Settler Colonialism in the Twentieth Century: Projects, Practices, Legacies
Edited by Caroline Elkins and Susan Pedersen

    List Price: $56.90

    Routledge (Aug 22, 2005)
    Paperback, 320 pages

    Description of Settler Colonialism in the Twentieth Century: Projects, Practices, Legacies by Caroline Elkins and Susan Pedersen

    Postcolonial states and metropolitan societies still grapple today with the divisive and difficult legacies unleashed by settler colonialism.

    Whether they were settled for trade or geopolitical reasons, these settler communities had in common their shaping of landholding, laws, and race relations in colonies throughout the world. By looking at the detail of settlements in the twentieth century—from European colonial projects in Africa and expansionist efforts by the Japanese in Korea and Manchuria, to the Germans in Poland and the historical trajectories of Israel/Palestine and South Africa—and analyzing the dynamics set in motion by these settlers, the contributors to this volume establish points of comparison to offer a new framework for understanding the character and fate of twentieth-century empires.

    book cover Settler Colonialism in the Twentieth Century: Projects, Practices, Legacies by Caroline Elkins and Susan PedersenAdditional Book Information:

    • ISBN: 9780415949439
    • Imprint: Routledge
    • Publisher: Routledge
    • Parent Company: Taylor & Francis