Book Cover Image of Always Want More by Banke Awopetu-McCullough

Always Want More
by Banke Awopetu-McCullough

    Publication Date: Oct 29, 2014
    List Price: $14.99
    Format: Paperback, 276 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781634130974
    Imprint: Mill City Press, Inc.
    Publisher: Mill City Press, Inc.
    Parent Company: Mill City Press, Inc.

    Paperback Description:

    Tracy Mitchell’s rise in the hip-hop journalism world was swift and fierce. Having secured a position at her dream publication, Real, she hopes to write stories that make an impact. While the assignments are not what she envisioned, Tracy is lured in to the luxurious lifestyle of the hip-hop powerhouse subjects she meets. After a crazy, drug fueled night with one particularly famous artist, Tracy is blacklisted from the hip-hop community and banished to her home town of Rochester, New York. Tracy has a choice—she can resent what has happened or start fresh. Tracy chooses to try and make a difference; something she failed to do in the big city.

    Teaching English at the failing public school system, Tracy is finally on the right track. Just as things are falling into place, Tracy meets Oxford Quinn, otherwise known as “X.” Tracy falls into the same whirlwind lifestyle of her past, in the meantime unearthing the darker side of her hometown. Can Tracy pull herself out of her pattern of excess to finally live a life of peace and meaning? Or will she always want more?

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