Book Cover Image of My Wife’s Lover by R.M. Johnson

My Wife’s Lover
by R.M. Johnson

    Publication Date: Jun 12, 2015
    List Price: $15.00
    Format: Paperback, 242 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780989511452
    Imprint: Marcusarts LLC
    Publisher: Marcusarts LLC
    Parent Company: Marcusarts LLC

    Paperback Description:

    Stan’s wife Erica, told him she was pregnant by another man who wanted no part in raising the baby. Contracts were signed transferring custody and all fatherly rights to Stan. But three years later, he walks in his house to find his wife and her ex-lover in a compromising position. A horrible accident has happened and Michael, the biological father, wants his child back. Erica tells Stan she won’t let the boy be taken, but Stan finds text messages between Erica and Michael, finds proof they’ve been seeing each other, and wonders if Erica is planning on leaving him and taking the little boy to reunite him with his natural father. Abandoned as a child by his own father, and forced years ago to surrender custody of his daughter, Stan will do whatever he must not to lose his son, including taking a life.

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