129 Publications from Good2go Publishing an Imprint of Good2go Publishing

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Good2go Publishing

“Our goal is to provide an opportunity for prospective authors to help them fulfill their dreams of becoming a publish author and turning them into a reality. To date, we have helped over 10 authors become national best sellers including, Silk White, Mychea, Ernest Morris, Reality Way, Asia Hill, Jay Morrison, Jacob Spears, J.L Rose, and Jason Brent. Good2go Publishing has over 20 #1 Amazon bestselling books. In addition, we have three of the bestselling urban fiction series of all time. _Tears of a Hustler Pt 1-6_ by Silk White, _He Loves Me, He Loves You Not Pt 1-5_ by Mychea & _The Teflon Queen PT 1-6_ by Silk White. Our original goal was to reach 1 million sales worldwide, but since we've reached that goal the new goal is 10 million. Thanks to everyone for the love and support we really appreciate it.”— Ray Brown, Publisher Good2go Publishing

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