Cinque Brown
Cinque Brown is a native of Harlem, New York. He is a full time "Philosopher" and is constantly pondering the question of "Why this or that" for 23 hours a day seven days a week. There has never been a single year in his life since 1st grade in which he has not been taking a class or course in "something". Science and Technology are his favorite subjects but social commentary is his favorite past time.
Cinque loves to present his ideas through satire and parody. He admits to being eclectic and if he could only focus more on his self he might be able to find his "calling". If he was rich he would read all day, travel the world with the former Ms. Black America, maybe earn a doctorate in every discipline he thought was cool but he would still be preoccupied with the little things that make life interesting. Things like, putting his ideas on the AALBC so that all of the people who like to read them can see them.
If you are reading this you probably like books. Tell me what a person reads for leisure and I can tell you some things about that person. This rings true for books more than any other medium. If I tell you what ten movies I have seen the most what would you say about me ?
- Rocky 3
- Disclosure
- Star Wars
- Scarface
- Judgement Day - Terminator 2
- True Romance
- Ghost
- Boomerang
- Soldier’s Story
- New Jack City
1. Spook who sat By the Door by Sam Greenly
2. Autobiography of Malcolm X by El Hajj Malik Shabazz and Alex Haley
3. African Presence In Early America various authors Compiled by Ivan Van Sertima
4. African Presence In Early Europe various authors Compiled by Ivan Van Sertima
5. Black Women in Antiquity various authors compiled by Ivan Van Sertima
6. Superman to Man by J.A. Rogers
7. Isis Papers by Francis Cres Welsing
8. Assata by Assata Shakur
9. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goldman
10. Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fannon
Here at the AALBC we review and sell books. So come buy a book it could affect your life
forever :)
Cinque Brown
“The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his behind.” —Wolof Proverb
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