Book Cover Image of Trapped in Love by Ernest Morris

Trapped in Love
by Ernest Morris

    Publication Date: Dec 12, 2019
    List Price: $14.99
    Format: Paperback, 220 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781947340503
    Imprint: Good2go Publishing
    Publisher: Good2go Publishing
    Parent Company: Good2go Publishing

    Paperback Description:

    Karma is just a young teenager who wants to have fun with her friends and become a lawyer someday. When she meets dope boy Jordan at a club and he buys her a few drinks, little does she know that he will become a major part of her life a few years down the road—after he is released early from prison with a little help from her. What starts as a casual friendship, with Karma and her family helping Jordan get back on his feet, quickly turns into a full-blown love affair between the unlikely pair. Jordan is hiding something in the relationship, though, and he knows Karma is as well. But there is one big twist no one sees coming—and Karma is a bitch!

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