Mosaic Literary Magazine Issue #8
Edited by Ron Kavanaugh
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Mosaic Literary Magazine (Apr 21, 2000)
Magazine, 52 pages
Description of Mosaic Literary Magazine Issue #8 by Ron Kavanaugh
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[ c o n t e n t s ]
of this issue
the souls of black folk | 10
we profiled nine writers who
will make a difference in what
we read for years to come.
on the verge | 22
Marci Blackman "Po Man’s Child"
by Akilah Monifa
excerpt | 24
Po Mans Child
black literary rebirth | 26
various literary voices weigh in
on this black literary renaissance
what happened to ebonics? | 32
the ebonics argument might be quiet,
but its not dead.
by India Savage Anderson
Poetry Cookers | 20
by Gregory Powell
Lingo | 35
by Kireema Sprowal
crossword puzzle | 47
Launched in 1998, Mosaic Literary Magazine is a website and quarterly print magazine exploring the literary arts by writers of African descent. Each issue contains a unique blend of profiles, book reviews, and literature lesson plans.
Mosaic is produced by the Literary Freedom Project, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt not-for-profit arts organization that supports the literary arts through education, creative thinking, and new media.

- Imprint: Mosaic Literary Magazine
- Publisher: Mosaic Literary Magazine
- Parent Company: Literary Freedom Project