Book Review: A Man Most Worthy

Book Cover Images image of A Man Most Worthy

by Marcus Major

List Price: Unavailable

NAL Trade (Jan 06, 2004)
Paperback, 336 pages

Book Reviewed by Thumper

Imagine the man who has every material possession his heart ever desires. One day, after all of his battles have been fought, and the dragons have been slain, he longs to return to days when he was poor, happy and with the woman he loved. Marcus Major’s new, witty, smart, compelling and highly enjoyable novel, A Man Most Worthy, explores this intriguing situation. It is the stuff that makes for entertaining and timeless stories novels.

John Sebastian is a self-made millionaire. He owns a successful company, a mansion, expensive custom cars, and has a young, beautiful girlfriend. John has it all, and yet his life is empty. He goes home to Newark, NJ under the guise of expanding his company, but he has actually intends to find something he lost on his climb up — Josephine Flowers, the loving woman he allowed to slip away. He sets out to win Josephine back — despite her being married — and to prove to her that he is indeed, a man most worthy of her love.

A Man Most Worthy is a damn good novel! I literally could not put the book down. I started and finished the book in one 10-hour sitting. I didn’t want to be interrupted while I was reading it. I turned down the volume on my answering machine because I wasn’t going to answer the phone, and didn’t want to hear anyone leaving a message. It got so bad that I didn’t want to go to the bathroom. I held "it" for as long as I could before I sought relief.

In addition to the characters of John and Josephine, Major features their best friends, Jules and Gloria. The four characters were wonderfully crafted and Major brought new life to the overused "four friends" format by presenting them through a creative plot with intelligent and clever dialogue. The characters and storyline were as fresh as opening a window on a blue-green spring day.

I admit that I have become disinterested in characters that have money, prestige and position in high social circles. The market is oversaturated with books about them. The four main characters were financially well off and educated, yet their speech wasn’t stiff or grandiose. They used the everyday language that I speak at home. These characters were also aware that when its time to do business - it was time to do business. Their speech, conduct, and mannerisms acknowledged the difference between the office and home. The interactions among them were more reflective of my reality and I liked the characters more because of it.

Major produced wonderful situations that were insightful, poignant, dramatic, comical and full of emotion. The plot moved as if it was able to breathe, stretching out or contracting in, whichever was appropriate for the scene. I fell into the novel’s distinctive pace as easily as I falling into a dream.

I loved A Man Most Worthy! Major has already established himself as an incredible writer from his previous two novels, Good People and 4 Guys and Trouble, and short stories . A Man Most Worthy further validates his talent, and proves to be a "book most worthy" of my time.

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