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Buyer’s Remorse

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Buyer’s Remorse

A few weeks ago a large portion of Black voters decided that the strategy to oppose both Donald Trump and Joe Biden was not an option for them in the 2020 presidential election.  Perhaps, some of them may be experiencing buyer’s remorse.  Recently, an audio-recording began to circulate with President-Elect, Joe Biden berating a group of Black people with tone and tenor of an Overseer or Slave Master.  In the audio, Biden could be heard banging on something as he spoke.  A typical behavior when a person is speaking with a lot of emotions.  It was clear that Biden had a lot ofemotions ‘against’ the Blacks in that meeting.  He told them, not suggested, that by 2040 white people would be a minority in this country (regime) and that ‘you’ Black people were going to have to work with Hispanics which will be a larger Ethnic group by that time.  The nerves of this old senile man, lecturing Black people.  But, is anybody surprised?  His tone was similar to that Obama when he spoke to the students at Morehouse College and Howard University.  As stated in the essay ‘Black First,’ Joe Biden is more dangerous than Trump because of his background as the architect of crime bills his whole political life.  Also, Biden, like Bill Clinton has no respect for Black people, regardless of the number of ‘Uncle Remuses’ aka Jim Clyburn clones who give them cover.  Joe Biden is keeping his promise to the Black community by not doing anything that resembles justice for the murders of unarmed Black people.  His administration is shaping up to revert back to the failed Obama Administration which widened the racial wealth gap with the ‘gig economy’ of Uber and Lyft which created more ‘white’ millionaires.  Biden did not wait until he has been sworn in as President before he shifted gears to his ‘anti-black’ agenda. After the official confirmation that he was the next President-Elect, Biden came out of the gate barking orders and declaring what he was and what he was not going to do.  Back in June, he stated that he was going to sign an executive order giving illegal immigrants (non-citizens) a pathway to citizenship in the first 100 days.  My guess is this is one of the things that he will be doing.  Biden seem to think putting Black faces in his cabinet equate to economic justice.  Let’s just say that we have to continue to remind the new administration that establishing policies that address our tangibles (Reparation: Checks and land re-allocation to start) and punishing the police for harming us is the justice we are seeking.  This is our square and we are standing firm on it. Biden’s administration is shaping up to be a 2.0 retrofitted Obama era; starting with the appointment of Susan Rice, the homily looking woman who threaten a rapper earlier this year when he called out Gail King for disrespecting the life of Kobe Bryant and his daughter who died alone with him.  Secondly, Tom Vilsack who fired Shirley Sherrod after receiving unsubstantiated allegations published by (anti-black) Brietbart News outlet when he served in the Obama administration. Also, there is talk about an appointment for Rham Emanuel, Obama’s former Chief of Staff, former mayor of Chicago and a total shady character who kept the murder of Laquan McDonald (a teenager) quiet until he had been re-elected as Mayor.  White Supremacy is the religious of all these people.  They serve at the pleasure and in the spirit of white supremacy; making sure Black people are always at the bottom of the American casted system and when it’s convenient they use other ‘tropes’ to access additional benefits in those ‘protected groups’ under the constitution.  Rham Emanuel’s brother Ari Emanuel has been a business associate of Donald Trump for years and that does not appear to bother Joe Biden who wants to appoint Rham to a powerful political position in his administration.  (chicagotribune.com) Joe Biden came out of left field in the audio to state that he was the only person in the debates who talked about the Charlottesville’s incident.  He used one of Donald Trump’s phrases, ‘nobody else talked about it’ referring to the 2017 incident in Charlottesville, VA.  Biden failed to mention that he nor Mr. Trump addressed punishing the police for killing unarmed Black people in 2020.  As I recalled, the Charlottesville’s incident was led by racist white nationalists, or neo-Nazis, or white supremacists; whatever the official title, they are all domestic terrorist groups whom the Federal government appear to be in lock step by allowing them to ‘legally terrorized the country under ‘The First Amendment.’ Although, Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam do not enjoy that type of liberty.  During the Charlottesville’s incident those Domestic Terrorists chanted “Jews will not replace us.” And to this day, I do not recall the Jewish community or the federal government denouncing all ‘white’ hate groups in America or making a public announcement that all of groups had been put the FBI list as Domestic Terrorists.  Two years after the Charlottesville’s incident, the federal, state and local political bodies of government cried foul with selective outrage in the New Jersey ‘bodega’ killing in December, 2019.  The white media, the officials from New York and New Jersey were on code as used a weak argument to link the shooter to a religious group called ‘Hebrew Israelite.’ (USA Today, nytimes.com) If that’s the litmus test to determine how a group is labeled as hate group, then every white and so-called Jewish religious organizations in America should be investigate for hate crimes.  The Proud Boys and other white militia groups have been reported to have ties to people who have attempted to overthrow the government, kidnapgovernment officials, shot up Walmarts and recently used their cars as weapons with the intent of injuring people.  They all should be labeled domestic terrorists.  Their acts were deliberated hateful crimes that would be considered terrorism if carried out in foreign countries.  Steven Millerand Jared Kushner are two white men from the Trump administration who are supposed to be participants of the Jewish religion but said nothing publicly against the white supremacist in the Charlottesville’s incident.  Perhaps two questions that should have been asked doing the New Jersey incident:  1. Did the killer have political ties to the injustice system? And 2. Was the killing a set-up to start a race war? A few month prior to the New Jersey shooting, there was another strange incident in Philadelphia, PA.  The date was August 14, 2019, a man was involved in a hostage situation in Philadelphia, killed six Philly cops, and later found to be a federal informant. (theappeal.org). When it was uncovered that he had tied to the federal government, the story died a quick death.  The enforcement arm of White Supremacy and its minions have the full protection of the President-Elect.  Joe Biden is the flip-side of Donald Trump.  We will see just how much disdain Biden has toward Black People when he takes office.  Perhaps it would be more advantageous if ‘Black’ Georgians boycott the upcoming Senate run-off election in January.  Biden has made it known that he has absolutely nothing positive for Black people.  So it’s time for more Black people to get on code with the Black First mindset and allow the ‘white people’ political infighting to commence.  Tribal infighting is what ‘pale-skinned Hybird Humans’ popularized as a nation.  We are not their referees, although they would prefer if we continue to be pawns in the self-destruction of the United (divided) States.  Black voters in the state of Georgia still have an opportunity to send a message to Jim Crow Joe Biden and the Democratic Party that the Black community is no longer buying what they are selling when OUR issues are ignored. iad2bfree@ioutlook.com 12142020  

