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With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I want to take a second to spoil your appetite with a bite of the truth. While we have our sights set on the KKK, Right-wing fanatics, Trump and others who thrive on trying to harm us, we are barking up the wrong tree because no one is in a better position to kill us than white scientists who want us dead as much as the KKK.


While we have been asleep at the wheel, there are scientists who are experimenting with RNA Interference Technology. It has been around for a minute in the use of crops, but now with a bit of tweaking, scientisst have discovered a way to isolate certain genes and to insert these genes into other organisms to transfer the chemical and molecular properties from the host to another source.


It was via this cross-transference that scientists  have been successful at making tomatoes bigger and more red. This bit of tech could also be used to target certain crops such as corn and insert, transfer, and encode the corn with protective cells from an alien source that will allow the corn to protect itself from pests without the use of harmful pesticides that can harm the food chain and by extension, the humans that consume the goods.


Tweaking the tech even more, it was discovered that they could specifically target the gene pool of blacks and introduce antibodies, cancers, and other immune-killing  organisms into the food supply that will harm us. They have gotten so good at targeting us with what we eat that right now, there are foods that can be bought at stores that when eaten will not do a damned thing to a white person, but dependent on what  disease was transferred into the composition of the food, it would fuck a brotha slap us. White man eat a burger and ‘dem belly full’. We take a bite of the same burger and end up stricken with some immune-deficiency disorder. Crackers ain’t playing with us.

And what about what they call “Medical Cannibalism?” It was why they placed 80% of abortion clinics in black neighbors and try to promote abortions among sistas. At the most, we holla about this being a form of birth control to stunt our population growth. Well, as always, we are a day late and a dollar short because the real deal is even more sinister. They harvest the tissues of dead black babies and feed them back to us in the form of the meds we are prescribed. Might even be a batch of dead black baby tissue in your bucket of chitterlings. In a perverse twist on the old Funkadelic album title, ‘America Eats Its Young’, we do it unknowingly.


We finally got hip to Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, and her profound hatred for us. In fact, her program of eugenics put in place to exterminate black babies was so impressive that Hitler adopted her genocidal model to use in his program to kill the so-called Jews in Germany.  Excuse me, but let me regress for a second and tell you what Hitler did. It can be verified. I will also provide a link where you can find this info about RNA Interference Technology. Anyway, when Hitler started killing the Jews, his generals got nervous because they didn’t want to have any part of killing God’s Chosen People, so they were hesitant because they didn’t want to anger God.

What Hitler did was to call a meeting of all his top generals and told them not to worry because they were not killing the people of the Bible, they were killing ‘bastards’ or imposters. He said that the white people he was killing were not the true Jews. He said that it would be America who would suffer because they were the ones who had enslaved and mistreated the real Children of The Bible, Yep, Hitler knew that we were and are the real Jews. He knew dem imposters over in Israel had hijacked our identity. Same thing with the Prime Minister of Egypt from decades ago who, when asked if the Jews in Palestine would ever find piece, Gamal Nasser told Time Magazine that the so-called Jews who now occupy Jerusalem will never have peace because THEY LEFT BLACK AND CAME BACK WHITE!


And this is why I write. To impart info that may prove vital to our survival. I don’t give a damn about writing about how much dope I sold or how many women I have been with, or how many heads I had to crack in the streets. It’s useless info when we are under attack as we now are.


Like Carter G Woodson said: “America has spent more money hiding our history from us than it spent on NASA.” Ain’t gonna hit you with no religion but what about this science. Once upon a time, for some reason, scientists wanted to compare the skull of a Hebrew slave in Egypt to other skulls of black folk because they figured that all the skulls should be identical since they were both African, but they got a shock when they discovered the skulls were distinctly different. Hmmm, they were puzzled. And then they matched the Hebrew skull with the skull of a brotha from here. They matched. The skull from a Hebrew slave and the black soul brotha in the States were identical, meaning that they were the same people. Okay, now they were at a racial crossroad because apparently all blacks were not one and the same genetically. This challenged the view that all blacks descended from Ham. I am not getting into religion because as Brother Troy said, it’s too opinionated but I am willing to stake my life on what I know about who we are as a people. We Dem People!


