism. Nowadays, as individuals, many  people of color are living their best lives.  Go figure.


Good night. zzzzz


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6 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Blacks are not unique when it comes to being oppressed. As Troy often reminds us, class is a factor in the equation, and poverty does not discriminate. 

There's no good reason for Black folks to be oppressed.  Class is a social construct.  Poverty is a condition fueled by human greed.

6 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

 In reality, power corrupts and I've always wondered if the situation were reversed and if Africans were the kings of the hill, would they enforce black supremacy and emulate the ruthlessness of white dominance? Absolute power corrupts absolutely no matter the skin color.  I'm curious if getting even is the bottom line when it comes to the black struggle? Lol

There are plenty places on the planet where homogeneous people live peacefully.  No supremacy or domination. 


In fact, we can see that in Africa where Black folks are the majority, they do not practice Black supremacy.  Their biggest problems are greed and corruption instigated by the system of white supremacy.


6 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Finally, I would also make the observation that when it comes to African Americans, materialism is almost as pervasive as racism. Nowadays, as individuals, many  people of color are living their best lives.  Go figure.

Consumerism and materialism are the opiates Black folks use to anesthestize themselves within the system of white supremacy. 😎

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18 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

@franksterThank you for correcting my opinionated views. AI could not have given a better or more detailed reply, and I'm sure it will find a way to incorporate all that knowledge into its repertoire. 

There is nothing I would challenge in your explanations because I know when I'm out of my league. You are obviously an authority on this subject.

I learn from your questions and share what I know with all as best as I can.


18 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

In adopting an overview, however, I can only wonder why, in the grand scheme of things, black skin has fallen heir to an ongoing fate of being "cursed".

Here in the West and the Arab East it would appear to be an Economic, Abled Bodiedness and Knowledge....

The Europeans first enslaved the local Taino Indians but they could not with stand the rigors of Plantation life and Whites who were used to replace them did not fare(perform) much better.

It was Bartolome Las Casa who suggested Africans and so Racism(slavery based on color) White Supremacy was Born.

What kept it going was that it was immensely profitable leading to the Industrial Revolution and the Invention of Capitalism.

Chattel Slavery was new because it reduced a Humen being to a thing or animal.....All other forms of Slavery maintained the slaves Humanity


18 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:


It seems so unfair but is certainly a testimony to Life having no rhyme nor reason. 

There is reason....

Africans could produce so much and still survive to breed not matter how harsh the treatment or how hard they were pushed.

The rhyme...

India and China was on their way to Industrialization.....African enslavement gave Europe the ability to overtake them


18 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

So much for trying to get over the chronic pessimism that is complicated by my persistent cynicism.  I thought I might outgrow all of this. But no such luck.  

So Let me try to alleviate your chronic pessimism by share a Toaist Tale Saii Weng shi ma

The Story of the Old Man and His Horse (Sai Weng Shi Ma, Yan Zhi Fei Fu) 塞翁失马, 焉知非福



18 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:


@ProfD  Your perspective on and  prediction about white supremacy says it all.  Small consolation that Blacks are  innately superior when it comes to coping with and enduring adversity.   

Never Forget All Humanity is benefiting from our Sacrifice/Suffering


8 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

@frankster & ProfD: Motivated by franster's invitation to "bring it on",  and emboldened by the emergence of my after-midnight-alter-ego, my final thoughts on this subject are that as bad as you portray the situation, Blacks are not unique when it comes to being oppressed. As Troy often reminds us, class is a factor in the equation, and poverty does not discriminate. 

Every Race has experience Enslavement at one time or other in there History


8 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

 In reality, power corrupts and I've always wondered if the situation were reversed and if Africans were the kings of the hill, would they enforce black supremacy and emulate the ruthlessness of white dominance? Absolute power corrupts absolutely no matter the skin color.  I'm curious if getting even is the bottom line when it comes to the black struggle? Lol

There is absolutely no way of answering your query definitively.

Past Behavior is said to be the best predictor of future behaviour....if this be true

Most African led Nations/States of the Past are known for their Tolerance and Mixed societies....Moorish Spain(Al Andalusia)

Two Recent One is Zimbabwe and South Africa and even Haiti

There was no reprisals against whites in general in either Haiti  Zimbabwe or South Africa on a State sanctioned Level.


I think this is because Africans on a whole are not xenophobic and do not demonize/dehumanize other human beings even when at war with them

The Exception is the Hutus demonize the Tutsi which resulted in Genocide....it is now known that France play a role in Fomenting this occurrence.


8 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:


Finally, I would also make the observation that when it comes to African Americans, materialism is almost as pervasive as racism. Nowadays, as individuals, many  people of color are living their best lives.  Go figure.

Consumerism and Materialism is a result of Marketing or as @ProfD the opiate we use to hide or survive our hardship


8 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

Good night. zzzzz

Good day.....Yaaaaah

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