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Thumper's Review of Dolen Perkins-Valdez Debut Novel Wench


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Wench: A Novel by Dolen Perkins-Valdez


I had a feeling that even though we are educated enough in the institution of slavery, there are still aspects that take me by surprise. Dolen Perkins-Valdez debut novel, Wench, is about one of those little surprises. The story takes place in an 1853 Ohio vacation resort which serves as an intersection of time and place for a group of the slave/mistress and their masters. The novel delves into the relationships between the women and their masters, and each other. Wench is a graceful, unassumingly powerful novel that was infectious. I loved it, a highly impressive debut novel. Read the reast of Thumper's review

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Guest soul sister

This is a really trippy board -so many NEW features. Happy new year - - Anywho, just wanted to echo some of the comments about Wench. The intricacies of enslavement have been lost with the lives of those people who lived throughout that era, however, this novel evokes some of the pathos people black and white experienced in the peculiar institution. Hey Troy or Thumper have you peeped the Henrietta Lacks story?? The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - about medical experimentation through genetic materials circa 1950s. Peace

Soul Sister

Wench: A Novel by Dolen Perkins-Valdez


I had a feeling that even though we are educated enough in the institution of slavery, there are still aspects that take me by surprise. Dolen Perkins-Valdez debut novel, Wench, is about one of those little surprises. The story takes place in an 1853 Ohio vacation resort which serves as an intersection of time and place for a group of the slave/mistress and their masters. The novel delves into the relationships between the women and their masters, and each other. Wench is a graceful, unassumingly powerful novel that was infectious. I loved it, a highly impressive debut novel. Read The rest of Thumoer's Review

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I feel like George Jefferson... moving on up. ** big applause** It even has a spellcheck :-)

Thump, I can't wait to read your reviews!

Good job Troy!

Carey, I'll see your spell check and raise you a :D:lol:<_<:)B):P;):mellow::rolleyes: !

Like Troy, I could never figure out emoticons on the old board.

It really is the little things, lol.

Oh, and I'm adding this book to my "read" list! ;)

[edit: I tried to post all the emoticons originally, and got this message: "You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message." LOL]

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Carey, I'll see your spell check and raise you a :D:lol:<_<:)B):P;):mellow::rolleyes: !

Like Troy, I could never figure out emoticons on the old board.

It really is the little things, lol.

Oh, and I'm adding this book to my "read" list! ;)

[edit: I tried to post all the emoticons originally, and got this message: "You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message." LOL]

Well Kitty, I am all in because I don't know what I am doing. I am afraid to touch anything. I feel like I am in my mother's "good" room.

Plus, I am trying real hard to start a new life... over here. Yep, no arguing and no snide remarks. Yes sir, I am just going to read Thump's reviews and be like the 3 monkeys.

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