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Can wellness heal historical trauma?

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@Pioneer1 this is basically the same concept you assert regarding Black people.


You say it is because we've adopted a Eurocentric life style. I say it is because we live in a culture dominated by greedy people ... Most of whom are white I suppose.


At the end of the day the story is really that we, all Americans, eat too much an move to little. All the stuff about indigenous culture is superfluous window dressing. Just eat well and excerise.


They are an attractive duo...



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Right message.....wrong person delivering it.

Like Snoop Dogg trying to tell Cardi B not to degrade women, lol.

What she's saying is correct that we need to eat better and exercise but 2 things:

1. SHE isn't a Native America. 
She's a Caucasian women with maybe a TRACE amount of Native American heritage in her trying to claim a culture that doesn't belong to her.

2. Different races can eat different foods.
What may be healthy for Caucasians to eat and drink, isn't necessarily healthy for us as Africans to eat and drink.
For them, a tall glass of milk and an apple may be healthy.....it will give OUR people digestion problems.

We need to learn what type of foods are best for US and focus on eating THAT.

Also, I can let you in some SOME wisdom that I have from the ancients.............

We have had technology for BILLIONS of years that was and is far more advanced than anything in this current society today.
But we didn't always use it because we knew that in order to keep our bodies strong it was better to USE them!

We had vehicles that we could travel the ground, water, and air BILLIONS of years ago...but most people still WALKED to where they were going for exercise.

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Yes sir, right here on THIS planet...we call "Earth".

Can I prove it?
However just know the technology you're seeing is nothing new.
We gave the Caucasians the mathematics by which the technology they are using operates on today and it's only a FRACTION of the mathematics we had at that time.

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