Here’s a bit of science, though. Once upon a time, not too long ago some brothas in Africa were talking that talk about they were the true Jews of the Bible and leading Jewish scientists and scholars had a good laugh over this and decided to shut these brothas up once and for all. So, they took DNA samples from the Lembas, the African tribe, and they also took DNA samples from the so-called  white Jews. I don’t have to tell you what happened. Through this DNA research, it was scientifically proven that none of the samples taken from the white control group could be traced back to the bloodlines of the ancient Jews. Guess what, the bloodlines of the Lembas connected them back to the people of the Bible. The white Jewish world was stunned. If they were not the Children of Israel-----who was. The Lembas?


What is so important about the Lembas is that they are, in all actuality, members of the larger Bantu tribe of West Africa. Know who else came out of the Bantus of West Africa. That’s right----us. That’s why when you trace your DNA, it usually will lead you to West Africa to the Bantus.  


As you can imagine, they took DNA samples from the Bantus and it should come as no surprise that the bloodline of these Africans could be directly traced back to the Jews of the Bible. And this is science and well-known. If we came from the Bantus and they are direct descendants of Abraham, then who  are we? WE DEM PEOPLE!

Want more history. Try this. Better yet, look it up. In the 8th century, a king named Bulan converted to Judaism. He was a Khazar from Europe and his kingdom was sandwiched between Islam on one side and Christianity on the other. Both Muslims and Christians told Bulan that because he was a pagan, they couldn’t trade with him so he would have to choose to be Muslim or Christian.  Bulan was sharp, knowing that if he chose Islam, the Christians would cut him of and vice versa, so he made a power move. He accepted Judaism, the only other monotheistic religion. This way, he could trade with both.


King Bulan then invited real Jews into his kingdom to teach them our religion. These are the same fake Jews that are over in Israel now. They are Khazars or Askenazi Jews who converted to the religion. They converted and the historical record on this is openly clear. If they are not real-----who is. Us. We Dem People!


The Jews control the media, TV, newspapers, publishing, etc. Therefore they control what we learn and they don’t want us or the world to know they are masquerading as us. Who financed the slave trade? Jews. Look at what happened to Nick Cannon a few months ago when he spoke out about us being the real Jews. They threatened the brotha and chumped him on national TV. In response to that, I wrote a book that clearly made the point about us being DEM PEOPLE. I released the book last month and gave it away free, but I had problems with promotion because on FB and other platforms, if you make statements about the so-called Jews you get flagged as anti-semitic and your content is disallowed.


That was my original implication when I first mentioned that the platforms for black lit was shrinking. I spoke from personal experience. That is why we need platforms to share our info without outside interference. What if what I say is true. At least, you will have the chance to make a decision yourself. In these days and times, we can’t afford the luxury of turning up our noses at shit that doesn’t sit well with what we have been taught. Research first. Do your own due diligence to see what’s what. What could be worse than having info that could help us but we chose to ignore it


Let me throw this at you. While researching the book, I stumbled up on a way to see who we are just from common knowledge. Gotta use a lil scripture. Bear with me. In the Bible, God refers to the women as The Daughters of Zion so if we can somehow find out who these women were, then maybe we can locate the men.

These women were so fine and phat that God had to check them for flaunting their great beauty. God said that because The Daughters of Zion strutted around with their necks outstretched, switching as they walked, He had to tame some of that flavor. What did He do? He punished them by stopping their hair from growing. Instead of well-dressed hair, they would suffer baldness and other hair issues. Now, you tell me, what  women on the planet suffer from hair issues. Isaiah 3:15-18. Just a lil something if you believe in the Bible.


I done got started so let me finish before you pull out your knives to cut this up. Here’s a snippet from Zondervan, the leading authority of biblical stuff.

Zondervan’s Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham / not the Negroes


Zondervan’s Compact Bible Dictionary:

Ham – The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites.


According to this, Ham was the daddy of Africans; Egyptians, Libyans, and so forth but there were some more darkies out there, THE NEGROES. Were we not called Negroes at one time? Wonder why. There’s more: This is an early map of Africa and if you want to look, you can find a place called NEGROLAND on the map.

