6 Books Published by Pneuma Life Publishing on AALBC — Book Cover Collage
No More Sheets
by Juanita BynumPneuma Life Publishing (Feb 28, 2001)
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Bynum’s companion to No More Sheets helps you name the coverings of bondage that are holding you back, tear them off, and replace them with the love of God! Her easy-to-follow interactive guide is filled with meditations, thought-povoking questions, and journaling space to help you reclaim your true identity in Christ.
The Juanita Bynum Topical Bible
by Juanita BynumPneuma Life Publishing (Feb 01, 2001)
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Juanita Bynum has developed this exhaustive reference to help you plant the seed of God’s word deep into the soil of your life. Use this comprehensive resource to grow to full maturity in your daily walk with the Lord. The Juanita Bynum Topical Bible leads you through the issues of life covering every aspect of your relationship with God and man. This handy book gives you daily direction on your journey through life. Use this book in moments of indecision to find breakthrough revelation. It is ideally suited for devotional and informational reading,as well as for in-depth individual and group study. The Juanita Bynum Topical Bible is the most dynamic biblical reference book you can not live without! The Juanita Bynum Topical Bible contains: Over 400 easy-to find topics; Over 5000 verses organized in a unique quick-reference system; Lively, relevant quotes from beloved Christians throughout the ages; More than 125 clarifying names of Jesus, each with a Scripture reference and much more.
Gifted: Discovering Your Hidden Greatness
by Jeff EdwardsPneuma Life Publishing (Feb 01, 2001)
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God has invested unique gifts and talents into every race and culture. In this book, the author calls attention to the particular gifts that God has bestowed on the black race. It is a call to the black race to reach deep into their treasures and discover, develop and, with excellence, release their gift to the King.
Don’t Get Off the Train: En Route to Your Divine Destination
by Juanita BynumPneuma Life Publishing (Jan 01, 1999)
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You are about to embark upon the most important journey you have ever experienced as you head toward your final destination in life.
Much too often we lose sight of our final course and get off the beaten path before we cross the threshold of our destiny.
Have you gotten off the train before arriving at your purpose?
Don’t get off the Train will guide hyou to your place of destination from start to finish. This book will energize you with an extraordinary ability to persist through life’s most difficult journeys.
Do you realize that every action you take in life becomes a cuase set in motion? So often, many of us get diverted from our destiny because our attention becomes divided. If we are not careful we become tragically " set off" off the tracks of the express train leading to our future fulfillment.
Prophetess Juanita Bynum gives you a refreshing approach to "getting back on track" and staying there. In this book, Prophetess Bynum gives you fresh oil that smoothes the tracks of your daily travel to restore and revitalize you. She is an incomparable messenger of hope and encouragement to empower you for every mile of your journey. This book will pick you up, put you in high gear, and set your wheels spinning in motion toward your ultimate destiny.
The Planted Seed: The Immutable Laws of Sowing and Reaping
by Juanita BynumPneuma Life Publishing (Oct 01, 1997)
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Book by Bynum, Juanita
The Call of God: Since I Have Been Called to Preach, Now What?
by Jeff EdwardsPneuma Life Publishing (Jun 01, 1995)
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Many are confused about their call to the ministry. Some are zealous and run ahead of their season of preparation while others are behind their time neglecting the gift of God within them. This book will help you to identify the call in your life and understand the development of the anointing to fulfill your call. Preachers are called but Ministers are made.