Mosaic Literary Magazine Issue #5
Edited by Ron Kavanaugh
Mosaic Literary Magazine (Mar 21, 1999)
Magazine, 56 pages
Description of Mosaic Literary Magazine Issue #5 by Ron Kavanaugh
Download a pdf version of the Spring 1999 Issue of Mosaic Literary Magazine or read it below.
E. Lynn Harris: Abide By Him
With his latest book Abide With Me E. Lynn Harris sits down to discuss his life as one of today’s top writers.
by Renee Michel
Lee Meadows by Mo Fleming
Getting Hooked
bell hooks is one of today’s most prolific writers on race and culture. Here we find out more about this professor and writer.
by Lynne d. Johnson
The Myth Of It All
Evangeline Blanco, author of Caribe, gives us alook at the use of myth and folklore in Latino literature. Thoughts On Hispanic Literature by Evangeline Blanco
Speaking Truth To Power
We profiled three writers who, throughout this century, have spoken to their generation:
James Baldwin by Kalamu ya Salaam
Zora Neale Hurston by Leah Mullen
Farai Chideya by Cynthia Ray
Abide With Me by E. Lynn Harris
Standing at the Scratch Line by Guy Johnson
Poetry “Loving You is Church” by Tara Betts
“Among Women” by Nicole C. Kearney
In the late 1990s Mosaic Featured the AALBC Crossword Puzzle
Launched in 1998, Mosaic Literary Magazine is a website and quarterly print magazine exploring the literary arts by writers of African descent. Each issue contains a unique blend of profiles, book reviews, and literature lesson plans.
Mosaic is produced by the Literary Freedom Project, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt not-for-profit arts organization that supports the literary arts through education, creative thinking, and new media.

- Imprint: Mosaic Literary Magazine
- Publisher: Mosaic Literary Magazine
- Parent Company: Literary Freedom Project