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Click for more detail about Social Crisis and Social Demoralization: The Dynamics of Status in American Race Relations by Ronald Kuykendall Social Crisis and Social Demoralization: The Dynamics of Status in American Race Relations

by Ronald Kuykendall
Arissa Media Group (Jun 01, 2005)
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 This alternative perspective on the problem of American race relations takes sharp aim at the issues of status, power, and political class.Arguing that the racial problem is a political class conflict that must be resolved through revolutionary struggle, this insightful exploration adeptly unravels the complex interrelationships of status, political repression, and social stratification involved in American race issues. As the social crisis of race relations threatens to boil over in 21st century America, the content of this book is a critical look at the roots of the ?race problem” as a power dynamic and asks what solutions?if any?seem possible.

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