Book Cover Image of Street Fame by K. Elliott

Street Fame
by K. Elliott

    Publication Date: Jan 15, 2006
    List Price: $14.95
    Format: Paperback, 232 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780971769724
    Imprint: Urban Lifestyle Press
    Publisher: Urban Lifestyle Press
    Parent Company: Urban Lifestyle Press

    Paperback Description:

    There’s a lot going on from Charlotte to Miami to San Francisco — almost none of it favorable to Tommy ’Fatboy’ Dupree. While one man is sleeping around with Tommy’s live-in girlfriend, another urges a psychopath to rob him for multiple kilos. These men are…his friends…which means the worst is yet to come. Alicia Anderson’s beauty is off the scales. The physically fit college student has a father who is a real estate mogul, so she could care less about a fat boy named Tommy who deals drugs. However, this new woman challenges him to give up the illicit profession and invest everything in a California real estate venture. Their serious love affair is overshadowed by his inability to hustle up enough money to walk away from the game. And although Fatboy has a few tricks in store for all his backstabbing friends, the DEA has plans to throw a nasty twist in his story. But Fatboy has even saved one last trick for the feds. This URBAN SUSPENSE threatens to brind the underground to the surface.

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