Book Cover Image of Genetics  by Christine Taylor Butler

by Christine Taylor Butler

    Publication Date: Sep 01, 2016
    List Price: $7.95
    Format: Paperback, 48 pages
    Classification: Nonfiction
    Target Age Group: Picture Book
    ISBN13: 9780531227794
    Imprint: Children’s Press and Franklin Watts
    Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
    Parent Company: Scholastic Inc.

    Paperback Description:

    Genes are the blueprints for all life. When scientists first began altering genes to change the traits of living things, they unlocked an entirely new branch of science: genetics. Readers will get an overview of the science behind genetics and find out how genetics have changed our world. They will also meet some of the biggest innovators in genetics history and find out where the field is heading next.

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