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I have zero Buyers' Remorse.

Donald Trump is a dangerous demagogue who managed to get millions of his hateful supporters to actively participate in acts of violence and voter suppression. 

If you believe so many have the same feeling of loathing for both Trump and Biden, you may want to rethink your hypothesis. Because Biden crushed Trump by seven percentage points. That is near landslide territory and the same percentage with which Barack Obama whupped John McCain.

And voting for third party candidates who have no chance of winning is a foolish strategy. Butt hurt Bernie Sanders pulled this nonsense in 2016 and their refusal to accept defeat graciously led to Trump coming to power.

And what has Trump done? Constantly maligned Black Africa, undercut the Poor, the Disabled, the Elderly and the Ill at home. Started an unwinnable trade war with China, insulted NATO allies, used our military to help assassinate Muslim generals and nuclear scientists. Oh, what happened to ISIS? It's still hale and hearty despite Trump's promise to destroy the group within a month after taking his oath. So is Covid-19 is also still active which Trump swore was going to disappear in the summer of 2020.

This is what happens when people do not think about the consequences of voting for third party candidates. 

There was no alternative for Black people, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Our survival was at stake. We are still not out of the woods yet because our Community has been one of the hardest hit in this pandemic. And anyone who thought Trump was going to look out for folks in Blue States must be smoking some real good dope. 

Trump has always been a coddled and protected clown. Smart he is not. 

Trump failed.png

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No remorse here............

I didn't buy the garbage he was selling in the first place, lol

Although I've told people to be careful with putting so much trust in this audio recording because it sounds HEAVILY edited to me.   You can hear multiple voices commenting  on Biden's words.  I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be a compilation of different speeches infront of different audiences.

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