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My Fellow White Americans

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I pulled these images from a blog post of the same name, “My fellow white Americans.”   The article is worth reading.  These images are described as being from the Charlottesville, Virginia white racist rally (or whatever it was called).


I was struck by the imagery.  It actually saddens me.  I feel like I really should be angry or even afraid.  Both emotions seem to be  more appropriate reactions.  Perhaps if I were there I would have felt that way.  But seeing other Americans behave this way just make me sad for both the protestors and this nation.


If white American men, the prime beneficiaries of every benefit America has ever doled out, are so angry, one can only be amazed that every Black person in America has not gone completely insane.  Our collective ability, as Black people, to hold it together, on any level, in this nation, for so long, is truly a remarkable feat.


Any white person who believes another Black person is the cause of any problem they might have and who is so motivated by such a belief, as to participate in such a rally is unimaginably misinformed. I'm sure there is nothing that could be said or done to convince them otherwise...












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Welcome to post-racial amerika!  Electing Donald Trump opened up a Pandora's box full of  bigotry just waiting to be unleashed.  America's only salvation lies in the hands of white people of good will who are willing to fight for the common good.  Blacks can't turn things around without allies from the ranks of responsible whites in positions of authority.   On the other hand, black people have to stop being their own worst enemy, especially in their inner cities where they sow the seeds of self-destruction through what results from the "baby mama/baby daddy"  dead-end lifestyle.   


Like the Roman Empire , amerika may implode from within,  while Kim Jong Un looks on.

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A lot of these White people listen to AM radio which is heavily dominated by racist right-wing radio hosts.
Rush Limbaugh is heard all over the nation from coast to coast.
Then you have people like Michael Savage and Alex Jones.

The Republicans have done a good job at convincing poor White people that all of the problems that THEY (the Republicans) have been causing in their lives have actually been caused by OTHER people (Blacks, Latinos, Jews, Illuminati, ect....)


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"Welcome to post-racial amerika!  Electing Donald Trump opened up a Pandora's box full of  bigotry just waiting to be unleashed.  America's only salvation lies in the hands of white people of good will who are willing to fight for the common good.  Blacks can't turn things around without allies from the ranks of responsible whites in positions of authority.   On the other hand, black people have to stop being their own worst enemy, especially in their inner cities where they sow the seeds of self-destruction through what results from the "baby mama/baby daddy"  dead-end lifestyle."


Brilliant! I could not have articulated it better. Seeing the contorted and twisted faces of these embittered and angry white men with their sieg heil salutes is sickening.  And to think there is no shortage of people defending these racist nimrods. Their desire for total ethnic cleansing, removal of anyone that does not look like them, extermination of Jews and gay people and subjugation of women, should be a wake up call for this nation. 

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