 I would guess that is where the Negroes lived. The dude who did this map was the premier map-maker of his time. He always got it right.  Once these maps were done, they were signed which was like the seal of  a notary declaring the map was true and authentic. About a hundred years later in 1848 in Berlin,  Europe divided Africa up , changing the names to the Belgian Congo, The French Republic of Dahomey, etc. Erased Negroland out of existence.

If you look, you will see that Negroland is on the West Coast where we were picked up from. There is a book from 1930 called HEBREWISMS of West Africa where the writer states that “THE SLAVES MARKETS OF WEST AFRICA WAS FILLED WITH BLACK JEWISH SLAVES!  He was emphatic that these were not just black slaves but black Jewish slaves.




One Last thing is this  

Let’s apply common sense. This is what the Pharoahs looked like back in the days. They were black.  If God is All-knowing and All-wise, why would He send a cracker baby to hide with brothas? Next month, in every black church in the world, you gonna hear about how ol’ King Herod took out a hit on Jesus, but God spared Jesus by telling Joseph to flee into Egypt to hide. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that Jesus would have to have been black if he was to hide in Egypt where everyone was darker than blue


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Extremely informative article brother!

I've been saying for decades that they have been genetically engineering foods that will benefit THEM and harm our people.

Why do you think there are so many White women walking around with wide hips and big butts bouncing and shaking them in your face today?
They didn't look like that 30 years ago, why now?
And on the flip side, I've seen quite a few AfroAmerican women who seem to have LOST their butts and not have flat butts even when they are fat!
But when you look at the sisters from Africa they STILL have the big butts, wide hips, and other curves.

I remember when most Black men were SKINNY like J.J.
40 years ago, you didn't see all these big fat sloppy looking brothers bouncing up and down the street today.

Something is clearly going on.


But people like Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, and Elijah Muhammad have been telling for over a hundred years to DO FOR SELF and grow our own foods!

See, when you stop being lazy and waiting on the devil to do for you what you SHOULD be doing for yourself....you avoid those type of problems.

AfroAmericans have been in this land for OVER 500 years.
I say "over" to avoid arguments about specific dates, as some people will argue that we came here during slavery while others will argue back that we were here thousands of years before....back and forth back and forth.

But regardless of exactly when we got here, the fact is we should have BEEN had our own farms, hospitals, medical centers, and medicinal factories instead of relying on Caucasians.



I would offer a little push-back on the notion that we as AfroAmericans are the "real Jews".


I know a lot of people have been saying lately that we are the "true Israelites" and "true Jews"; but based on my studies......

What Elijah Muhammad taught was actually correct.
Those people commonly called "Jew" (Yahoodi) are descended from the first Caucasians that Musa was able to civilize in the caves.  They were formed as a group to help civilize OTHER Caucasians (gentiles) and they became known as Yahoodi/Jews.


That's what it means by "chosen" people.

They were "chosen" by Musa and his crew because they were a little smarter than the other Caucasians, so they were chosen and left behind to help civilize the rest of them (gentiles).
To this very day when you look at them they are the leaders of Western civilization when it comes to science and literature.

Do you think this Western civilization was built and managed by the average sausage eating beer drinking White man?
All he has sense enough to do is go to work and follow directions.
It takes a powerful mind to build this world.

That's why as much as he tried to, Hitler wasn't allowed by the other Caucasian leaders to kill them off.
Like many other Caucasians, he didn't understand why they had so much power and wealth in society and got angry and jealous...but the OTHER Caucasians leaders did!
And they knew that if Hitler had succeeded in doing that crazy shit he tried to do....Western civilization itself would immediately collapse because the "brains" would be dead.

Now, the ancient HEBREWS were and still are an African people.
But I'm not talking about them, or the Falasha/Beta Yisrael of Ethiopia.
I'm talking about the actual JEWS...they have always been for the most part Caucasian.
And keep in mind, I'm talking about REAL Jews not some negro who read the bible and decided to grow a beard and wrap a towel around his head trying to be all that he can never be, lol.

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